Sunday, June 9, 2019

Blacks - What Are They Known For? Really - What?

Just saw this post and had to add my 2 cents. I've been saying this for years - Every other race have a plan/goal for themselves. People of color are the only ones who support/build every other race up financially and have nothing of our own. When will we wake up and start doing for ourselves? We have been programmed to believe in something outside of ourselves and there lies the problem. 

Don't get me wrong. I believe 100% that there is a Higher Power/Creator but I also believe He/Her is in me and I am in Him/Her. As a result I can do all things. We've been exploited as a people because of our inability to get up from under the belief that what is happening to us is God's will, destiny or fate. Quit blaming God or the devil for your screw ups/success. Whatever is happening to you was brought about by you - your actions, your thoughts. The minute you start taking responsibility for your shit - watch your life improve. Thoughts become things and you get what you expect. So think good thoughts and always, always expect the best. I'm just saying. I got issues - what about you?)i(

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