Today is a great day to give thanks for life and to reflect. I have been spending my time researching life as I know it. It is always a good thing to seek knowledge and to implement/apply it to our lives. I am on a quest to discovering the truth about life. As such I have been questioning everything I think I know and/or have been taught in an effort to better understand the truth or logic behind it. By discovering the origin of my beliefs I can determine if my beliefs are flawed. If it's flawed I can take steps to replace that belief with one that is based on truth - my truth. Not someone else's truth. As such I have evolved. My views change based on new revelations I encounter on this path. I then do things differently so I can have a better life.
I am doing my best to correct my mistakes of the past knowing that I am not at fault for following what I was taught. If you don't know, you don't know. But when you know better, you do better. As I learn better, I do better. My aim is to be the best me I can be. I don't judge others who are not yet enlightened but I share what I uncover with others so they too can do better and become deliberate creators. Not everyone is receptive. Some have plainly told me they don't care to receive links I may share with them to help enlighten them. I respect their wishes to be left alone in their ignorance but I pray that they too will eventually stumble on the path to enlightenment because I recall when I too was ignorant on so many levels, ie religion, relationships, navigating life in general and how miserable I was.
I was taught that life was hard and a struggle. That if you don't work you don't eat. I have since learned that is not true. Well let me rephrase that. I no longer believe that. What you believe becomes your reality. I choose to believe that life is easy and I have more than enough to eat - period!
So much of who I was and how I lived my life was governed by what other people had instilled in me thus shaping l my belief system. But as I became enlightened I discovered my own beliefs and their lied my power. I took it back. I no longer dance to the beat of another's drum - which by the way I was not enjoying. I now beat my own drum and I am enjoying the dance very much.
For the first time in my life I know who I am and what I want out of life. Everyday I work towards making my life the best it can be. Oddly enough I discovered that my only job is to feel good, if not great. That's it. No jumping through hoops or doing back flips. All I have to do is think about and do things that make me feel good. As I foster happiness, the universe/source energy gives me more stuff to feel good about.
Most people will disagree with me but the truth is we are the one's creating our lives. For the mass majority, they are creating on default - not giving any creative thought to what they are creating. Mostly because they are not aware that they are the one creating their life experiences. They have been conditioned to believe that something outside of themselves is creating their life. They don't understand that they creat their lives through their thoughts and feelings. So many people spend their day/life thinking about what they don't want and feeling unhappy about the lack of what they want. As a result, the universe/source energy gives them more things to feel unhappy about. If they could just realize that they are the one's holding themselves apart from what they want and make a conscious decision to become a deliberate creator of their lives, things wound turn around for them.
I urge you to start questioning everything you think you know. Seek knowledge about the origin of your beliefs across all areas of your life. You might be surprise to learn that some of your beliefs have no real basis or logic that you can follow. Some may be based on blind faith and have no other origin besides it was a story that had been handed down from generation to generation. You might find that what you give credit to (God/Devil) is really your deliberate creation in action.
May the God of your understanding continue to lead and guide you to all truth. I'm just saying. I got issues - what about you?)i(
#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #awakening #consciousness #consciousthinking #questfortruth #onaquestfortruth #life #religion #spirituality #spiritualityawakening #thoughtsbecomethings #ilovemylife #dowhatmakesyouhappy #happiness #ilovebnme #nofear #doyou
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