Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Pain Management 101


A friend share the following video with me today with the caption "ur teaching".

I listened to it in its entirety. Lots of interesting things said. Most of what they said was confirmation from what I got during my meditation. The only difference is they say breathing is used to control the pain while my understanding is that focusing on the breath not only helps to control the pain but also helps to purge the pain from the body. The body stores everything in the mind. Every time you stump your toe is stored as a memory - like layers of an onion. So the next time you stump your toe it awakes the memory of previous times you stumped your toe and the pain can be excruciating even if it was only a tap. The more you practice focusing on your breath and don't give the pain any energy, the more you purge the brain and eradicate the pain sensation that is stored in the brain from the mind/body. Because the memory is stored in layers, it takes time to work through each layer. So you will continue to feel the sensation to a lesser degree until the memory is completely purged. How quickly you see results depends on how much time you spend working on it. The missing component in the video is learning how to not allow pain to be stored in the brain/body again ie reinfection, which is something that I know how to do. 

I have been practicing this technique for a few years now. It is how I was able to cure myself. It is nice to know this information is out there even though I was not aware that it was until now. It confirmed what I got as download from the universe years ago. It is proof to me that I have tapped into the universe and what I am receiving as downloads during my meditation sessions are real and viable. This is amazing to me. It further serves to remove any lingering doubt I may have been entertaining as to the validity of my experiences.   I am more committed to moving towards achieving a monk's mentality.  It is my hope that others will also embrace meditation as a forum for eradicating pain from the body as well as applying it across the board to deliver themselves from all suffering in their life - physical and emotional. I'm just saying.  I got issues, what about you?)i(

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#yaminah89 #yahsdaughter863 #igotissues #mediation #paincontrol #healthylifestyle #pain #freedomofchoice #doingme #liveyourbestlife #universe #knowledgeispower #knowledgeiskey #loveandcompassion

Monday, September 6, 2021

Covid -19 Vaccination Concern

So I went to the doctor yesterday and saw this sign posted where they are offering the covid-19 vaccination for $25. Is it just me, but I thought the vaccination was free. This location services predominantly the Hispanic community. I would hate to think they are being exploited. Someone needs to look into this. They need to know there are places they can go get the vaccine for free - no admin cost. I'm just saying. I got issues, what about you?)i(
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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#covid19 #consciousness #awake #awoke #wakeup #nofear #wiseup #dobetter

#cdc #covidvaccine #igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #healthdept #gwinnettecounty #covid

Choose to have a good day

We live in a vibrating universe. Everything is vibration and our experiences are a result of that vibration. What you experience is based on the vibration you are giving off. If you are feeling overwhelmed, sad or down-hearted then you attract low vibrating experiences which echoes how you are feeling. Likewise, if you are feeling excited, happy or hopeful then you attract high vibrating experiences. So the trick to having good things happen to and for you is to feel good. That's it.

Fact is we are all creators. We create our experiences by how we are feeling. For many that is a hard concept to grab. It's easier to believe that what is happening to them is outside of their control. What they don't realize is that they are "default" creators. Meaning that even though they don't believe they are responsible for their experiences, they really are. However if they could just wrap their minds around the concept that they are responsible for their experiences then they can become "deliberate" creators. Meaning they can control what happens to them by purposely feeling good and emitting high vibrations which will attract good things happening to and for them. You don't have to focus on any specific thing. Just feel good and the universe will automatically bring good things into your experience. The same goes for bad experiences. Knowing the difference, why not choose to feel good?

I am a deliberate creator. My only job is to feel good, if not great. I get to decide how good or bad my day is and It all starts with how I am feeling. I choose to feel good - every day. All day. I challenge you to make feeling good your aim. What do you have to lose? I'm just saying. I got issues. What about you?)i(

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#yaminah89 #yahsdaughter863 #peacefulliving #happiness #igotissues #consciousliving #choosetobehappy #deliberatecreator #livelifetothefullest #feelgood #consciousness #consciousthinking #wakeup

Premature Deaths

They say death comes in 3's. Well I had my quota and then some this week. I recently learned of the unexpected passing of 4 people I knew. Some very close yet too far. 2 of them did not see their 50th birthday. Don't get me wrong. I am fully aware that death is apart of the life cycle but too many are dying prematurely. 

Despite my best efforts to convince people I know to take better care of themselves and/or reduce their stress levels they do not adhere. It seems like sometimes we get so accustomed to certain life conditions that we don't see how that condition is sucking the life out of us. No one can do it for you. You have to want to do it for yourself. All I can do is be supportive and encouraging. Outside of that, its all up to you. I know what it takes to fight to live despite the doctors' grim prognosis. It takes more than words, more than hope, and definitely more than prayer to survive this life pass 50. It takes a desire to do whatever it takes to prove the doctors wrong, ie change eating habits, avoid stressful situations and/or people, exercise, etc. I was told at 42 that I would not live past 45 yet here I a. Looking 25 😊. Why? I fought to live. 

So my friends, please take care of yourselves. My heart can't take another death notice.. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #death #TakeGoodCareOfYourself #takegoodcare #FightToLive #stressfree #peaceful #healthylifestyle #healthy #avoidstress #liveyourbestlife #consciousliving #WakeUpPeople #over50 #chooselife #life

#consciousness #consciousthinking #dowhatmakesyouhappy #ilovebnme #iloveme #peace #peacefulness #peaceful #knowledgeispower #knowledgeiskey #behappy #behealthy #goodhealth 

Pity Party - No Thank You!

On this journey to be a deliberate creator, the key to being good at it is to protect your energy/vibrational levels. People will constantly try to pull you into their drama if you let them. While you care for them and want the best for them, you also have to be mindful of your own spiritual health. Remember the key to being a deliberate creator is staying in a constant state of feeling good/happiness. Pity party is a kryptonite to your happiness. When people are not feeling good they tend to want to share that energy with others. You know that saying "misery loves company"? Sometimes they truly want cheering up but most time than not they just want to give you a front row seat to their misery. They want to give a detailed account as to why they are not feeling their best. As you listen to them, it can brings you down to their level if you are not emotionally strong enough. Attempts to elevate/uplift them may prove futile and before you know it you are drawing negative energy to yourself as well.

The best way to avoid the pitfall of pity parries is to just not attend. When anyone invites you to one, politely decline the invite. The minute you recognize the invite, tell them to try and find something good to focus on that will lift their spirits. Point out that the more they regurgitate the events that lead to them needing to throw a pity party the worst they will feel. Reliving the event(s) will only further diminish their vibrational level. They need to get a handle on their emotions and find a way to brush it off. Truth is no one does you anything short of putting their hands on you physically. Their words and/or actions are all open to your interpretation. As such, you have the choice to choose how to interpret their words/actions. No matter how the person may intend it, choose to take it as a compliment. By so doing, you protect your vibrational levels and keep your happy disposition.

I know you've heard that "nobody can make you feel bad without your permission" before. Well it is worth repeating. When you allow people's words/actions to dictate how you feel, you give up your power. Likewise, when you attend pity parties, you open up yourself to becoming engulfed in other people's unhappiness. Your only goal should be to stay in a constant state of happiness. Anything that threatens that should be avoided at all cost. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#igotissues #yaminah89 #yahsdaughter863 #chooselife #consciousliving #consciousnessthinking #consciousawakening. #pityparty #dontdoit #happiness #peacefulliving

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