Wednesday, January 6, 2021

US Capital Under Siege

I am watching the evening news about the events that unfolded at the capital today in disbelief. It is unbelievable that people are trying to disrupt our democracy claiming that if Biden go into office we will become a communist country. When Trump won we accepted it and rolled with the tide. Now that Biden won it is being met with great resistance. That Trump could instigate this event is proof of how far people will go to keep him in office despite the fact that he has been voted out.

Interesting to note is that when thousand of white people violently breech the US Capital because they don't want the electoral votes to be counted it is called a "protest".  But when black people quietly walk in protest of police brutality, it is called a "riot".

Shots fired, one woman killed and over a dozen arrested and still it is being labeled a "protest".

I have never witness anything like this. Trump needs to go. There is no telling how much more violent acts he will incite before January 20th. I'm just saying, I got issues. What about you?)i(

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#riot #rioting #uscapital #TrumpLost #truth #igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #Unruly #AmericanPeople #America #shameful

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