Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine’s Day – It’s not just for her

For years I've not been a big fan of Valentine’s Day and it’s not just because I have not been in a relationship for a while but more to do with my early knowledge of the history behind the holiday. This holiday event came about originally from the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15 to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility (Wikipedia). But like most pagan holidays which were renamed or dedicated to early Christian martyrs, Lupercalia was renamed in honor of Saint Valentine, a Roman clergy who lived in the 3rd century and who was persecuted and eventually killed/beheaded because he refused to support the ban on marriage. There are also stories of mass murders which also occurred around that time. While there are lots of people out there who do not celebrate Valentine’s Day for this very reason, there are others who choose not to because it is against their religion, i.e., Jehovah Witnesses. Then there are still a huge part of the population who chooses to celebrate the holiday either out of ignorance (they don’t know the history of the holiday) or because the origination of the holiday is irrelevant to them.  And yet there are others, who even knowing the history of the holiday, are still advocates for love and thus welcome the opportunity to show their devotion to the person they are involved with, especially on this day. Either way this is a huge day for merchants. There are reports that people were out in groves days leading up to the 14th buying up cards, flowers, teddy bears, candies, and anything else that remotely represents love.

I’m not sure how this became a holiday event where women were lead to believe that it’s all about them, but it seems like for as long as I can remember boys/men were the ones dishing out the “love” on Valentine’s Day. But isn't that a bit one-sided? Don’t men desire expressions of love too? Granted that some men may turn their nose up at “mushy” expressions of love, but I am sure deep down inside they would welcome the gesture. There are some who may argue that they don’t need a specific day to show that they love their mate and/or, for that matter, that they expect expressions of love every day. While I agree that love should be expressed every day, the question then arises do they actually express their love to their mate every day? When was the last time you sent your man some flowers, gave him a card, or some other small trinket that signified how you feel about him just because? The truth is most women believe and expect Valentine’s Day to be all about her and maybe that was how it started out in the beginning. But with everything else, things evolve. So why not let this holiday evolve into a two-way street of expressive love where you both honor each other?

So if you have never done anything special for your man on Valentine’s Day to express your love and appreciation for him, may I suggest that you use this one as a starting point.  There is so much you can do to show him that you love and appreciate him. While you should be doing these things throughout the relationship, here are just a few suggestions. You can: send him some flowers – your local florist would be happy to help you select a nice arrangement that is masculine specific/appealing; give him a card or write him a personal note that expresses how you feel about him and what having him in your life means to you; cook him his favorite meal if you know how to cook. If you don't order "take-out" and put it on your best china and when you are sitting across the table from him, be sure to be wearing something nice that is easy on his eyes; make him a bubble bath and add some rose peddles or scented oil to the water; give him a foot or back massage with some exotic oil just before turning in for the night; take  a trip together to an "adult" novelty store and pick out something naughty that the two of you can both enjoy, and finally wear a sexy teddy or lingerie in his favorite color to bed, it may just extend your evening. Not only will he get his, but you may get yours too - lol. Remember, these are just some suggestions. You know your man better than I do, so you may already have other ideas you know he would like. If not, brainstorm. I’m sure you will come up with something. 

Bottom-line, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and relationships regardless of it's origin, and while you should be showing your love and affection to each other every day, it’s kind of nice to have a special day to honor that love. So for those of you who say you don’t need a special day to celebrate your love, think of it like this: it’s like celebrating your birthday, hopefully you celebrate life every day, but you look forward to your birthday to celebrate your birth; or like your wedding anniversary, hopefully you celebrate your union every day, but you look forward to your anniversary date to celebrate your union. I’m just saying – I got issues. What about you?)i(

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