Tuesday, June 23, 2020

WAPA's Attorney Racist Rampage

So I got word today about WAPA's Atty, Mark Kragel, who recently posted some racist comments on his fb page. I heard he litterally said f$@# #blacklivesmatters along with some other derogatory comments. I also understand that this is not his first offense.

While I can respect his right to share his opinion, VI residents also have the right to offer backlash through comments and/or boycotting his business as well as expecting WAPA to do something about it.  He has no business representing the VI in any capacity if that is how he feels about us. We are predominantly people of color and have fought tooth and nail to exist on these islands without racial discrimination.
One of the few things I enjoyed while growing up on the island was that there was no racial tension. All races coexisted peacefully. In fact I was never more aware of my skin color until I moved to Atlanta. It is here that I encountered racial prejudice for the first time in my life. It was here that my then 13 year old daughter came face to face with hate when 3 white boys threatened to hang her if she did not go back to where she came from. No doubt they meant Africa in their ignorance. It was tough trying to console my daughter while explaining to her why people who did not know her wanted to do her harm based solely on the color of her skin.
In a time where racial tension is high across the nation, there is no room for people in high positions to be adding to the flames with reckless comments. We as virgin islanders should have no tolerance for this type of ignorance. It is your money that pays his salary. So if he has no respect for us as a people, which is clear by his comment, then you should not support his business. The people of the VI deserve better. WAPA should know better. WAPA should do better. They can not look the other way because it "was a personal comment" and not delivered in an official capacity. We have been held hostage for way too long because of their monopoly, i.e., only electric company in the territory. So they have no motivation to do right by us, but we can still send a message with our voices, with our post, and with our votes. If WAPA really stands behind their slogan - "working for you" then they will do the right thing.

I am so sick and tired of people thinking it's okay to say whatever they want without any fear of repercussions or consequences. Then only making a retraction or half ass apology when or if it affects their pocket or bottomline. I am sure if we put our minds together we can come up with a way to pressure WAPA to do something about Mark. We are not completely helpless in this situation. Sure we need WAPA but they need us too. They depend on your payments just like you depend on their service.

Something has to give. How long will we continue to let people who have no use for us short of using our money to line their pockets get away with treating us like second class citizen? The time to act is now. The time for change is now. The time to do away with bigotry is NOW. I'm just saying - I got issues. What about you?)i( 

#blacklivesmatters #wapavi #usvi #racist #notolerance #igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #wakeup #consciousness #consciousthinking #bethechange #stopthehate #blackpeople #blackmen #questfortruth #imatter #black #peopleofcolor #speakup #knowledgeiskey 

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of I Got Issues, Inc.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Juneteenth - Real or Memorex

Juneteenth - never heard of it til yesterday during a conversation with my daughter. We were discussing her son's pending graduation for today. Then this morning I received a few text messages wishing me a happy Juneteenth.

While speaking with a friend earlier today the topic came up again. Where this come from and who decided to call it Juneteenth? There is nothing in the name that suggest abolishment or freedom for that matter. My friend decided to Google the teenth since we already determined that June was the 6th month of the year.

According to Wikipedia: "A sixteenth is a measure of mass, often of drugs, and is shorthand for a sixteenth of an ounce, or 1/256 of a pound, 1 avoirdupois dram, or 1.77 grams. Not to be confused with shorthand name 'Teenth' an abbreviation for 'Juneteenth', a period of time in June that was connected to the End of Slavery for many Black people in 1865 and also associated in misfortunate irony to the massacre occuring in Black Wall Street at Tulsa Oklahoma that occurred in 1921. The period of recognition and mourning occur between June 19-21 every year." Interesting.
How come I've never heard of it before now? Flipping through my Google calender on my phone, the first time Juneteenth pops up is June 19, 2018. Nothing before but every June going forward. Interesting.

Seems odd that this movement was adopted in Texas in 1980 and only now being focused on. Can't help but feel this is yet another attempt to distract from the nationwide protest of the killing of unarmed people of color or it could be a clever ploy to shed light on an otherwised ignored event. I mean 150 years is a long time for it to only now be making it's way into the spotlight.   Do you have any recollection of any civil activist, ie Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, etc. talking about Juneteenth? I'm just saying - I got issues. What about you?)i(

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of I Got Issues, Inc.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

T-Mobile Network Outage

Woke up yesterday to no phone service - so inconveniencing. I tried calling #tmobile customer service to no avail.  First call was met with a recording that they were experiencing technical difficulties and advised customers try their call again later. Other call attempts were met with "all circuits are busy". Then subsequently calls would fail to process all together - calls would just not go through. Sporadically I got notifications that I had voice mail but could not access them either. 

I would later learn that it was a country wide network outage. Perhaps it was a necessary outage for them to implement the widely anticipated 5-G platform/network they have been raging about.

Anyway, just before midnight I got a slew of text messages from people complaining that their calls to me were not going through. Based on greeting I ascertain they were sent earlier in the day. I called customer service today to request a credit for the no service period and the rep was very apologetic and more than happy to offer a credit to my account for the inconvenience.

I know a lot of people probably thought their phone was the issue and tampered with the settings. So I made a suggestion to the customer rep for upper management. I figured they became aware of the network outage at some point. Perhaps they could use the same or similar platform that state authorities uses to send out mass Amber alerts or curfew reminders to cell phone users in the event something like this happens again. They can use it to send a notice to let customers know the network is down.  This would really be helpful especially when customer service can not be reached. You may think this is impossible if the network is down but not necessarily. While the calling feature was impacted apparent emails and texting worked sporadically. Not sure how but it did.

I'm not sure if they will automatically apply a credit to customer's account since it was a network outage, so my advice is, if T-Mobile is your cell phone carrier, call them and request a credit for rhe day in question.  Better to call than get left out. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of I Got Issues, Inc.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Atlanta Under Siege – Protest or Riots

Across the country people are gathering to protest the senseless death of yet another black man - George Floyd who was killed in Minneapolis on Monday. The city of Atlanta is no exception. In fact, residents took to peacefully protesting outside the CNN building in downtown Atlanta yesterday. However by early evening things took a violent turn. Not sure how it started but by 11pm police cars were vandalized and set on fire, store fronts were smashed, and looting ensued.

Despite police presence and a few arrests, the crowd continued their relentless misbehavior. Police officers dressed in swat gear held their ground and pushed the crowd back to contain them. At times tear gas was deployed in an attempt to disburse the crowd. While the goal was achieved, it was only short lived as people would just move to another area to continue their rain of destruction. 

After police cars were set on fire in downtown Atlanta, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, addressed protesters and pleaded for them to go home. She said “if you love this city go home.” Rapper Killer Mike also addressed the crowd. Interestingly he had on a t-shirt with the words “kill your master” on the front. Not sure what that is about but it sure did not help matters any. Needless-to-say their pleas had no effect as things progressively go worst.

By 1am the violence spread to the uptown Buckhead area where looters smashed doors and windows to gain access to stores near Lennox Mall. Restaurants were also set ablaze. With all the mayhem that transpired, Governor Brian Kemp eventually dispatched 500 National Guard personnel to help restore order. Why did it take having Buckhead in play before he dispatched the calvary? I have my suspicions as to why. In the end the College Football Hall of Fame, the visitor center and other structures all suffered damage during the protests/riots. 

While I understand the frustration many are feeling in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd and the numerous other black men before him, at the hands of white police officers, I fail to see how destroying the city helps the cause. This whole ordeal left me with a lot of questions. Like where was the outrage at the time the officer had Mr. Floyd's neck pinned under his knee? Why didn't anyone go to his aid then? Why doesn't anyone ever go to the aid of the victims of these public executions at the time it is happening? Why do people always wait until after the fact to stage some protest or riot? Why not intervene at the time it is happening? It’s not enough to just videotape the event and post it to social media after the fact.

Time after time white officers kill black men openly with no regards or concern to the fact that they are being watched and/or videotaped. Why is that? Could it be that they believe they are untouchable? That despite the evidence they know they will get off? News reports indicates that the officer in this most recent incident, Derek Chauvin, was arrested and charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter. Let’s see how this plays out as the preliminary findings from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner seems to favor the officer by stating they did not find that traumatic asphyxia or strangulation alone led to Mr. Floyd’s death. Interesting to say the least. So I’m guessing what they are saying is that if left to sit in the police car without any contact with Officer Chauvin, Mr. Floyd would still have died.  If that’s the case there will be no punishment for Officer Chauvin who appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner of Mr. George Floyd all in 8 minutes on May 25, 2020.

I don't condone the outrageous behavior exhibited in the name of “protest” across the country, but maybe it is as my friend Shurla suggested - that this is the only way to get the attention of those who have the power to put an end to these senseless killing of our black men. Until officers are held accountable for their actions nothing will change. Until people intervene during these senseless killings nothing will change. Until we stop being afraid for our own safety and draw attention to the horrific act of a black man being killed in broad day light at the time it is happening, nothing will change! I’m just saying. I got issues – what about you? )i(

#blacklivesmatters #BLM #igotissues #yaminah89 #yahsdaughter #murder #atlanta #police #cops #floyd 

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of I Got Issues, Inc.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

US Virgin Islands’ Stimulus Payment

In speaking with several local residents in the Virgin Islands recently, it has become very clear that there is a lot of misconception/misinformation about the covid-19 economic stimulus payment including who is eligible. Seems like a lot of the confusion could have been abated had the Virgin Islands Administration and the VI Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) opted to mirror the same guidelines set forth by the IRS on the mainland in regards to distribution and notification. However it is understandable that the VI BIR does not yet possess the technology/system to support processing this huge mandate including a way to capture non-taxpayers’ information short of requiring them to file a tax return for 2018. Make no mistake, the stimulus program is the same as the one implemented on the mainland. The only difference is that the stimulus money was sent directly to the VI government for distribution instead of being distributed directly by the federal government.

The biggest confusion seems to be about who is eligible to receive the stimulus payment because the government is stressing that the money is for “tax paying residents”.  So I’ve gathered some basic information to help people get some clarity. Despite the fact that both the Governor and the Director of BIR are stressing that the funds are for “tax paying residents”, rest assured that non-tax paying residents are also eligible to receive the stimulus payment if they meet the following criteria: 1) is a resident of the US Virgin Islands, 2) have a valid social security number, and 3) no one can claim them as a dependent. However in order to get the payment, they MUST complete a 2018 Tax Return.
The following still clips were taken directly from a video released by The Press Box on Thursday May 7 2020 at 5:30 PM which is on Facebook featuring Joel Lee, Director of the USVI Bureau of Internal Revenue who went over the terms of the stimulus payments. In it Director Lee stresses that tax payers must complete a 2018 tax return in order to get the stimulus payment.  You can watch the entire video by clicking this link   Director Joel Lee - VI BIR Discuss Stimulus Program

Click to watch entire video

You can also catch the Governor’s press conference/briefing (5/14/20) at: 

Who is Eligible based on US IRS Criteria:
U.S. citizens, permanent residents and qualifying resident aliens who:
  • Have a valid Social Security number,
  • Could not be claimed as a dependent of another taxpayer, and
  • Had adjusted gross income under certain limits.

Who is Eligible based on VI BIR Criteria:
Virgin Islands Resident Who:
  • Filed a 2018 Tax Return
  • Has a valid social Security number
  • Is not claimed on another person’s return
  • Meets the income thresholds based on the filing status.

As you can see, they both have the same/similar criteria except for one - the VI added “filed a 2018 Tax Return” as a criteria which makes it appear as if having filed a 2018 tax return was an eligibility criteria instead of it being a means to obtain the information they need to process the payment. There lies the confusion.  “Filed a 2018 Tax Return” should not be listed as an eligibility criteria but rather should be listed under “How do I receive a stimulus check” which by the way it does appear on the list under that category on the video slide. If you were required to file a 2018 tax return and already did so there is no need for you to do anything – from what I gathered from the video. However if you did not file a 2018 return for any reason, i.e., late filing, not required to file due to low income, social security benefits recipient, no income, etc., then you MUST submit a 2018 1040 form in order to get a check. You can obtain a copy of the 2018 Tax form by clicking on the link: 2018 1040 Form. Fill it out and mail or drop it off at your local tax office for processing. The sooner the better.

Unlike the mainland IRS who automatically sent out payments to tax payers, social security recipients, disability benefit recipients, veterans, etc., the VI is requiring this segment of the population to also submit a tax return as well in order to get the stimulus payment. Director Lee cites that they do not have access to social security records to be able to send out the payments. I also heard reports that the BIR is asking social security benefit recipients to provide a letter from Social Security to verify that they are receiving benefits. This in and of itself, if true, creates another hardship because one resident shared with me that the social security office is closed due to the corvid-19 guidelines.  She also shared with me that as a result of the social security office being closed she attempted to submit her 2019 benefit statement instead of the letter and it was declined because they told her they want her 2018 statement.

Interestingly enough Governor Bryan said in today’s press conference that they have a list from social security with names of recipients which they are cross referencing to ensure that efforts are not duplicated. A bit confusing when you think about it. How could benefits be duplicated if the VI is solely responsible for distributing the stimulus payment to social security benefit recipients? Also if they already have a list of social security recipient list, why do they need a verification letter? Besides that, what purpose does it serve for social security benefit recipients to submit a letter from social security when all the BIR needs is their address to send the check? I can’t imagine that there is anyone on social security who is receiving more than the criteria limits.

Seems to me that the VI Government, as per usual, is creating more work for itself and/or just making it extremely difficult for residents to claim their check so that they will be discouraged to pursue the application process. The more I think about it, the more questions I have and more anxious I get as to how effective this process will be. Sure the tax filers will get their stimulus check because they are already in the system but what about the non-filers including those who are on public assistance, who by the way if they meet the eligibility criteria above is eligible to receive a check.

My fear is that many will not receive a check because they did not and/will not submit a tax form either because they are not aware of the stipulation or they are otherwise unable to do so, i.e., illness, age constraints, don’t believe they are eligible/qualify for the payment, etc. The same holds true for non-filers who may be under the impression, based on what is being shared, that only “tax payers” are eligible to receive a stimulus payment.  

A massive effort is needed to inform the public on the process and help them file for the stimulus payment because people need to know this information. It is important to reiterate that VI residents who did not have any income to report in 2018 and who fits the eligibility criteria is eligible to receive a check and MUST file a 2018 tax return in order to get a check. It is equally important to mention that when completing the 1040 form for 2018, non-filers are asked to put a $1 on the Interest Income line which is line 2b. Not sure what purpose that serves but hey, this is the VI we taking about. When does anything ever really make sense? Just do it. Don’t want to give them any reason to reject or decline the submission.  Oh and make sure you print and write legible/clearly.

What would have been an effective tool to help expedite the process was if the BIR had adopted a similar method like their counterpart did in the US to capture basic information on-line or paper form to collect and/or process the payment, i.e., name, address, social security number and bank information if applicable. No need to enter ANY income information. I initially thought that filing a 2018 tax return in order to get the stimulus payment seemed crazy, especially since no income was being reported. But after realizing that the BIR needs a way to capture information for non-filers and social security recipients in order to process payment, I am on board - kindda. However, I feel if VI BIR would step into the 21st century, technology wise, with on-line options so that residents can, not only be able to fill out tax forms on-line, but also e-filing their return, the filing process would be so much more efficient.  

Governor Bryan also announced in today’s press conference that thousands of stimulus checks has already been distributed, but it has been reported that the mass amount of those checks went to St. Thomas tax paying residents. If true, it only further confirms the perception that St. Thomas residents get preferential treatment.

The VI BIR is open to receive tax returns as well as answer questions via the phone. St. Croix residents can call (340) 773-1014 and St. Thomas residents can call (340) 715-1040. You can also call your Delegate to Congress, Stacey Plaskett at (202) 225-1790 to air any concerns you may have as to the handling and/or distribution of funds. It is my understanding that she is currently in the Territory. Attempts to reach her at her local office proved futile, however you may have better luck. (340) 774-4408 St. Thomas office; (340) 778-5900 St. Croix office.

Please share this information with everyone you know. Everyone who is eligible can receive a check but only if they submit a completed 1040 tax form for 20
18. Hopefully this helped answer some of your questions. God knows I still have plenty of questions. Like are other US territories having this much confusion processing their checks?  I’m just saying. I got issues – what about you? )i(

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #usvi #stimulus #VIBIR #vigovernment #yaminah89 #stayvigilant #wakeup #tax #eligible #money #check #irs #congress #federalgov

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of I Got Issues, Inc.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

United States Postal Service – Missing Mail (Lithonia Post Office)


It doesn’t happen often but when it does, it is the most frustrating feeling ever – mail gone missing. Sure there are a number of reasons why something you mail may never reach its intended recipient, i.e. wrong address, lost in route, stolen, slipped off clerk’s work space onto floor, misdirected/sent to wrong address, etc. No matter the reason, the feeling is still the same – disappointment, plain and simple. It happened to me several times, actually more times than I care to remember but the ones that stuck out for me are the ones that contained money and/or written words that were never received.

Three years ago I mailed a birthday card to an ex. Took some doing but I finally came up with the right words to convey my feelings but sadly they would never get read. At first I thought they were just being silly and denying they received the card but as weeks turned into months they too shared their disappointment after not receiving the card. They shared with me that while they were disappointed as I was about the missing card, they were not surprised because they had witnessed firsthand, discarded mail being trampled on post office floor behind the counter. Unfortunately for me, it was not enough to force me to take protective measures. I mean who wants to pay to certify a simple card that may or may not contain $20 or less? Still having faith that my cards would reach their intended recipients, and the ones that went missing would eventually show up, I continued my habit of sending cards with and without cash through the mail. After all it was only small amounts – a $20 here and a $10 there.

It would be another year or so before anything went missing again. One April I mailed a birthday card to my nephew in Florida for his 16th birthday. Thinking I was being prudent, I waited in line and handed the card directly to the postal clerk. I’m not sure what happened between the time I handed it to the clerk and it going missing, but my nephew never received it. Luckily I had the presence of mind to purchase a money order instead of sending cash. After about two weeks of no delivery, I confirmed the address with my nephew then contacted the post office to run a trace on the money order. To my dismay, they charged me a fee to check on the status of the money order. After a month or so I received correspondence that the money order was uncashed and a refund check, less the money order fee, was attached. They further advised that should the money order surface and is cashed, I would be required to return the refunded amount.  It’s safe to say that up until now, that money order has yet to surface. Despite the setback of the missing card, I continue to send cards in the mail because there is just something about knowing someone cared enough to take the time to pick out a card and mail it.

Anyway, fast forward to April this year were two of my grandchildren celebrated their birthdays – one turned 7 on the 16th and the other turned 18 on the 25th. True to form I sent the 7-year old a birthday card with 8 $1 bills which she received – a few days late but it arrived just the same. However the one sent to my grandson a week later, which contained a $20 bill long with words he will never read, mysteriously never made it to him. Both grandchildren reside at the same address in Dallas, GA. Oddly enough the two Mother’s Day cards I mailed last week to that same address were received without incident. How do you explain that? All four cards were mailed from the Lithonia post office. All Four cards were addressed to the same address in Dallas, GA. Yet three of them were delivered and one went MIA. I also just realized that ALL the missing cards were mailed in April – interesting!!

I am still hopeful that the card I mailed to my 18-year old grandson will eventually surface as the words it contain were both heartfelt and encouraging especially at a time when he will not be able to participate in his high school graduation because of the state of the union. I have to continue having faith in the system because if I lose faith I will have no effective way to send cards to my friends and loved ones.  To that end, I draw hope from a previous incident of a missing piece of mail which eventually surfaced.  About 10 years ago I mailed my utility payment to Georgia Power as usual. A month later my statement reflected that my payment was not received. After checking my bank ledger to ensure I did write the check I called the power company who informed me that they had just received my payment that day. Not sure where that mail got held up for more than a month but I was glad it eventually made its way to where it needed to be.


It is that incident that gives me hope that the missing birthday card will eventually turn up. Will this change my habit of sending cards and/or cash through the mail? Not bloody likely but I do say a prayer every time I put something in the mail that it WILL reach its intended recipient.  After all, if you can’t trust the US Post Office to do the very thing you pay for them to do – deliver your mail - who can you trust? I’m just saying. I got issues – what about you? )i(

#missingmail #usps #igotissues #yaminah89 #yahsdaughter863 #faith #bills #informeddelivery #awake #consciousness #nofear #Georgia #gp #dccu #customercare #customerservice #dobetter #ilovemylife #ilovebnme #doingwhatmakesmehapoy #stoptheinsanity #fearless #bank #expectations #justdoit #mail #mailbox #covid19 #covid #birthdaycard #birthday #theft #misdirected 

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of I Got Issues, Inc.

Mother’s Day – It Can be Difficult At Times


All across the globe millions of people are celebrating Mother’s Day today but for some it is a bitter sweet day. While some have their mothers’ still with them and others are celebrating being a mother for the very first time, there are those who no longer have their mother with them and/or have lost the very thing that made them a mother – their child/ren. For that segment of the population I am here to encourage you.

While it may be a difficult day because it reminds you that your mom and/or your child/ren is no longer with you physically, I encourage you to take heart and remember them as they were when they were here. For some the lost is very recent and for others it may have been months if not years. Instead of focusing on what you lost, focus on what you have. Losing your mother or your child does not invalidate you. The mere fact that you exist validates that you had a mother. The mere fact that you raised a child validates that you are a mother. While your mother and/or your child/ren are no longer here, you still occupy that role of being their child or their mother respectively. Especially if you occupied that role for years.

I know of people personally who lost their mother and child/ren within months or years of each other. The grief they are experiencing is beyond words. For some it was their only child. All their hopes of a grandchild died with that child. They may feel abandoned or forsaken. They may feel that having that child was for nothing. They may feel robbed and even be tempted to question God and/or their faith. This is not the time to lose yourself in grief but rather a time to reflect and reminisce on the love you gave and received while they were with you. This is the time to find joy in the memories of years past. The things they shared with you and you with them. It is a time to honor their memory with thanksgiving. 

Yes thankfulness for the time you had together - no matter how long or short it may have been - because it made you a better person having had them in your life. Think on the moments shared – good and/or bad, the laughter, the joy, the closeness, the milestones achieved. Think of the lessons learned/taught, the mistakes made, the arguments, the making up, the fights, and yes, even the crazy times. It would not have been life without them. Don’t rewrite the script. Don’t change anything because to do so will not alter history. It is what it was. Remember them as they were, the good, the bad and the ugly. All of it compile your experiences, your life together.

I truly believe that they would want you to remember them and continue to live life. Living does not mean you have to refrain from enjoying the sunshine on account of the rain. Living means embracing the sunshine and the rain because they are both necessary to live. Each brings its own unique qualities which are essential to daily living. So pull out those old pictures and videos and relive the moments. Enjoy hearing their voice if you have the opportunity and bask in the memories that is them, that is you. Purpose in your heart that while they may no longer walk among you physically, you will carry them in your heart for the rest of your life. Let your living not be in vain because you lost a loved one. Instead let your living be a testament that they did exist and you are a representative of their life. Let everything you do honor their memory.

Truth is we can never know for sure where our loved ones go when they leave us. Some may point out that scripture speaks of the spirit/soul returning to the Creator. Others say scripture speaks of “worlds to come”.  Others say we lay in the ground until the judgment day. Yet others say we transition to another time and place – born somewhere else when we die here. But who is to say for sure where we go? No one has ever came back from the dead and given a definitive account as to where we go when we past this life. So we hope. 

We hope it’s to a better place that we go when we leave this realm. One thing is for sure dying is a part of living. We will all do it one day. Until that time comes spend every moment embracing life, that of your own and those who have transitioned before you.  I’m just saying. I got issues – what about you? )i(

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of I Got Issues, Inc.

#igotissues  #yahsdaughter863  #yaminah89 #death #life #stayencouraged  #mothers #sons #daughters #child #children #loss #sorryforyourloss #celebrate #celebrate life #self care #wakeup #consciousness  #consciousthinking #grief $sorrow #rip #sip #riseup #dontgiveup #embracelife #dryyoureyes #behappy #bepeaceful #peace #happiness #mothersday #loveones

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