Thursday, November 7, 2019

Experian Boost - Behind the Hype

I saw a commercial the other night promoting boosting your credit score instantly with Experian Boost. Apparently they are the only ones offering to use normally not reported payment history to boost your credit score, i.e., your rent, cellphone, and utilities etc. Sound great so I started to do it but as soon as they asked for access to my bank account an alarm went off in my head. Something about sharing my username and password for my bank account with complete strangers, no matter how well intended they may, be just didn't sit right with me.

Further research only yielded other pros and cons. Some of which did not sway me to try it. Still uncomfortable about sharing my bank log in information. Surely there is a better way to collect this information. How about making it where utility companies start sharing people's payment history with the credit bureau? 30 plus years of paying utilities should count for something especially when there was no break in service.

This may work for you, but for me I will pass especially when you consider all the cyber hacking being reported. This would put my bank account at risk and leave me with one more thing to worry about. It's a chance I am just not willing to take no matter what. So I guess I will just be going through normal channels to improve my credit score. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #experian #credit #utility #equifax #transunion #georgiapower #georgianaturalgas #gng #gap #comcast #att #dekalbcounty

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