Sunday, June 9, 2019

Spiritually Linked

Sometimes you meet someone who you are attracted to physically but the more you get to know them you realize their spiritual beliefs contrast or conflicts with yours or that they really don't have a personal relationship with the Creator. They are just blindly following religious traditions and/or rituals. It's evident that their life is stagnate - no growth and no "fruit" to speak of. Their faith is weak so nothing happens. Moreover, they can't even explain - in their own words - what they believe in or why they do what they do. No matter your convictions, you should - at the very least - be able to articulate your beliefs and you don't necessarily need to quote scriptures to do that. May you be so rooted and grounded in your spiritual beliefs that not only can you articulate it but your life also manifest the results of your beliefs. I'm just saying - I got issues. What about you? )i(

#higherconsciousness #consciousthinking #yah #yahsdaughter863 #powerfulmind #mythology #religion #realtalk #realtalk💯 #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualawakening #higherpower #igotissues #yaminah #behappy #truth #wakeup #takeresponsibility #destiny #potentiality #facts #yaminah89 #iam #iloveme #ilovebnme #focus #lifestylechanges #acceptyourself #universe #knowledgeisthekey

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