Thursday, November 7, 2019

Social Policing - So Not Your Responsibility

Society has conditioned us to believe that we are the police of other people's life. We stand in judgment on how people choose to live their lives and we go to great lengths to dictate what they should or should not do, ie religion, sexual orientation/ preference, lifestyle, etc. In essence we are playing the role of the Creator. It is not our job to tell or dictate how others choose to live. The Creator gave everyone of us the same gift - freewill. When we try to dictate how others should live we are infringing on their fundamental right to be who they choose to be. 

Oddly enough when others try to do the same to us, we get offended. "Who do you think you are to tell me what I should or should not do? This is my life." is probably what we say to anyone who interferes with our right to mange our own life. How hypocritical of us. 

Truth is if we focus more on policing our own life we won't have time to study other people. The time and energy it takes to police other people would be best spent policing ourselves. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you? )i(

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

I am Living Not Surviving

Too many times I hear people say they are a "survivor" and they wear it like a badge of honor but their lifestyle reflects one of struggle and barely getting by. They are miserable because every day is a challenge to stay on the top side of the earth. They have not learned how to let go of what they are a "survivor" of. While I too am a survivor, I choose to live. No matter what comes my way I am determined to beat the odds. My aim is not only to just survive it but to live through and after it. My purpose is to live my best life - period! I challenge you to do the same. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

#higherconsciousness #consciousness #consciousthinking #yahsdaughter863 #powerfulmind #realtalk 

#spirituality #spiritual #spiritualawakening #higherpower #igotissues #yaminah #behappy #truth #wakeup #survival #destiny #liveinthenow #integrity #yaminah89 #iam #iloveme #ilovebnme #liveandletlive #lifestylechanges #survivor #universe #theuniverse

© Copyrights All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Break the Cycle of Poverty

Too often we see grown folks falling all over themselves trying to cater to their parents financially, ie buying them the latest gadget, trips, house/car upgrades, etc. Even living their lives by their parent's standards, i.e., doing what their parents wished they had done themselves when they were younger. This may include going to college when what they really want to do was to become an artist or start a band. Some have no desire to be parents themselves but give in to the pressures of giving their parents grandchildren. As a result, they become unhappy adults who are just going through the motions of adulthood. Many have gone into unnecessary debt trying to maintain their parent-induced life-style. Moreover the constant pressure inflicted by their parents to send money on a regular basis can at times be very overwhelming if not downright stressful, especially if they are forced to make personal sacrifices to accommodate the request.

Personally I no longer believe it is the children's responsibility to take care of their parents. Whatever shortcomings their parents may be experiencing is a direct result of their poor planning - having children with the expectation that their children will grow up to take care of them. Everyone is given the same gift - this thing called "life". Why then is there an expectation that adults are to care for themselves, their children, and their parents?  How selfish.

Take a look at nature. We can learn a lot from animals. When's the last time you saw a grown bird feeding another grown bird? Or for that matter any other grown animal caring for another? You may see them grieving for a fallen companion but they only feed and care for their young. Within days, if not hours, birds fly, fishes swim, and dogs walk. They all eventually fend for themselves and you never see the cycle reverse itself. In fact when a baby bird reaches the stage where they are able to fly the mother bird pushes it out the nest. It will either fly or die. The mother does not interfere in the process nor does she continue to care for it once she pushes its young out the nest. Why then do humans, who by the way is considered to be the smartest of the species, have a cycle that goes backwards? The true order of things is parents have children, they provide, nurture, and care for them. There children in turn have children which they provide, nurture, and care for and so on and so forth. Now don't get me wrong, it's absolutely acceptable if an adult child wants to do something for their parents for whatever reason including illness, but it should be out of gratitude not obligation.

The cycle I've observed ever since I was a child growing up on the island is one where children grow up to take care of their parents financially which leaves them trying to maintain two households and most times than not it is their household which comes up short because the potential stigma/shame imposed on them by others for not providing for their parents is more than they are willing to endure.

My children did not ask to be here. I chose to have them but I'll be damned if I expect them to turn around and take care of me.  My adult children will tell you that I don't ask them for a penny, a nickle or a 50 cents even though I lost my job back in 2011. My children's resources is for them to support themselves and their children, not me. It is not their responsibility to take care of me financially. If they choose to give me anything it's of their own free will and not because they feel obligated. 

If parents would do a better job of managing their own finances and plan better, it would free up their children to be better able to provide for themselves and their children thus breaking the cycle of poverty. 

Proverbs 13:22: says "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children," So many of us don't know who our grandparents are let alone our great-grandparent. That's because they did not leave us anything except the legacy of looking forward to working to take care of our parents. Who wants to remember that? It is my goal to leave an inheritance for my grandchildren. My hope is my great-grandchildren will say one day, "first there was my Nana, then there was my mommy/daddy and I was born rich."

Break the cycle of poverty by raising your children to be self-sufficient and not to grow up to take care of you. This will allow them to be financially stable to take care of themselves and their family should they chose to have one. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #lovealone #creator #cocreator #doyou #happiness #thoughtsbecomethings #behappy #higherconsciousness #peace #yah #blessed #higherexpectations #bestlife #liveyourlife #selflove #selfcare #parents #parenting #selfsufficient #children #adulthood #adultchildren #breakthecycle #adulthood #poverty #deliverance #awakening #consciousness

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Unclog your Pineal Gland

Consciousness tip: The universe transmits everything we need to navigate through this life. Unfortunately for many of us, our receiver (pineal gland) is either turned off, clogged or set to the wrong frequency. 

That's because we've been conditioned to have a "separate-consciousness" meaning we believe we're separate from Source Energy instead of a "unity-consciousness" meaning believing we are connected/one with Source Energy. 

I encourage you to turn on your receiver and reconnect with Source Energy. Your life will be the better for it. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

#higherconsciousness #consciousthinking #yahsdaughter863 #powerfulmind #mindpower #healing #realtalk #realtalk💯 #spirituality #unplug #spiritualawakening #higherpower #igotissues #yaminah #behappy #truth #wakeup #unity #destiny #potentiality #healthybody #yaminah89 #iam #healthymind #ilovebnme #sourceenergy #lifestylechanges #acceptyourself #universe #pinealgland #knowledgeisthekey

© Copyrights All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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