Monday, November 12, 2012

For the Love of Plants!

Good morning It’s another beautiful day in the ATL.  My weekend was fabulous. Didn't go dancing like I wanted to but I got a lot accomplished around the house, i.e., washed the car, cleaned the gutters, etc. which is no small feat when you take into consideration how chilly it was Saturday morning. But as you may know, if you live in Georgia, you can’t really expect/depend on the weather to stay the same all day. So by mid-morning it had warmed up considerably and turned out to be a great day.
I like plants and over the years I have collected quite a few – all sorts. In fact, I have a few that were dropped off by friends/or family members for me to “nurse” back to health. Thus my house is sometimes called “the healing house”.  One of the things I got done this weekend was to bring them in for the winter. The only problem is it is a struggle for me to bring the four “big” ones in by myself so I solicit the help of a friend.  I have 2 fica trees that are over 6ft tall (I've had one for 14 years and the other for 16 going on 17 years); a 7-ft+ cactus/Kasha tree (had him 15 years), which I call “grandfather because it reminds me of the fence my grandfather planted around his house in Willikie’s Village, Antigua. He is deceased so it’s sort of a tribute to him.  Than I have this other 6-ft+ tree that I have no idea what the official name of it is although I have seen it inside some of the more popular malls (that’s it in the picture, 1st one left of the coconut tree). I actually rescued it about 14 years ago from the trash one winter as I was driving home from work.  I remember my ex-husband telling me, “you always rescuing the perishing and caring for the dying.” when I brought it home. 


Funny, my relationship with that tree lasted longer than my marriage - lol. Anyway, I also have a coconut tree that’s about five or six years old. Planted it myself from a dry coconut a friend gave me from the islands. It’s still sitting outside along with about a dozen other smaller plants which I will bring in over the next few weeks.  I have to watch the weather though because I can’t risk losing this one as it’s my second attempt. The first one died after being left outside overnight when we had one of those unexpected temperature drops – in April no less.
But before I can bring them in I have to do some winter maintenance on them to ensure their survival. The first thing I do is re-pot the ones who have outgrown their current pot. You can usually tell that their roots are touching the bottom of the pot because the edge of their leaves will turn yellowish/brown. Once that’s done, then I water them real good with a mixture of lime salt and plant food. I sometimes put a little Epsom salt in water as well to help re-generate the soil. Then finally, I spray a little plant and garden pesticide round the base of the plant to ensure no critters are taken in with them. Last thing I need is a spider or some other bug taking up lodging in the house for the winter. Make for a skittish night if I should happen to see one while heading to the bathroom one night – I’m just saying- lol. I usually do this maintenance process about a few days before I bring them in, this way the plants can drain fairly well and I won’t have too much mess to clean up as the 4 big plants have to be brought in on their side because of their height. Anyway, this weekend my friend Jaye, came over and helped me bring them in - thanks Jaye.

The good thing is that they don’t just sit in the corner taking up space either. I usually string some lights on them and they give the house such character for the holidays. Yes, I have quite an attachment to my plants. I find it relaxing to tend to them. I'm just saying. I got issues, what about you? )i(

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