Monday, March 1, 2021


For many, thoughts of the past preoccupies their mind and time. The constant revisiting of past events causes them unhappiness and/or undue stress. They constantly replay the events in their mind and/or verbalize it to others. My wish for them is that they would develop amnesia and forget those events. Resist the urge to replay or repeat the event to others. Past events, especially those that bring anything but happiness, only serves to foster more unhappiness and thus blocks the ability to focus on the present/now which is where happiness lives. Focus on staying in the present/now. By so doing you pay attention to what is happening around you. Enjoy the now. Focus on the things that brings joy and make you smile.

Too many times we miss moments that could be enjoyable because we are too focus on the past. Pray for amnesia so you can stay in the present. I'm just saying. I got issues, what about you?)i(

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #consciousness #spiritualawakening #stayinthenow #happiness

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