Sunday, January 28, 2018

Racism - Alive and Well in Buckhead

The following is a post on my Facebook news feed: “I'm sitting in my car over by Lenox. I decide to grab something to eat because I'm happy that I can finally eat. I'm parked in between my lines. A suv pulled up and parks so close to my car but I didn't realize it at the time. When the lady comes back she proceeds to bang her car door into my passenger door repeatedly. I get out and say excuse me in which she responds “Excuse What? You gonna give me time to get into my f@^%ing car.” It took everything not to curse her out bc the car across from me was taking their children out the car. I said ma'am you hit my car and she said prove it b!$%h. So I said I'll just call the police in which she responded go ahead you black bitch it ain't like you can prove it or they will believe you anyway. I started to take a picture of her tag and she yelled out the window more profanity including “my time will not be wasted on a person like you.” I called the police and was informed bc I have no damage I cannot press charges. This is the 2nd time in GA I have been talked to this way because of my color. It is so sickening. Update: so I flag down another officer who in turn does take my report. Idk what's going to happen but I do feel a little justified.”

I felt compelled to follow-up with the poster to get more information. Turns out that when she was 13 years-old she and her family relocated from the islands and was living in Roswell. One afternoon while walking home from the bus stop, a car full of white young men speed past her and yelled obscenities towards her including calling her the “N” word. It was a traumatic experience for her, which led her to tears as she had never encountered such hatred especially from people she didn’t even know. So fast forward to the day in question, she was equally taken aback at the women’s rude response to her polite observation. Her frustration was further compounded by the response of the police office she flagged down to assist her. She indicates that his demeanor was cold and aloof as she shared her encounter. He pretty much told her to forget about it. Luckily she didn’t. Her call to 911 yielded the same officer being sent back to address her complaint. This time he seemed a bit more sympathetic and offered her an apology for his dismissive behavior before. Not really an excuse but he did offer that he was in the middle of slow/low priority car chase when she flagged him down the first time. He listened to her complaint again but this time he took and ran the license plate number she offered him before. His system offered up the name and phone number of the registered owner. A quick call to the owner revealed it was a male not the female she had the verbal altercation with.  However after much probing it was evident the guy knew exactly who the woman in question was. A conversation between him and the woman was audible in the back ground as she defensively admitted she was there after denying several times before that she was not involved. The guy put her on the phone and she proceeded to verbally abuse the police officer confirming, in full form, the poster’s claim of the verbal assault she unleashed on her earlier.  After a few minutes she hung up on the officer. Needless-to-say attempts to reach them again by phone proved futile. With little consolation, the office left.

It is a shame, but not surprising that these type altercation happens more and more every day, especially since we now have a President in office who himself engages in, condones, and encourages racial disparities and discrimination. This is not by accident. I am convinced that he was put in place as a distraction as the real agenda is being secretly being pursued by the powers that be. Bear in mind that President Trump was appointed by the Electoral College, not elected by the people. 

I recently watched a YouTube video which revealed some information I was not aware of but supports my thoughts on what President Trump’s purpose is. Apparently certain churches received a letter from Arab leaders’ acknowledging that the current occupants of Israel/Jerusalem have no biological lineage to the black-brown 12 tribes of Hebrew Israelites and that Washington cannot broker any peace negotiations on behalf of Palestinian or Jerusalemite families. Interesting development. Video posted by Pastor Omar T went on to share that in 1871 Albert Pike wrote letter detailing/predicting World War I, II, and III. We are on the verge of WWIII. Pike predicts that at the end of WWIII people will be so disillusioned and fed up that they will gladly embrace the suggestion to worship Lucifer. Not so far fetch as I know of two networks who aired shows promoting satanic worship - MAD TV on CW and Mom on CBS. Watch video for more details on the Pike letters. It's a bit long but worth watching. We are on the horizon of a mass uprising - stay vigilant and act accordingly.

While the above Facebook poster resisted the urge to return the verbal racial slurs directed at her because she was mindful of the children within earshot, this is one time I would not have been upset with her had she chosen to respond in-kind. People need to know that they cannot get away with talking to people of color any way they chose. We have just as much right to be here if not more. History shows that while just about every other race came here seeking economic advancement and freedom, people of color were already here. There is much debate on whether or not we actually were shipped here from Africa, but there is undeniable evidence that we were here before the European came. I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Copyright 2018 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Gas Price – Debit vs Credit

A few years ago I pulled into a gas station on the corner of Columbia Drive and Memorial Drive to gas up my jeep because the price per gallon advertised on the sign was less than the competitor (Chevron) across the street. Without giving it any thought I swiped my credit card and pumped the gas. When I got my receipt I noticed that the price per gallon was more than the advertised price on the sign so I went in to inquire why. The clerk seemed a bit hostile in his response when I pointed out the discrepancy. He said forcibly, “That’s the ‘cash’ price” as if he felt I was challenging what I saw on the sign. He went on to say that the sign clearly says that. I told him I did not notice “cash” on the sign as was evident by my gassing up. Truth is had I seen that I would have gone to the competitor across the street who was about 3 cents/gal cheaper.  As I left the location I made a point to look at the sign again and sure enough there was the word “cash” in very small letters next to the price. Below that was a slightly higher price with the word “credit” next to it. I could not help but wonder how many times in the past I had paid a higher price per gallon because I was unaware of the “cash” vs “credit” price difference.

As time went by I would make a point to check the sign for pricing discrepancy when gassing up. Sometimes both prices were the same and other times there was no distinction given as to whether or not it was the “cash” price or the “credit” price listed. Turns out in the absence of distinction there was no difference in the price point. So I found a BP which did not have a price point difference regarding cash or credit payment and stuck with them.

So fast forward to the other day I was heading out to visit my grandchildren when I realized I needed gas. So I drove to my regular spot – BP on Covington and DeKalb Medical. Sign said $2.43 and $2.48/gal. I figured the first price was the price for regular grade and the other price was for premium grade. I mean honestly I don’t normally give it much thought anymore, especially since I tend to use my BP rewards points when I fill up.  However, after I put my loyalty number in and answered “yes” to the promoting to the question if I wanted to use my .04 off per gallon, I noticed the price displayed per gallon was $2.44.  “What?” I said out loud. How can the discounted price still be more than the published price? A closer look at the sign revealed something curious. Next to the prices listed in smaller letters were the words “cash/debit” and “credit” respectively.  Ain’t that a bitch? My BP station has been indoctrinated into the cash vs credit movement. How crazy is that? Really, who walks around with $40 in their pocket to be able to pay cash for gas? Not me. Heck, I don’t even use a debit card. So I am on the hunt to find another BP station that does not make the distinction.

I am not sure why gas stations are now making the distinction between cash/debit and credit payments, but it is costing me a pretty penny. One reason I can think of for the change is that perhaps the cost difference for credit payment is a way for the merchants to recuperate the cost of the credit transactions fees. By passing those cost on to the consumers, they avoid having to pay that 5% transaction fee themselves. So I have a choice to make. Either I find a new BP that does not make the distinction in payment method, or I need to dust off my debit card and reactivate the pin to be able to save money at the pump.  I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Copyright 2018 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Walmart - Sam's Closing

I was running errands today which ended with a stop at my local Sam’s Club in Stone Crest. As I drove into the parking lot looking for a space to park I noticed two news vehicle nearby and a couple of camera men who appeared to be filming the scene as people walked by. I also observed what I thought was a store employee at the front entrance who was turning potential customers away. I later found out he was a security officer. Not wanting to get out my car and risk getting wet if the store was close, I pulled up close enough to ask one of the onlookers what was going on. Her response was that she didn’t know but the store was closed. Another woman offered that if I had a prescription to pick up they would let me in, other than that people were being directed to other stores.  

Curiosity got the best of me so I made a few calls trying to decipher what was going on. I called my friend who works at the Sam’s in Columbus but did not get her, so I called my daughter. She didn’t know anything but googled it - got to love Google – and reported that the store was permanently closed today due to “financial performance”, among other things.   

Once I got home I eagerly waited for the local news report to see if they would shed some more light on this unforeseen development. I mean from what I gathered, it appeared the store was doing great business. Like its location neighbor Walmart, which by the way are owned by the same corporation, the parking lot was always full and there was always a steady flow of customers. In fact, my favorite thing to say to my friends when I am circling the parking lot looking for a parking spot is, “How people say they don’t have no money? Can’t tell by Wal-Mart’s parking lot. Come early or late, the parking lot always full and the checkout lines long.” 

As I think about it now, I should have known something was up as the parking lot at Sam’s was virtually empty with only a hand full of cars sprinkled throughout.
Local media reported that the Stone Crest Sam’s was one of several stores that were abruptly closed across the country today, but the only one in Georgia thus far. It came without warning. One employee who was interviewed shared that she worked a full shift just yesterday and there was no indication that the store would be permanently closing its doors the next morning. Other employees echoed the same sediments but added that they were a “family” who worked together for five to eight years, now it was all gone. 

The other breaking news that came on the heels of these stores closing is that Walmart Corporation announced today, that they were raising the minimum wage to $11/hr for Walmart employees. Guess that raise/money had to come from someplace.

While there might be legitimate reasons why Walmart Corporation decided to close these stores, there are so many things that is just down right wrong about the way they decided to do it. Can you imagine coming in to work only to be told you have no job? No warning, no period of time to get use to the idea that you have to find another job? Can you imagine the stress these employees were thrust into thinking about mortgage payments, car payments and other monthly obligations they have? I mean I am pretty sure if they knew they were going to be out of a job going into the holidays, they would have spent a wisely.  So not cool or a good start to the New Year. Sure employees were told they would get 60-day severance pay and then could apply to other stores for employment, but who wants to go work for a company who thought so little of you to begin with? 

Personally I expected better from Walmart. There is absolutely no excuse to handle these employees the way they did. If it was a question of security, i.e. thinking employees would get irate or act out, there are precautions they could have taken for that. Just like they had the presence of mind to hire a security guard to stand at the door to redirect customers, they could hire one to be in the store until the final closing day approached.

It is truly a sad day here in America when the self-proclaimed “low-price leader”, a giant in the employment world would treat its employees this way. What example are they setting for other corporate giants? It is truly a sad day indeed for those 1000 plus employees across the country who virtually got their financial rug pulled out from under them over night. I only hope the other employees who are still employed are taking notes and making plans/arrangements to find employment before they too find themselves in the same predicament as their counterparts.  I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Copyright 2018 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Check Engine Light - Real or Fake

I was talking to a friend the other day and she jogged my memory about something. She told me that the check engine light (CEL) on her 2007 Camry came on so she took it to get checked out and was told the catalytic converter was bad. She went on to share that a few days later the light went out without her doing anything so she figures she will just keep driving it until the light comes back on and/or something else happens. She reminded me that several years prior her mechanic had told her that the transmission on that same car was bad and needed to be replaced, however she never did replace it and the car runs just fine. 

Her story reminded me of my own CEL situation. About three years ago (2015) the CEL on my 2005 Jeep Liberty came on. Diagnostic check revealed that the catalytic converter needed to be replaced so I replaced it. The CEL went away only to return a few days later. More testing lead to me replacing the O2 sensors and the muffler. However the CEL kept coming on intermittently.  I did some online research to see if I could discover another reason why the code would point to a defective catalytic converter. Came across a few explanations including the possibility of a defective gas cap. With no definitive cause, and my jeep was running fine, I decided I would just have to learn to live with it because I was not about to sink any more money into my jeep. However there was still the issue of passing the annual emission testing. The first year my jeep failed to pass the emission testing because I did not drive the car long enough in between repairs to reset the code.  No problem, I just waited a few days then went back and she passed, including gas cap check.

Shortly after that the CEL came back on and stayed.  I put it out of my mind until the end of the year when the emission test was due again. I remember it like it was just yesterday. It was a Wednesday and I had been visualizing me holding my pass emission paper in my hand all week long. When I left home to run errands the CEL was on. Each time I left a location I would check to see if the light was still on and it did not disappoint. By 3pm I was leaving Walmart when I noticed the light was off, so I decided to make one more stop and if it was still off I would go get the emission done. When I got back in the car the CEL was still off so I went to the nearest emission testing site and passed the inspection.  The next day as I was driving to the DMV to renew my tags, the light came back on and stayed on. Of course I was not concerned because I had my passed emission paper securely in my hand.

So here comes the first week of December 2017 and I am faced with the same dilemma as before. What did I do? Glad you asked. I just envisioned myself with the pass emission paper in my hand all week long. Every time I got into the jeep I expected the CEL to be off so I could go get the emission testing done. On the morning of the second Thursday I got in the jeep and the CEL was still on as always. Not to worry because I expected a window of opportunity would present itself sometime during the day for me to go get the emission testing done.  When I got in the car that afternoon the CEL was off so I drove 34 miles to the emission place where it passed, including gas cap. Not even five minutes after I drove out the CEL came back on and has been on. Again I was not worried because I had my pass paper in my hand. I was beginning to think that there was really no correlation between passing the emission test and the CEL being on, when I noticed on the emission test results “code present” was listed. However it was blank. I am sure now that if the CEL was on or if my gas cap was an issue, it would have generated a code which would have changed my results. 

I’m not sure if this “check engine” thing is a litigate thing or if it is just something manufactures have put in place to help the mechanic industry. Either way, I find it a bit suspect that even though I replaced everything I was told to replace, the CEL stays on. Thank Yah I have developed the skills to practice positive thinking which allows me to bypass this issue every year when it’s time to renew my tags.  I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Copyright 2018 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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