Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Why You Do What You Do

I was washing dishes in the kitchen the other day when I was reminded of a time when I was a little girl on the island and how I had to draw water from a drum to wash dishes, among other things, because we did not have inside plumbing. We had a little wooden table that sat just outside our front door which we used to support a dish pan. I remember I used to wash all the dishes first, throw that water out, then put clean water in the pan to rinse the dishes before turning them upside down to dry in the afternoon sun. Then it dawned on me that I was still washing my dishes in a small dish pan all these years later even though I have indoor plumbing.  It was thought provoking.  I tried to remember a time when I did not use a dish pan to wash my dishes and was hard press to think of one. I had to admit to myself that I have always used a dish pan to wash my dishes. “Huh”, I thought out loud. “How interesting.” Come to think of it my daughter also uses a dish pan to wash her dishes and I wondered how much of that was as a result of her seeing me using one. So I decided to ask her. When I posed the question to her she asked it right back to me, “why do you use a dish pan Ma?” I thought she was being funny.  No I really want to know.” I told her. She then admitted that she didn't know why she did it either. Then  she proceeded to give me logical reasons why she thought she did it, like “Maybe there was no stopper for the sink”, that “it was more sanitary”, and “to conserve water”. All of which did not apply to me as I have always had a sink stopper as far as I can remember, my sink is kept in pristine/sanitized condition, and since my stopper does not leak, the water stays in the sink just fine. Based on our conversation I concluded that my daughter was doing it because she saw me doing it when she was growing up.  After not being able to come up with a reasonable answer for using a dish pan I decided that the very next time I wash dishes I would use the kitchen sink instead of the dish pan.  So I've been doing it for a week now and I must admit it feels a bit weird.  I can’t remember a time before this that I had not use a dish pan. In fact now that I think about it, just about everyone in my family uses a dish pan to wash their dishes, even my cousin Dahlia. Guess we have all been conditioned to do so.

It reminded me of a story I read somewhere, no doubt a forwarded email of some sort, where a woman was in the kitchen preparing a roast for the evening dinner when her daughter noticed that she took a large knife and proceeded to cut off the each end of the roast before placing it in a roasting pan.  “How odd.” She thought just before she asked her mom, “Hey Mom, why did you cut of the ends of the roast?” to which her mom replied, “I don’t know I have always done that. My mom did it so I do it too.” Determined to get an answer to her question, the young girl went into the living room where her grandmother was sitting watching TV.  She said, “Hey grandma, why do you cut the ends off the roast before you put it in the pan?” The Grandmother looked up from her TV show with a confused look on her face. “I don’t know” she said. “ I've always done that. I saw my mom do it so I do it.”  Now the girl was intrigued. She picked up the phone and called her great-grandmother at the senior citizen home.  When the attendant put her great-grandmother on the phone she said, “Hey Nana, why do you cut the ends off the roast before you put it in the pan?” Expecting to hear some great family secret she listened closely as there was a pause on the line, then her Nana said, “So it could fit in the pan.” Funny, huh? For three generations the women in that family passed down a ritual of cutting the ends off a roast because no one ever stopped to ask why. 

If I think about it long enough I am sure I can come up with some other things I do out of habit that has no real reasoning behind it. What ritual/tradition are you performing without knowing the reason behind it? It’s easy to adapt to things without questioning the reason especially when you perceive it to be harmless and no big deal. So much of who we are and what we do is programmed into us from when we were growing up. Unless someone challenges us or we challenge our-self why we do what we do, we keep on doing it without a second thought.  I’m just saying – I got issues. What about you? )i(

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