Monday, February 11, 2013

What you think about you bring about

Have you ever heard of the “Law of Attraction”? Well it’s the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results, i.e., if a person opened an envelope expecting to see a bill or a check, then according to the law of attraction, the envelope would "confirm" those thoughts and contain a bill or a check respectively when opened.  Although there is no scientific basis to support the law of attraction, there have been countless incidents where people reported it does happen. Fact is, if you think about your life and your thought process, whether you are a positive or a negative thinker, you will no doubt realize that your life experiences line up with your expectations – your thoughts. You drew everything you have to you, i.e., the job you have, the car you drive, the clothes you where, the relationship you are in, even the place you live. You drew it to you by the law of attraction – your thoughts.

Personally I believe that this is a true law of the universe because once I was exposed to the concept and understood how it worked, I could look back on my past experiences and see how my thoughts did influence them. The truth is without even knowing of the law of attraction it was always operating in my life. It is as though my life was on auto-pilot where my expectations, good or bad, came to past. For instance, there were times when I was driving down the road and I would think, “I hope I don’t get a flat tire” and not two minutes after that I got a flat. Or I’m driving in the car with my mom to the local K-mart and I’m using one hand to steer the car, which by the way I still do, and she said, “Aw style you aw style off? You suppose to use two hands or you gonna have an accident.” Not even five minutes after she said that we were in a wreck. And then there was the time I interviewed for my last job and I really wanted it. I saw myself in that position and even after I was not selected I still believed I would get it. Six months later I got a call from the company offering me the position. I was so excited because even after hearing the position was filled I had still believed it was my job.
Once I was exposed to the law of attraction, however I started to make conscious efforts to think and expect more good/positive things. Like when I started that new job that was housed at the mall, I was hard pressed to find parking close to the entrance, but once I started expecting to get one I did, to the point that I would actually visualized a space on the front row and it would be there when I got there even on those days when I was running late. Sometimes when I got there, someone was just pulling out and I was able to pull in.  I got so excited that I started applying it to other areas of my life. You know how you go to bed the night before telling yourself you don’t want to be late to work or some appointment you have the next morning? What happens? Not only may your alarm not go off because the electricity went out during the night, but everything that can happen to make you late happens including that wreck on the interstate, you can’t find your car keys, the car won’t start, one of the kids can’t find their shoes or their book report. Fact is by thinking about being late you started the motion to ensure that you would be late. It does not matter that you said “don’t want to be late” all the universe heard was “late” so it focused on doing everything to make you late. So I started expecting “to be on time” and I was surprised but mostly excited that I would be “on time”. There were a couple of times I actually woke up late but I told myself I was going to make it on time and if I ran into traffic, I would see it moving in my mind’s eyes and it would move enabling me to make it to work on time. I got so good at it to the point where I could time myself and would arrive to the minute. “Wow” I thought, “there is something to this positive thinking thing.

Yes this is a powerful law and once you understand that your thoughts bring what you expect to you, it would benefit you to start expecting what you want instead of what you do not want. Still skeptical? Okay, let’s explore another angle.  Think about your life right now. If you are single and desire a spouse, what type of prospects are you being exposed to? For me I was focusing on what I didn't want – short men. Guess what? That’s all that was coming my way. Once I started focusing on what I wanted – a tall man – I started seeing more tall men. Now I am focusing on the other attributes I want in him. What about those of you who seem to always be in a bad relationship? I am reminded of a story of a young lady who grew up in an abusive household. She witnessed her mom going from one abusive relationship to another and she vowed she would never be with a guy who hit her, but try as she might she too found herself going from one abusive relationship to another. I offer to you that she was focusing on what she didn't want and she unwillingly drew it to herself.

When you worry about things you have no control over you bring it faster to you, thus what you worry about you bring about. Fear is the primary energy that speeds up the manifestation of your thoughts.  Your fears are a strong magnet for attracting to you the things you don’t want. Think about what you are afraid of the most and if you are honest with yourself you may realize that you are living it. Mine’s was not having enough money to pay my bills. Most times when I got a bill it’s not due until the end of the month, but what did I do? For the next 30 days I thought about how I didn't have enough to cover it and I worried about how I was going to get the money I needed to pay it. Chances are when the due date came I still didn't have the money to pay it in full. But after being exposed to the law of attraction I decided to trick my brain. I would write the check out the same day I got the bill, place it in the envelope, and put it on the counter. Then three days before it was due, I would pray over it and drop it in the mail. By writing the check immediately it took that pressure off my mind by allowing me to think it was already paid. It took some practice to put it out of my mind once the check was written, but it became easier especially when the check cleared the bank. By writing that check it released my expectations/faith to the universe that I expected it to be paid by the due date.

You may have a good job making good money but you can’t seem to break even to the point where you may feel like there is more month than money where your bills are concerned. You go to the mailbox expecting bills and I bet you are not disappointed. Even when you are current on your bills something unexpected comes up which forces you to fall short at the end of the month, i.e., car broke down, unexpected medical bill, etc. Or maybe you find that you are always in relationships where the person you are with leaves you when your money runs out. So you feel the only way you can keep them is to not run out of money, but something always happens to put you in a position where you have no money, i.e., lost your job, health issues which prevents you from working, etc. so they leave you. As a result both of these cycles continue because you expect it. In either situation, do yourself a favor and change your expectations. Start expecting to have more money than month.

Whether or not you believe in the Law of Attraction, the fact is it is operating in your life every day. Every time you exhibit fear, worry about something, or expect something, you are summonsing/activating the law of attraction. Don’t leave your life up to chance. Take charge and make a conscious effort to live the best life you can have. I’m just saying – I got issues. What about you? )i(

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