For the past month or so I saw repeated commercials
on tv stating that “a popular antacid product” was linked to stomach cancer and
that both Walgreens and CVS had pulled the product off their shelves. They even
mentioned that the manufacturer had recalled the product but they failed to
name the brand in question. Concerned that I might be at risk, as I take antacid
meds, I stopped taking the med immediately.
I was not about to take any chances that my brand might be the culprit,
even though I got mines at Walmart.
Today, however, while watching tv, I saw
another legal commercial about the dangers of taking antacid but this time they
named Zantac as the brand in question. What I don’t understand is why it took
this long for them to name the brand? Not only that, the announcer ended the
segment by stating “You should not stop taking prescribed medications without first
consulting your doctor.” Are you kidding me? In what universe does a
person who heard that the medication they are taking has been recalled because
it causes cancer and they decide, “hey
let me check with my doctor first before I stop taking it”?
I remember when I started having blackouts a
few years ago. It was shortly after taking Cymbalta for the first time. Ended
up in the ER several times because of it. Once they kept me at WellStar for 7
days running tests. They determined that I was having seizures and prescribed
Kepra to control them. The side effects from that drug left me like a zombie.
When I got out I did not fill that prescription. Instead I decided to take a
more holistic approach. After doing some research and googling side effects for
all the meds I was taking I discovered that one of the side effects of Cymbalta
was blackouts. Of course it listed it as a withdrawal
side effect but I am proof that it could happen while taking the drug
regularly. So I weaned myself off that medication and eventually off all
medications. I never looked back. Not even when my doctor insisted that I resumed
taking them including Cymbalta. Needless to say my doctor was not happy when I refused.
Not sure if they get a kick back off every prescription they write but I’ve
heard stories to that effect. Either way I did not care. My health and welfare superseded
any doctor’s intentions or desires. In fact I remember being admitted to the ER
after one of my blackouts and the ER doctor, even after knowing that I have an
allergy to aspirin, still prescribed a medication which had the same side
effects of aspirin and even had the audacity to also prescribe an epi pen. When
I confronted her about the prescriptions and told her I could not inject
myself, she nonchalantly stated, “Trust me, when you can’t breathe and you
grasping for air you WILL inject yourself with the epi pen!” Guess what I did?
You got it – I never filled that prescription.
Anyway, back to the issue at hand. I’m not sure
of the motive behind the secrecy of the name of the drug being linked to stomach cancer for this long, but it seems like this is only just one more instance of big
corporation interest being placed above that of the public’s interest. Whatever
the reason I’ve decided that it’s time people start taking their own health
issues into their hands and seek more holistic remedies to treat their ailments.
Think about it – you go to the doctor for treatment for some symptom, say acid
re-flux and they prescribe a medication where the side effects are more life
threatening than the initial symptom itself. For me, it was the removal of my gallbladder
which rendered the necessity to take an antacid.
But I have since learned that
there are other nonthreatening treatments which could facilitate the ability to
control stomach acid without the lethal consequence of developing stomach
cancer in the process. I’ve found that among other things, i.e., refraining
from ingesting spicy foods, apple cider vinegar, ginger, alkaline water, and meditation works wonders. But don’t take my word for it. Do your own research. Look into
your own health issues and see what remedies you discover that could help avail
you of your illness. I'm just saying - I got issues. What about you?)i(
#higherconsciousness #consciousthinking #yah #yahsdaughter863
#powerfulmind #mythology #wlagreen #realtalk #cvs #illness #spiritual #sacidreflux
#zantac #higherpower #igotissues #yaminah #behappy #truth #kepra #cymbalta #donoharm
#wakeup #takeresponsibility #destiny #potentiality #facts #yaminah89 #iam
#iloveme #ilovebnme #focus #lifestylechanges #acceptyourself #holisticmedicine #meditation #knowledgeisthekey #drugs #doctors #prescriptiondrugs #health #prescriptions #stoptheinsanity #dobetter #nofear #bigpharma #wakeup #awake #awoke
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