Sunday, January 28, 2018

Racism - Alive and Well in Buckhead

The following is a post on my Facebook news feed: “I'm sitting in my car over by Lenox. I decide to grab something to eat because I'm happy that I can finally eat. I'm parked in between my lines. A suv pulled up and parks so close to my car but I didn't realize it at the time. When the lady comes back she proceeds to bang her car door into my passenger door repeatedly. I get out and say excuse me in which she responds “Excuse What? You gonna give me time to get into my f@^%ing car.” It took everything not to curse her out bc the car across from me was taking their children out the car. I said ma'am you hit my car and she said prove it b!$%h. So I said I'll just call the police in which she responded go ahead you black bitch it ain't like you can prove it or they will believe you anyway. I started to take a picture of her tag and she yelled out the window more profanity including “my time will not be wasted on a person like you.” I called the police and was informed bc I have no damage I cannot press charges. This is the 2nd time in GA I have been talked to this way because of my color. It is so sickening. Update: so I flag down another officer who in turn does take my report. Idk what's going to happen but I do feel a little justified.”

I felt compelled to follow-up with the poster to get more information. Turns out that when she was 13 years-old she and her family relocated from the islands and was living in Roswell. One afternoon while walking home from the bus stop, a car full of white young men speed past her and yelled obscenities towards her including calling her the “N” word. It was a traumatic experience for her, which led her to tears as she had never encountered such hatred especially from people she didn’t even know. So fast forward to the day in question, she was equally taken aback at the women’s rude response to her polite observation. Her frustration was further compounded by the response of the police office she flagged down to assist her. She indicates that his demeanor was cold and aloof as she shared her encounter. He pretty much told her to forget about it. Luckily she didn’t. Her call to 911 yielded the same officer being sent back to address her complaint. This time he seemed a bit more sympathetic and offered her an apology for his dismissive behavior before. Not really an excuse but he did offer that he was in the middle of slow/low priority car chase when she flagged him down the first time. He listened to her complaint again but this time he took and ran the license plate number she offered him before. His system offered up the name and phone number of the registered owner. A quick call to the owner revealed it was a male not the female she had the verbal altercation with.  However after much probing it was evident the guy knew exactly who the woman in question was. A conversation between him and the woman was audible in the back ground as she defensively admitted she was there after denying several times before that she was not involved. The guy put her on the phone and she proceeded to verbally abuse the police officer confirming, in full form, the poster’s claim of the verbal assault she unleashed on her earlier.  After a few minutes she hung up on the officer. Needless-to-say attempts to reach them again by phone proved futile. With little consolation, the office left.

It is a shame, but not surprising that these type altercation happens more and more every day, especially since we now have a President in office who himself engages in, condones, and encourages racial disparities and discrimination. This is not by accident. I am convinced that he was put in place as a distraction as the real agenda is being secretly being pursued by the powers that be. Bear in mind that President Trump was appointed by the Electoral College, not elected by the people. 

I recently watched a YouTube video which revealed some information I was not aware of but supports my thoughts on what President Trump’s purpose is. Apparently certain churches received a letter from Arab leaders’ acknowledging that the current occupants of Israel/Jerusalem have no biological lineage to the black-brown 12 tribes of Hebrew Israelites and that Washington cannot broker any peace negotiations on behalf of Palestinian or Jerusalemite families. Interesting development. Video posted by Pastor Omar T went on to share that in 1871 Albert Pike wrote letter detailing/predicting World War I, II, and III. We are on the verge of WWIII. Pike predicts that at the end of WWIII people will be so disillusioned and fed up that they will gladly embrace the suggestion to worship Lucifer. Not so far fetch as I know of two networks who aired shows promoting satanic worship - MAD TV on CW and Mom on CBS. Watch video for more details on the Pike letters. It's a bit long but worth watching. We are on the horizon of a mass uprising - stay vigilant and act accordingly.

While the above Facebook poster resisted the urge to return the verbal racial slurs directed at her because she was mindful of the children within earshot, this is one time I would not have been upset with her had she chosen to respond in-kind. People need to know that they cannot get away with talking to people of color any way they chose. We have just as much right to be here if not more. History shows that while just about every other race came here seeking economic advancement and freedom, people of color were already here. There is much debate on whether or not we actually were shipped here from Africa, but there is undeniable evidence that we were here before the European came. I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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