So I've lived in my house for 24 years. Never had any problems with my neighbors until three or four years ago when some new people moved in across the street. The husband drives a flatbed truck which he regularly parks adjacent to my driveway. Despite my asking him to not park Infront of my drive way several times, he continues to do so. Sure he would move it when I ask but would go right back to parking it adjacent to my drive way the next day which creates an issue for me because if I am not mindful that it is there, I can easily slam into it when I reverse out my driveway. So I have to try to remember to check if it is there and be careful not to hit it. Trust me I have had a few close calls and even bumped it a few times.
During the day it's okay because I can see it in my rear view mirror, but at night it's hard to see the flatbed and if you're not thinking about it you can easily slam into it. Which is what happened to my daughter. She was reversing back, didn't see it and ended up messing up the trunk of her car. In fact a friend of mines now refuses to come to my house at night after she hit her car twice.
Anyway, the nught my daughter hit the flatbed truck, I knocked on the neighbor's door, it took some time but eventually he came out. He was so callous and nonchalant when I shared with him that my daughter messed up her truck after backing up into his flatbed truck which was nit there when she first arrived. I mean he didn't seem a bit concerned nor did he come to see the damage to my daughter's car. All he did was to ask how much space I need or do I just don't want him to park there? Dude I just told you that my daughter backed into it and that I myself and others have also backed into it and you asking me where do I want you to park the truck? Really? How about not parking adjacent to my driveway anymore? It is inconceivable to me that people can be so inconsiderate about the hardship they cause for others. Knowing that I have asked several times before not to park infront my driveway because it impedes my ability to come and go freely without stressing over the possibility of hitting the flatbed, why would he keep doing it?
So in frustration I called Dekalb finest #dekalbpolice to see if I could get some advice on what to do. That turned out to be a waste of time. First off the officer never came. I was sitting in the living room waiting for them. After some time I picked up my phone to call them again only to see two missed calls. One was from a private number. I called back the other number only to get a recording indicating the number was linked to the police department. So I called back the non emergency number I called earlier to inquire where the officers were. I was told that the officer came by and no one answered the door. I politely informed the lady that no one came to my house. I heard no knock at the door nor did my ring door bell record any activity in the vicinity of my door/house. Not even a passing car. I stopped short of saying the officer lied, he never came. She seemed annoyed and said the officer would not ring the door bell he would knock. Maybe it's just me but I could swear I told her there was no knock or any activity at my front door since my daughter left. She went on to say that the officer reported that he called me but got no answer and there was no vehicle blocking my driveway. She eventually asked if I wanted the officer to come back to which I said "yes please".
Two minutes later I got a call from a private number. Upon answering the officer identified himself and said he came by earlier but did not see any vehicle blocking my driveway. Obviously the operator did not share my issue with him. After explaining to him what transpired earlier and that the neighbor did move his vehicle like he usually does after I complained but I am sure it will be back there tomorrow. I shared that I just need to know what recourse I have if any. He said he could probably go talk to the neighbor but he does not think it would make a difference especially since he was sure there was no HOA in place. At this point I realized it was pointless to continue the conversation so I just thanked him for his time and ended the call. What a waste. He showed no concern about my plight. Tell me again why we pay these people to protect and serve when they clearly have no desire to help? I'm just saying. I got issues. What about you?)i(
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#frustratedinatlanta #Georgia #dekalbcounty #inconsideratepeople #accident #flatbedtruck #OMG #dekalb #police #nohelp #breath