Saturday, March 2, 2013

Fast Food - Fishy Stuff

I recently heard that McDonald’s was changing its menu by adding a few new things and also getting rid of some things. According to news sources, “McDonald’s is getting rid of its Chicken Selects and Fruit & Walnut Salad and considering cutting Angus burgers as it tries to freshen up its menu with more limited-time items.” They also went on to say that, “They recently introduced Fish McBites and are planning a new McWrap chicken sandwich that will be larger than its Snack Wraps.”  I found this very interesting especially since I had just mentioned to a friend that McDonald’s really needed to consider reinventing their fish sandwich because it really was not appealing nor was it a great value for the price. While it’s not on their list of “to do’s” I do hope they get around to it.

Truth is if you are a vegetarian there are not a lot of choices out there in terms of fast food. Personally, I don’t really do fast food but there are times, not very often, when I am on the road and pressed for time so I choose to do fast food. So on those days when I need something quick and in a hurry and depending on where I am I may grab a fish sandwich from McDonald’s, Checkers, Burger King, or Wendy’s.  So far, Wendy’s has the best fish sandwich and McDonald’s the worst, based on my experience. If you have ever had a fish sandwich from McDonald’s you can attest to the fact that it is a skimpy fish filet on a plain bun with tartar sauce and a sprinkle of lettuce. It doesn't even look like the picture on the menu board. Of course you can always upgrade the sandwich by adding tomatoes and onions for an additional cost.  But even then it does not greatly improve the sandwich.

This week, on what turned out to be my first trip to McDonald’s this year, I opted to try the Fish McBites. They were actually pretty good but I don’t think I will be doing fast food again anytime soon. For starters I noticed that I get an upset stomach/heart burn after I ate fast food. I always thought that it was due to the fact that I didn't have a gallbladder anymore so my digestive system was a little off.  But then it dawned on me that perhaps the reason I ended up with an upset stomach/heart burn after consuming fish sandwiches from a fast food restaurant, especially Checkers, was because they probably fried their fish fillet in the same oil they fried their chicken and hamburgers in. While I have no real proof that is the case, it seems highly likely that it is true. Think about it – do you thing they have separate oil for frying fish and other meat products? I don’t think so. I can’t risk it anymore. So until I know for sure, I think I'll check out Subway. I’m just saying – I got issues. What about you?)i(

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