Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Game Called "Life"

 In my quest for the truth I have discovered that people have been conditioned to believe in things outside of themselves. They have willingly given over their inherited power to others. As a result they go through life not knowing the power they posses - the power to change their situations and experiences. They watch news media and follow social media trends which further conditions them to act, speak, and expect certain things. They do not take the time to question anything nor do they research anything for themselves. They are in fact akin to sheep's being lead to their slaughter. They pass on emails and text messages which are equivalent to chain letters like back in day. In so doing they spread lies, half truths, and ignite fear.

They also fail to realize that there are a few players who have mastered the "game" of life and are manipulating the masses as pawns. They tell them what to like and dislike. What to believe and disbelieve. What to wear, eat, drink etc. They even manipulate what they deem to be "social issues" and they do it all in their mind. This is a mental universe. Everything you see, hear, feel, and touch was created in the mind first before it manifested. Everyone has this ability but few choose to harvest it let alone practice it willfully. They are consciously asleep and are thus subjected to be used as "pawns" for the benefit of the "masters".  I encourage you to wake up. Stop following the masses. Research for yourself and become a "player" instead of remaining a "pawn". I'm just saying - I got issues. What about you?)i(

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #wakeup #consciousnessthinking #life #knowledgeisthekey #knowkedgeispower #questfortruth #truth #thekybalion


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