Sunday, June 9, 2019

A Test of My Resolve

Yesterday was truly a test of my faith but I am happy to report that I did not waiver nor did I buckle under the pressure. Three separate incidents tried my faith beyond measure. Just goes to show that it's not enough to talk the talk. You have to walk the walk. Choosing to let stuff unfold without reacting is by far the toughest thing to do however the satisfaction it brings is priceless. True peace from within requires it. No, it demands it! This path I am on may become a lonely journey at times but that's okay. There is nothing or no one worth losing my peace for. No one. My prayer is that you too become this dedicated to protecting your peace. I'm just saying - I got issues. What about you?)i(

#higherconsciousness #consciousthinking #yah #yahsdaughter863 #powerfulmind #mythology #religion #realtalk #realtalk💯 #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualawakening #higherpower #igotissues #yaminah #behappy #truth #wakeup #takeresponsibility #destiny #potentiality #facts #yaminah89 #iam #iloveme #ilovebnme #focus #lifestylechanges #acceptyourself #universe #knowledgeisthekey

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