Thursday, March 25, 2021

Android App Issues


On Tuesday I had difficulties opening up my apps on my android phone. I tried everything I could think of to resolve it including powering off the phone and ensuring that all apps were updated. None of that worked but I did notice that there were 2 app updates that no matter what I did they would not update. I deleted all my pics, messages and some other things thinking I didn't have enough storage space but to no avail. How disappointing - smh. So I just uninstalled and reinstalled the apps I wanted to use. That seemed to work. But there was one app - solitaire - that I did not want to risk losing the history - had high score and record solving time of 1 minute.  Planned on going to mobile store yesterday to troubleshoot but didn't get the time.

Called mobile provider last night to get some help and discovered that the 2 apps that refused to update were critical - Chrome and Android system web view - thus lied the issue.  Rep tried transferring me to tech support to see if they could help me figure out how to get these app to update but the wait was ridiculously long so I hung up. She called back and we agreed to try again the next day.

Feeling determined to play my daily hand of solitaire, I decided to try to update apps again on my own and whalla it worked!! Not sure how but at this point I could care less. I'm just glad apps are working again.

So if you have an android phone and are experiencing issues with your apps, you might want to check to make sure your chrome and android system web view apps are updated. I'm just saying. I got issues. What about you?)i(

#yaminah89 #yahsdaughter863 #igotissues #androidapp #tmobile #updates #phone #cellphoneupdates

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Secret to Happiness

Everyday is a great day because I got up. No matter how bad I perceived the previous day to be I go to bed expecting tomorrow to be better. I have discovered that any bad days I experience now are just the manifestation of past negative emotions I had sown into the universe. As I purpose to feel good everyday, bad days are increasingly becoming less and great days are more prevalent.  It's because I discovered that the trick to having good/great days is to feel good/great.

It's not enough to just say positive words. You have to feel good if not great because the universe does not respond to words. It responds to feelings/emotions/vibrations. Don't believe me? Ok think about all the positive stuff you have been saying. How much of it has actually manifested in your life? Now think about how you felt while you were saying those words. More than likely your mood did not match what you said. You said, "I am blessed and highly favored" or "I am rich/wealthy" yet you felt like your reality, ie broke/poor/sad/fearful etc. Your reality says, "I have more bills than money" and you feel every bit of that emotion.  Everything about you screams "lack!" For many, you wait for good things to happen before you feel good or happy. You stay in a constant state of "where is it?" and that stays your reality.

Trust me, if you would purposely try to find happiness just because, things will change. Then you will be able to say, "I have more money than bills!" How do you get there? It's easy. Just find something general to feel good about ie a happy memory, watch a funny movie or just be grateful you are alive. Anything to improve your mood and get you feeling good. The more you feel good the less resistance you give to receiving the things you ask for. Make feeling good your norm.
For me, my only job is to feel good if not great. No matter what is going on around me, I stay focused on feeling good. I don't give any attention to anything that threatens my ability to stay feeling good. So that mean I don't speak to people who only talk about doom and gloom. I don't watch the news and I avoid repeating negative things I see or hear.

It's a beautiful thing to stay in a constant state of happiness. I suggest you try it. After all, what do you have to lose? I'm just saying. I got issues. What about you?)i(

#igotissues #yaminah89 #yahsdaughter863 #consciousness #hapoiness #peace #creativethinking #deliberatecreator. #powerfulwords #Life101 #awakening

© Copyrights All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Monday, March 1, 2021


For many, thoughts of the past preoccupies their mind and time. The constant revisiting of past events causes them unhappiness and/or undue stress. They constantly replay the events in their mind and/or verbalize it to others. My wish for them is that they would develop amnesia and forget those events. Resist the urge to replay or repeat the event to others. Past events, especially those that bring anything but happiness, only serves to foster more unhappiness and thus blocks the ability to focus on the present/now which is where happiness lives. Focus on staying in the present/now. By so doing you pay attention to what is happening around you. Enjoy the now. Focus on the things that brings joy and make you smile.

Too many times we miss moments that could be enjoyable because we are too focus on the past. Pray for amnesia so you can stay in the present. I'm just saying. I got issues, what about you?)i(

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #consciousness #spiritualawakening #stayinthenow #happiness

© Copyrights All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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