Thursday, November 7, 2019

Live in the Present

Sometimes we get so bagged down with pursuing the knowledge of our ancestral past and focusing on the injustice that they endured that we neglect to appreciate who we are now and make strides to ensure that the past does not repeat itself.  

We pursue religious practices that further drive us further from discovering the truth about EVERYTHING we've been taught and our lives reflect a miserable existence. The truth is about breaking away from religion, learning and understanding your ancestral history, then discovering who you truly are and fulfilling your life purpose. 

Don't get so engrossed in the past that you neglect to live in the present. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #questioneverything #questfortruth #religion #ancestors #knowledgeispower #knowledgeiskey #iam #wakeup #truthrevealed #consciousthinking #higherconsciousness #power #takebackyourpower #awakening #happiness #love #compassion #hebrewisrealite #hebrew #faith #forgiveness #peace #acceptance #moveon #release #powerfulmind #purge

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