Monday, November 12, 2012

Affairs of the Heart - An Excerpt

I’m writing a novel called Affairs of the Heart. Hoping to have it done by spring if not before. But here’s a little excerpt from it… Let me set the scene for you. 

Somewhere on the east side of town a 6 foot one, mocha colored, bald, handsome brother sits alone at a little round, white linen clad table in a cozy candle lit, semi crowded poetry café. He’s dressed in white linen, a herringbone gold chain with a single ancient Greek coin pendant dawns his neck.  He was looking so GQ leaning on one elbow with his legs slightly apart, while nursing a José Cuervo on the rocks with a Corona on the side. He swirled his drink nervously as he looked around the café. He was a little anxious because he was there on an invite of a mysterious note he found tucked among his mail at the studio. His assistant couldn't tell him who left it or where it came from.  He had come across it while thumbing through his mail and almost missed it because it was stuck behind a package that was probably left by some hopeful new artist who wanted to get their demo out.  There was only his name on the envelope and he was about to toss it, when he thought better of it and opened it to reveal a card stock pale-yellow note card. All it said was, “MEET ME AT SAMBUKA’S AT 9PM TONIGHT. I PROMISE YOU WON’T REGRET IT! )I(” There was no name or signature on the card, just the faint smell of some familiar exotic scent that his memory told him he had smelt before, but for the life of him he couldn't remember where or who he smelt it on. Oh it was driving him crazy but he figured he had nothing to lose by showing up. Besides, he had heard they had good food. As he sat there reflecting, he couldn't help but think that the place was quite inviting. The mellow sounds of Sax player Miles Davis is coming from some jukebox or mystery sound system off in the corner. The air is filled with a hint of lavender and lemon grass – the source, quite possibly the single lit candles on each of the dozen or so tables that populated the café. Soft laughter from a woman resonates – like an echo around the room as a result of some guy whispering in her ear. 2sDay’s mind was reeling as he took inventory of his surroundings. Just then the host sprints on stage and takes the microphone. “Good evening everyone and welcome to Sambuka’s where the night is young and anything can happen.  Tonight we have a treat for you. All the way from Aruba, by way of Atlanta, GA is the very talented Jasmine St. Johns, but she goes by her stage name, “Jaz”. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together and help me welcome to the stage, Jaz”. The room ignites into applause and out she steps on stage wearing a soft sheer pale yellow chiffon flowing dress that hugged her curves in all the right places as it cascaded down her hips and laid ever so softly just below her knees. The plummeting neckline barely covers her breast, and as her chest heaves up and down with each breathe she took, it appeared that she was teasing the on-lookers with the possibility of even more exposure. The candlelight casts a shadow that danced on her face and it looked like her eyes were gleaming directly at 2sDay. Her hair flowed loosely over her left shoulder and dangled just below her hip. As 2sDay ‘s eyes continued to survey her, they moved all the way down to her gold slipper clad feet which revealed perfectly painted fuzzy navel toes. Oh yeah, he knew exactly who she was and his heart leaped with delight. With very few words Jaz thanked the audience for the love and proceeded to walk them through her latest inscription of love and inspiration…” Tuesday Luv You Excite me”. With three quick finger snaps on both hands she began to share the following: 
Tuesday Luv You Excite me.

What is it about you that excite me so? 

What is it that causes you to invade my sleep forcing me to be awaken by the violent beating of my heart in my chest? 
My pulse races and my body calls for you and I am forced to ask myself
“What is it about this man that captivates my mind to the point that he’s never far from it?”

Awww, you excite me – but why? Honestly, I haven’t a clue
All I know is that my body comes alive at the mere thought of you. 
You’re like a mental drug that intoxicates my senses, stimulates my desires and sends me on a mental journey forward in time to that first time I will lay next to you. 

The feel of your hands on my hip, the sound of your shallow breathing in my ear, and the feel of your warm breath on the back of my neck all does things to me that I swore I would never allow myself to feel again. But yet, here I am experiencing all the sensation that comes from allowing myself to release control and to allow all the feelings, that up until now, I have been able to successfully contain. 

Oh yes Tuesday Luv, you excite me and while my brain knows you are on a course to secure that paper and probably won’t have time to pursue a relationship with me and that you and I may never be, my heart takes comfort in knowing that there is a place in time where I can go in my mind where there is no rejection only acceptance. Where there is no criticism, only appreciation. Where there is no judgment only adoration. Mmm, yes you excite me…. 

With three snaps and a pause, Jaz hung her head and bowed.  The crowd applauded as they rose to their feet. “thank you, thank you so much.” Jaz said as she made her way off the stage and into the arms of 2sDay who was standing with his arms outstretched towards her. He wrapped his arms around her and as they embraced, he whispered in her ears, “I never knew you felt that way. That was so nice to listen to.”
That’s it folks. You’re going to have to get the book to read the rest…lol )i(

Copyright © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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