Monday, November 5, 2012

Super Tuesday

Good afternoon my friends. It's a wonderful day in the ATL. It’s a little rainy, but a nice day just the same. Happy Super Tuesday! Just stop by to encourage you to not let the weather affect your decision to vote. This is a critical time in history for our country and while we were on a course that was set decades ago by previous administrations and our current President inherited a dozy of a mess, he has taken steps to try to stop the “bleeding” as it were and improve the economy for “all” of us. Yes, it has been slow going and some of you wish it would have been a “quick” 4-year fix, but the reality is even if he did not win last election whoever was in the President’s position would still be facing the challenges we are facing today because believe it or not our economy is tied into other countries economy and we can’t just “fix” ours without a direct correlation/collaboration with other countries (but that’s a whole other bowl of wax). The fact is our President needs our support to ensure he continues the work he began. 

Quite frankly, the next four years may not put us back into “Clinton” surplus, but it most definitely will keep us on that course. To that end, every vote counts. I know it can sometimes be easy to stay at home especially with the influence of the weather, but this is too important to leave up to “others” to carry the torch.  You have to do your part. You know you support him in your heart, so why not make the effort to go cast your vote? How sad it would be to sit in front the TV later tonight and discover that he lost because you and others like you did not make the effort. Again, I reiterate this is a critical time for US. You have seen what the other side is offering and we both know if they get control of the White House life as we know it will plummet and the outcome will be twice as devastating as it was under the previous two Bush administrations. So do yourself and me a favor, go out and vote. Take a friend. They’ll thank you for it. I’m just saying! )i( 

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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