Thursday, November 7, 2019

Consciousness Tip: It All begins In Your Mind

As a society we have been conditioned to operate out of fear. We are motivated to action on what might happen, ie get health insurance in case you get sick, get home alarm in case someone brakes in, etc. Doctors tell us that we are prone to certain diseases because it "runs" in our family. Some women have not been able to have children because someone planted a seed of fear/doubt in their mind that they can not conceive. 

Some people are struggling with health issues because they believe it runs in their family and sure enough it came upon them. EVERYTHING you believe manifests itself in your life - good or bad. Your success or failure begins in your mind. If you believe you will be successful regardless of the task, you will be successful. Likewise if you believe you will not be successful, that will be your reality. 

Do yourself a favor and start believing you will be successful no matter the circumstance. Regardless of what people may say or how the situation may look, if you believe it is possible it will manifest. 

Stop letting fear and people's opinion dictate your level of success. Dare to have and do the impossible. Start believing in you. I'm just saying, I got issues - what about you?)i(

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #fear #sucess #consciousness #consciousthinking #awake #awareness #doyou #peace #elevation #believe #believeinyourself #selfawareness #selfcare #selflove #daretobegreat #beattheodds #mindfullness #mindpower #selfpower

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