Monday, September 6, 2021

Choose to have a good day

We live in a vibrating universe. Everything is vibration and our experiences are a result of that vibration. What you experience is based on the vibration you are giving off. If you are feeling overwhelmed, sad or down-hearted then you attract low vibrating experiences which echoes how you are feeling. Likewise, if you are feeling excited, happy or hopeful then you attract high vibrating experiences. So the trick to having good things happen to and for you is to feel good. That's it.

Fact is we are all creators. We create our experiences by how we are feeling. For many that is a hard concept to grab. It's easier to believe that what is happening to them is outside of their control. What they don't realize is that they are "default" creators. Meaning that even though they don't believe they are responsible for their experiences, they really are. However if they could just wrap their minds around the concept that they are responsible for their experiences then they can become "deliberate" creators. Meaning they can control what happens to them by purposely feeling good and emitting high vibrations which will attract good things happening to and for them. You don't have to focus on any specific thing. Just feel good and the universe will automatically bring good things into your experience. The same goes for bad experiences. Knowing the difference, why not choose to feel good?

I am a deliberate creator. My only job is to feel good, if not great. I get to decide how good or bad my day is and It all starts with how I am feeling. I choose to feel good - every day. All day. I challenge you to make feeling good your aim. What do you have to lose? I'm just saying. I got issues. What about you?)i(

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#yaminah89 #yahsdaughter863 #peacefulliving #happiness #igotissues #consciousliving #choosetobehappy #deliberatecreator #livelifetothefullest #feelgood #consciousness #consciousthinking #wakeup

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