Friday, March 22, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness: You Should Try It Sometime

It never fails – whenever someone hears that I have not worked in almost two years their very first question is “How do you survive/live?” To which I say, “God provides for me.” It may seem a bit cliché but it is the truth. I can’t really explain the “how”, beside “the grace of God”, for the fact that I live every day without need or want. But if I was to venture out and try I can only trace it back to the fact that I have engaged in random acts of kindness for as long as I can remember. Even when I was not very “spiritual” I frequently did things for people, strangers even, with no expectations of a return. For instance my earliest memory of doing random acts of kindness was when I was a little girl and I would share the week’s groceries with the neighborhood kids. My mom did not like that very much. Then as I got older and moved out on my own I remember standing in  line at Pueblo – the local grocery store on the island – and the person in front of me was short and she asked the cashier to take some things off her bill in an effort to bring the amount down. Without even thinking I told the cashier I got the difference just as I pulled out my wallet to cover the difference. That scenario would play out many times over during my pre-spirituality life and far beyond.

Then after I gave my life over to the will of God I noticed that He would wake me up in the middle of the night by bringing someone to my mind’s eye along with a specific amount I was to bless them with. The amount ranged anywhere from $150 - $1,000. I remember the first time that happened I thought, “You must be kidding me, $300? I haven’t even paid my mortgage yet”, but reluctantly I would follow through and I would get confirmation that I was on the right track when the person I gave the money to would ask me how I knew that was exactly how much they needed. 
After a few more times of those type experiences I learned to not question God or the rationale of it anymore, but instead to trust Him completely and just obey. Truth is, I am a very giving person who has given away my last dollar without thinking twice about it. Not sure where I got that trait from but it is one that I happily embrace. However, what I didn't realize at the time was, even way back then my simple actions of obedience were me planting seeds that the universe would one day return back to me. It’s my season to now reap all the seeds I have sown over the years.

Yes, all those times I held up traffic at the intersection so I could reach out the window and hand the guy with the “homeless” sign at the side of the road a few dollars, or those times I walked up to a complete stranger and gave them a few dollars without them asking, are seeds I planted. Even today I was on the Marta train heading home from the Underground when a young girl entered the train. I don’t know what it was about her that caught my attention, especially since I was deep in meditation when I noticed her. My first thought was to give her a few dollars. I can only sum it up as God at work again. At first I thought maybe it was me and my humanitarian desire to save the world so I hesitated about approaching her. 
Then I said to myself, if she gets off the train at my stop then I’ll give it to her. However as I got ready to get off the train it did not appear that the young lady would be getting off. Without thinking I found myself opening my wallet and as I passed her I handed her the wadded up bills. She smiled at me surprisingly as I made my way off the train. As I turned towards the steps leading away from the train platform I heard someone behind me calling out to me. As I turned I discovered it was an older lady who was calling after me. When she reached my side she asked me why I gave her daughter money. I told her the truth, I didn't know. All I know is I had an unction to do so, which could only be the Holy Spirit. 
She hugged me as she thanked me for my kindness. As I walked away I couldn't help feeling like once again I was obedient and as a result, I will no doubt be rewarded in some shape or form. I recall my Bishop saying that if the money you have is not enough to pay a bill then it’s a seed and you should not eat your seeds. We all know about tithing and bringing your tithes and offering to the church. But I believe you can also sow seeds into individual people’s life and get a return.

Sure there are those who may judge me and at times try to undermine my lifestyle/beliefs. However, they can say what they want about me but one thing is sure; the evidence of God’s goodness in my life is irrefutable. I'm not telling you what I've read some place or what I've heard. I'm telling you what I know. This is my life. Even with no formal monthly income, God never ceases to amaze me as He continues to provide for all my needs. I owe for nothing except the house I live in and I am expecting that too to be taken care of shortly. Not only does He regulates my financial needs, but He regulates my health as well: 2007 I survived a stroke and was able to pull myself out of bed four days after it happened; 2008 I survived exploratory heart surgery where it was discovered I have a congenital heart defect and was told I would not live past 45, yet here I am; 2009 survived gall bladder eruption, didn't know it could do that; 2011 diagnosed with brain tumor; 2012 brain tumor shrank to size of a peas. He also regulates my utilities to the point that the utility company has changed both my electrical and water meters twice in an attempt to uncover the underlying cause for my low usage. It also challenges human explanation as to why, regardless of the situation I am faced with, the outcome continues to defy policies, rules, regulations, and laws as they all seem to work out in my favor. 

Simply put, I feel and live like a millionaire. I have no worries because God provides for me.  Random acts of kindness – yes there is no way to gauge the return or when it will come about, but just know that it will come and at the most unexpected time and from the most unexpected sources. If you can use a miracle in your life then start practicing random acts of kindness. It can literally change your life. I’m just saying – I got issues. What about you?)i(

Footnote 3/25/13: Random acts of kindness is not limited to just monetary or time constraints. It also includes doing the right thing. Like yesterday when I visited the local Walmart and noticed as I was leaving the store that the Red-box Kiosk showed a "return error". Apparently the person returning the movie did not stick around long enough to ensure that the disk was returned successfully before moving on. I pressed the button and the movie disk came out. It was Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part II - would make a great addition to anyone's collection. I opened the disk cover, re-positioned the disk so that the label was facing out, and re-inserted it back into the Kiosk. As I walked to my car, I couldn't help but think about how that person will never know how much money I just saved them. )i(

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

1 comment:

  1. Footnote: Random acts of kindness is not limited to just monetary or time constraints. It also includes doing the right thing. Like yesterday when I visited the local Walmart and notice as as I was leaving that the Red-box Kiosk showed a "return error". Apparently the person returning the movie did not stick around long enough to ensure their disk was returned successfully before moving on. I pressed the button and the movie disk came out. It was Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part II - would make a great addition to anyone's collection. I opened the disk cover, re-positioned the disk so that the label was facing out, and re-inserted it back into the Kiosk. As I walked to my car, I couldn't help but think that person will never know how much money I just saved them. )i(


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