I rarely get to drive in the HOV lane but recently I took advantage of the opportunity while transporting my grand children to and from my house. Yesterday I am driving on I-20 east in the HOV lane when the truck behind me flashes me - blink their headlights repeatedly to get me to move out the way. I also noticed they were right on my tail. I mean if I braked they would be up my ass.
Knowing I was doing the speed limit I opted to ignore them. They continued to flash me. I kindly took my feet off the gas and allowed the car to roll on its kinetic energy. They eventually passed me and went on their way. This is not the first time this has happened.
It seems to me that some drivers think that the HOV lane is a speed lane. Last time I checked there is no speed lane on I-20. The maximum speed for all lanes can vary between 65 or 70 mph depending on location. The minimum speed is 40mph. Drivers doing less than the posted speed limit are encouraged to use the right/exit lane to not impede traffic.
My thing is this, if I am doing the maximum speed limit and the person behind me wants to go faster they can just go around me. I am not moving. If I find myself doing less than the maximum speed limit I have no problem moving over. But I refuse to let other drivers bully me into increasing my speed when I am already doing the maximum. I'm just saying. I got issues. What about you?)i(
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