Thursday, November 7, 2019

Religion: Fact or Fiction - You be the Judge

Hey there. I must admit that this post was triggered by a WhatsApp message I recently saw. It was a story about a mother who rescued her son from a burning building and got scarred in the process. The story goes on to share how the child grew up into a powerful man but was ashamed of his scarred mom so he excluded her from a public event. The story then goes on to compare the characters in the story with how the reader threats Jesus. It ends with the writer asking for an opinion to which I responded: 

"You asked for my opinion. So here it is.  My response is simply for you to research religion and you will find that we were given a religion by people who enslaved our ancestors to serve an entity that looks like and resemble them. It may be difficult for you to hear this. I know cause it was for me the first time I heard it. However I challenge you to research for yourself and you will find, both from a historical view point and a biblical view point, the many flaws in what we have been taught.  Starting with the fact that there was no letter "j" in the English language before the year 1611. So if there was no "J" before 1611 and The Creator existed before time itself, what was His/Her name? Something to think about. I'm interested in knowing what else you find out.

Personally, I'm on a quest to discovering the truth about EVERYTHING I was taught. I threw everything up in the air and the only thing that stuck is that there is a Creator. Everything else is up for debate because they are just things that was told/taught to me. Everyday I discover more truth and I've become a better person for it.  We've been exploited to believe in something outside of ourselves when the truth is the power lies within us. My life now speaks volume as I walk in my power. Namaste." It's easy to get caught up in other people's belief. How about exploring what you believe in for a change. You might be surprised at just what those are. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

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