Thursday, November 7, 2019

Social Policing - So Not Your Responsibility

Society has conditioned us to believe that we are the police of other people's life. We stand in judgment on how people choose to live their lives and we go to great lengths to dictate what they should or should not do, ie religion, sexual orientation/ preference, lifestyle, etc. In essence we are playing the role of the Creator. It is not our job to tell or dictate how others choose to live. The Creator gave everyone of us the same gift - freewill. When we try to dictate how others should live we are infringing on their fundamental right to be who they choose to be. 

Oddly enough when others try to do the same to us, we get offended. "Who do you think you are to tell me what I should or should not do? This is my life." is probably what we say to anyone who interferes with our right to mange our own life. How hypocritical of us. 

Truth is if we focus more on policing our own life we won't have time to study other people. The time and energy it takes to police other people would be best spent policing ourselves. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you? )i(

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