Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother’s Day – It Can be Difficult At Times

All across the globe millions of people are celebrating Mother’s Day today but for some it is a bitter sweet day. While some have their mothers’ still with them and others are celebrating being a mother for the very first time, there are those who no longer have their mother with them and/or have lost the very thing that made them a mother – their child/ren. For that segment of the population I am here to encourage you.
While it may be a difficult day because it reminds you that your mom and/or your child/ren is no longer with you physically, I encourage you to take heart and remember them as they were when they were here. For some the lost is very recent and for others it may have been months if not years. Instead of focusing on what you lost, focus on what you have. Losing your mother or your child does not invalidate you. The mere fact that you exist validates that you had a mother. The mere fact that you raised a child validates that you are a mother. While your mother and/or your child/ren are no longer here, you still occupy that role of being their child or their mother respectively. Especially if you occupied that role for years.
I know of people personally who lost their mother and child/ren within months or years of each other. The grief they are experiencing is beyond words. For some it was their only child. All their hopes of a grandchild died with that child. They may feel abandoned or forsaken. They may feel that having that child was for nothing. They may feel robbed and even be tempted to question God and/or their faith. This is not the time to lose yourself in grief but rather a time to reflect and reminisce on the love you gave and received while they were with you. This is the time to find joy in the memories of years past. The things they shared with you and you with them. It is a time to honor their memory with thanksgiving.
Yes thankfulness for the time you had together - no matter how long or short it may have been - because it made you a better person having had them in your life. Think on the moments shared – good and/or bad, the laughter, the joy, the closeness, the milestones achieved. Think of the lessons learned/taught, the mistakes made, the arguments, the making up, the fights, and yes, even the crazy times. It would not have been life without them. Don’t rewrite the script. Don’t change anything because to do so will not alter history. It is what it was. Remember them as they were, the good, the bad and the ugly. All of it compile your experiences, your life together.

I truly believe that they would want you to remember them and continue to live life. Living does not mean you have to refrain from enjoying the sunshine on account of the rain. Living means embracing the sunshine and the rain because they are both necessary to live. Each brings its own unique qualities which are essential to daily living. So pull out those old pictures and videos and relive the moments. Enjoy hearing their voice if you have the opportunity and bask in the memories that is them, that is you. Purpose in your heart that while they may no longer walk among you physically, you will carry them in your heart for the rest of your life. Let your living not be in vain because you lost a loved one. Instead let your living be a testament that they did exist and you are a representative of their life. Let everything you do honor their memory.
Truth is we can never know for sure where our loved ones go when they leave us. Some may point out that scripture speaks of the spirit/soul returning to the Creator. Others say scripture speaks of “worlds to come”.  Others say we lay in the ground until the judgment day. Yet others say we transition to another time and place – born somewhere else when we die here. But who is to say for sure where we go? No one has ever came back from the dead and given a definitive account as to where we go when we past this life. So we hope. 

We hope it’s to a better place that we go when we leave this realm. One thing is for sure dying is a part of living. We will all do it one day. Until that time comes spend every moment embracing life, that of your own and those who have transitioned before you.  I’m just saying. I got issues – what about you? )i(

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