Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Happily Ever After - It Does Exist

While I’m not big about hanging out during the Christmas holidays, I decided to take up a friend on her invite to come hang at her place on Christmas day. So glad I did as it helped to relieve some of the holiday blues/funk I was experiencing.  As I made my way around the chatter filled room, I was greeted warmly by the other guests, most of whom I had met before.  After exchanging pleasantries, I made my way to the kitchen area and fixed myself a plate then settled myself down in a cozy chair which just happened to be in front the tv. The Preacher’s Wife was playing on BET, but it was hard to hear the dialogue due to all the chatter that was going on around me.  

After a while, I gave up trying to hear the tv and decided to focus on the food in front of me. Not long after an elderly lady came and sat down next to me and engaged me in conversation. She asked me how I was doing and if I remembered her. Looking at her I had no idea who she was but she bared a strong resemblance to the host. Sensing my hesitation, she pointed out that she remember me from a past holiday gathering as I was busy in the kitchen washing pots and pans and cleaning up. She told me she was the host’s aunt and that today was her 61st wedding anniversary. Then she proceeded to point out her husband Jimmy who was deep in conversation in another room. Looking at her you would not guess she was 84 years old. In fact, it was hard to believe her husband was 84 as well because they both looked so well preserved and their level of conversation confirmed they were in full control of their mental faculties.  
As I sat there listening to her talk about her husband I could see her gleaming with pride and admiration.  Later as they prepare to leave, I could see the love and affection they have for each other as they fussed among themselves. They looked so cute as she accused him of “talking too much” and he said she was “bossy.” While I feel there was some truth in their words, they said it teasingly which no doubt is the secret to their long lasting marriage. It was just so delightful watching their exchange.

Jimmy is from North Carolina and Martha from Georgia. After high school they both migrated to New York where they met. The Bryant’s were married on December 25, 1956 at the tender young age of 23. Their union produced 4 boys, including a set of twins. They lived in New York for a time, but would move to other places, like Boston, New Hampshire, and eventually settling down in Georgia about seven years ago. Two of their sons have since preceded them in death, however the other two are happily married with children. One lives in Colorado and the other in Boston. The effects of aging has limited Martha’s ability to drive, but Jimmy still handles himself pretty well behind the wheel. He took great pride in sharing that his wife had him drive the 6,000 miles round trip to Canada from Georgia this past summer.  Not only that, he frequently drives to Colorado, Boston, North Carolina, and Florida to visit family.

At the end of the night as I looked at this elderly couple put on their coats and prepare to venture home, I could not help but think, “It is possible to have happy ever after”. Martha is the yin to Jimmy’s yang or vice versa. Either way, they are a perfect match. I am sure it was not all daisies and roses - you don’t spend that much time with someone without encountering some hardships, but whatever trials they encountered it is obvious, from looking at them, that their love for each other saw them through the tough times. I am so glad I ventured out because I met this amazing couple who restored my faith in the institution of marriage. They are a prime example that marriages can last if you work at it. So Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Bryant. May you have many more happy years together. I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Copyright 2017 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

I Cancelled Christmas because it has nothing to do with the Messiah

From time to time I see a post on my Facebook news feed that speaks to me even if the writer did not have me in mind when they posted it. While, for the most part, I can move on with just a passing glance, ever so often I see one that resonate in my spirit and I have to speak on it.  Recently I saw one that took issue with someone who no longer celebrated Christmas. The writer pretty much stated they would continue the practice of celebrating Christmas as their parents and ancestors have done for years. Can't really blame them for their views/belief because they don't know any better. Truth is all of us are guilty of celebrating lots of holidays or engaging in some practice ignorantly because it is what we know. After all, it's what we saw our parents and grandparents do, so we continue it without thoughts of its origin. Thus continuing the tradition. However it's that ignorance of the origin that keeps us enslaved and out of YHVH Elohiym's will for us. Truth is if we took the time to really think about these practices and why we do them, we would realize that they were given to our ancestors by the people who took us into slavery. But it goes even deeper than that.

Researching the subject of religion and/or those practices will reveal an even darker, sinister origin. The information I have uncovered supports that we have been lied to as a people on a whole on who we are, and whose we are. Our history has been rewritten to hide the truth - that we are in fact the descendants of the Hebrew Israelites, that scripture documents, were enslaved in Egypt. This information is now being supported not just from a biblical prospective (read Deuteronomy 28), but also from a historical perspective.  There are literally hundreds of documented literature and videos available that validates this fact. Scripture tells us that we perish for a lack of knowledge -  "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: seeing you have forgotten the Torah (law) of your ELOHIYM, I will also forget your children". Husha/Hosea 4:6 (The Cepher)

I too rejected the knowledge that Christmas was not about the Messiah when it was first presented to me. Why? Because it threatened the very core foundation of my belief. All my life Jesus was the reason for the season. To denounce Christmas was like denouncing Jesus. I could not do that. Both my grandmothers would turn over in their graves if I did that. So I continued the tradition, but ever so often someone would drop a seed which resonate in my spirit, like "did you know there was no 'J' in the English language before [the year] 1611?" Or "did you know the bible was originally written in Hebrew then translated to Greek, then Latin and there were words in Hebrew that could not be translated so substitutions for those words were made?" Or "have you ever heard of Emperor Constantine or the Council  of Nicea and their role in religion as you know it today?" Oh and my personal favorite, "do you know how much the Catholic church and King James influenced Christianity and the changes they made to scriptures by changing or omitting books of the bible?" Over time it got to the point my curiosity was peaked enough to be opened to explore those seeds I had collected, especially when they tend to overlap. Finally I got the courage to look into it more deeply.  It's like that Buddhist proverb that says, "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Everything I had experienced, read or heard was preparing me for what would be the biggest change in my life. It set the tone for the psychological change my mentally was about to embark on. The knowledge that I came into not only answered the questions I had about what I was taught about the Messiah, but also confirmed the things I challenged before. Line by line, precept upon precept the truth unfolded before me. It was exciting and scary all at the same time, but I knew I was on the right path as my spirit quaked within me and I started seeing manifestations of things in my life as I restored order by first repenting and reconciling myself back to YHVH ELOHIYM. 

So No, I don't celebrate Christmas ANYMORE because I have been enlightened about the misinformation that was passed down to me and my ancestors by those who took us captive. I now know, not just believe, that the Messiah was not born on December 25th, nor was his name ever Jesus. Nimrod and Tammuz, along with other pagan gods are who were born on December 25th and it is their birthdays that the world celebrates on December 25th under the guise of celebrating the Messiah. Scripture cautions us to not follow the world.  "Hear the word which יהוה speaks to you, O house of Yisra’ĕl. Thus said יהוה, “Do not learn the way of the nations, and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens, for the nations are awed by them. “For the laws of these peoples are worthless, for one cuts a tree from the forest, work for the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. “They beautify it with silver and gold, they strengthen it with nails and hammers so that it does not topple. Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 10:1-4 TS2009

I admonish you to seek truth for yourself. Don't just do what you do because it is what you have been taught/modeled. Seek answers to the unformulated questions about why you do what you do. I am reminded of a story I read some time ago. A mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner. She cut off both sides of the roast before putting it in the roasting pan. Her young daughter who observed the act asked her mother why she cut off the ends of the roast especially since it was meaty and appeared good for consumption. The mother responded, "I don’t know. It's what I saw my mother do every time she prepared a roast." Puzzled the young girl goes into the livingroom where her grandmother was watching tv. "Grandma" the girl said, "why do you cut the ends off the roast before putting it in the pan?" "I don't know," the grandmother responded without even thinking about it. "It's what I saw my mother do when she prepares a roast." So the young girl called her great grandmother on the phone and poses the same question. The response she got was, "because it was too big for the pan!"  Moral of the story, don't just do things because you see others doing it. Find out why they do it.  I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Copyright 2017 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Friday, November 3, 2017

The President of the United States - A Position, Not a Job
Rapper Eminem gained much attention on both mainstream media and social media for his performance at the BET Hip Hop Awards on October 6th, where he free-style rapped about President Trump. I recently had a chance to view that footage and I must agree that Eminem pretty much nailed it when he echoed the feelings of much of the country, myself included. However, I do not think it was appropriate. Before you get go getting all bent out of shape, hear me out.  While everything Eminem said was on point and President Trump has shown that he is a lousy human being, he is still the President of the United States. As such we as citizens need to respect the position if not the person holding the position.  Let me elaborate more. As an individual you are entitled to your opinion about anything or anyone. You can trash talk all day long, but when you are a public figure – politician or celebrity - you have a duty to conduct yourself appropriately. Much of what is aired on the news and on social media reaches across the globe. Other countries have a magnifying glass trained on America. Everything we do or say is used to make or break relations. How can we expect other countries to take us seriously and respect the position of the Presidency if we don’t? President Obama put it quite eloquently after he won his first election. He pretty much said that he was everyone’s president whether or not they voted for him.
So I ask the question again, how can we expect other countries to take us seriously when we don't even respect our leaders? Granted that you may or may not have voted for Donald Trump, but the fact is we really don’t ever truly vote for the president. Yes we go to the polls and cast our vote for the candidate we would like to be president, but it is the Electoral College that determines who will be president even if it goes against who the majority of the population wants. Therefore, America is not a democracy it is a republic. So if you're still thinking that your vote matters and that you choose the president, you are sadly mistaken. So whether or not you voted for Donald Trump, it does not matter. He is in office because “the power that be” wants him there. President Trump has no power in and off himself, only what is allotted him.  Basically, President Trump has as much power as his previous successors, President Obama included. He is being manipulated just like every other president. Fact is Presidents don’t make policy, they only enforce the policies that are already set.
President Obama had a lot of positive changes he was going to implement once he got into office. He ran on a platform that a marriage was between a man and a woman. Yet by his second term his tune change drastically. His second term he supported the LGBT lifestyle. And, as every other president before him, he got significantly gray. Do you think that's by accident? I don’t think so. It has been said that stress can make a person gray prematurely. What could be so stressful to a president that within years, if not months of taking office, they start showing signs of graying? Could it be that once these candidates get in office they realize that they have no say in anything and they cannot affect change as they want it? I think so. They have to read the script that is given to them and they have to shake the hands that they were told to shake and they have to literally kiss the ass they're told to kiss. So while President Trump, as a human being, may be insensitive, lack character, and have no social grace he is still the President of the United States and everything that he is doing is being done by script - period.
Do you really think that President Trump is that ditzy or stupid? He is a multi-millionaire business man. A shroud businessman at best. He knows perfectly well how to wheel and deal so he can make money and he is very good at it especially when you take into consideration how many times he has filed bankruptcy and still retain/regain his wealth. But when it comes to being the President of United States he sucks at it. Well that depends on who you ask. For some people he is doing a great job repealing what President Obama did. For others, he sucks because he is repealing what President Obama did. If you can wrap your brain around the fact that just like President Obama was handpicked because of his character for the role “they” needed him to play, so was President Trump.  “They” need President Trump to play the role he is playing and he has the character flaws they need for him to effectively fill the role. I don’t have it totally figured out yet, but it seems to me that they needed 8 years to put in place the policies that they now need President Trump to enforce. The few things that President Obama was allowed to put in place which has now become the subject of controversy, i.e., The Affordable Healthcare Plan, also known as Obama Care, were allowed so that it will be a distraction while they put policies in place. “The powers that be” knows that Trump is the perfect one to push for their agenda at this time. They already knew what they were doing when they passed the Obamacare and other legislations, including climate control legislation. All those things were done so that now we are distracted with Donald Trump tweeting, Russian involvement, Clinton emails, racially charged police shootings, etc. All designed to distract us from the real issues, impending installation of martial laws.
While we are so focused on racial tension that has been stirred up because of police brutality towards people of color, and trying to remove Confederate stuff, i.e., flags and statues, so much more is happening behind the scenes that has nothing to do with race relations.  What I'm saying is, don't get caught up in the hype or circus, because this is what it is - it's a circus. Use this time wisely. Stand on the sidelines and watch this thing unfold. Just like everything that happened which led up to 9/11 i.e., the Oklahoma bombing, Timothy McVeigh, etc. were all planned and executed to put Homeland Security in place and facilitate the war on Iraq – so are the rash of shooting events that has been plaguing the country, i.e., school shootings, police involved shootings, and the Las Vegas shootings.   I still don’t understand how one man, with no prior military training or marksman training could cause that much chaos from that distance without help?  So while the Republicans and Democrats are trying to insight a civil war by using people of color and any other race that they can get, including whites, to support their agenda, my advice is don't get sucked in or manipulated. Just sit on the sidelines and watch them work this thing out themselves. Otherwise a lot of us might end up as casualties. Remember President Trump is playing a role. No need getting bent out of shape because he is doing what he was selected to do – to be a distraction.  I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Copyright 2017 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Warning: Civil War Ahead
Every week since he took office, President Trump has been the subject of ridicule in the news. From his handling of foreign affairs to the way he interacts with his wife,  every move is scrutinized. Tweet after tweet President Trump continues to unleash his venom on unsuspected victims and by so doing providing the day's news headline. I don't remember any President before him getting this much press. Which begs the question,  why? 

Take into consideration that President Trump only became President because of the electoral votes he received. He did not win the popular votes. Still think America is a democracy?
Between the publicity President Trump receives and the racially charged contents featured on the news every night, it leaves me wondering about the "hidden" agenda. Last time we were inundated with this much bad press it led up to September 11. So what could all this publicity be leading up to this time? I'm glad you asked. There has been a lot of shooting incidents the past few years, i.e school shootings, college shootings, police involve shootings, and most recently the Las Vegas shooting. All of which makes me believe that there is something coming down the pipes which will affect gun laws as we know it. Perhaps Congress is seeking to impose stronger gun control laws or maybe bring about Martial law. All I know is they are using this President as a distraction. It reminds me of the days when the King would enlist the service of a jester to entertain the court. President Trump is our jester. Designed to keep us preoccupied with his shenanigans while "the powers that be" put their agenda in play. I would even venture to say that here in the south, where we are racially charged on focusing on removing the confederate flag and any monument depicting that era from public places, is definitely a distraction designed to propel us to join a movement that in the end will not be about race relation but rather about gun control so that the democrats can stick it to the republicans by passing laws to strip them of their guns.
Side bar: personally I say let them keep their confederate flags and monuments. This way they are easily identifiable. Stripping away their markings only makes it harder to protect myself. While driving back one afternoon from Florida to Georgia and needing gas, I was happy to see the larger than life confederate flag towering over the pine trees at the exit I was thinking about patronizing.  Needless to say,  I kept going. We need those markings so we can make good choices.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program.  I know it sounds a bit far fetched but think about it.  The republicans manipulated Congress to get what they wanted - to declare war on Iraq and implement homeland security by way of 9/11.   Now it's the democrats' turn to manipulate Congress to get what they want - stronger gun control laws and/or martial law by way of increased gun violence. Think about it for a minute. Then do the research. How can one man with no known prior marksman skill hit over 500 people from such a distance unless he had help? Where did ANTIFA come from? Who is funding them? And more importantly, what is their purpose if not to force the Democrats' agenda?
All I am saying is that don't be fooled or distracted by President Trump. He is playing an intricate role and doing a great job at it. Come on,  you don't really think he is that dim witted do you? Don't get me wrong, I think he is the most insensitive President we have ever had, but he is also a shroud businessman who has wheeled and dealed himself to the top. You don't get to be that wealthy being dumb. Some of the things President Trump does is down right stupid. I mean who gives a speech and apologizes for his wife not being there while she is standing right by his side? How can he not know he is the President of the US Virgin Islands? Even if you want to say he is suffering from some sort of old age brain disease, doesn't he have people to vet subjects and situations for him ahead of time? Who chooses to be publicly humiliated unless there is bigger agenda in play? No one, but Trump that's who. What I find offensive is the seemingly little thought that was given into planning this out. Whoever President Trump is dancing for thinks so very little of our intelligence or they simply just don't give a dam if we figured it out  -  that the President of the United States has no power to make or break policy. He only enforces it. President Trump has no more power to effect change than any of his previous predecessors. So how can he "make America great again"?My charge to you is 1). Stay vigilante. 2) Stay alert. But most importantly,  stay informed. I'm just saying - I got issues.  What about you?)i(

Copyright 2017 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Dementia - The Silent Killer
I recently lost my Dad to the effects of Dementia. From what I can conjure, he was struggling with the disease for years, but hid it from his family and friends. He probably didn't even know what was going on with him, but like so many men, he opted not to seek medical attention even when encouraged to do so. Fairly active and in great health, my dad worked way pass the retirement age. In fact it was not until he retired that the disease seem to become aggressive. Once it became clear to us that something was wrong, we encouraged him to go to the doctor.  At first it was subtle things like being forgetful or repeating himself. When pressed, he would always give an excuse why he could not go to the doctor, ie his wife was out of town, he had some pressing business which required his immediate attention, etc.  By the time he got around to visiting the doctor, the damage was done. It was only then that we became aware of the disease and how it has been impacting his way of life. In hind-sight, I would say he was probably struggling with his memory from 2009.
Once I became aware of his condition, I was determined that my Dad would lick this thing so I read up on the disease and possible cures. I found tons of article promotion both natural and pharmaceutical drugs to help strengthen the brain and ward off the effects of the disease. There were many articles that suggest it was possible to reveres the effects of the disease with natural remedies, i.e., coconut oil, omega 3, etc. I shared everything I learned with my sisters in hopes that they would convey them to his primary caregiver if they were unable to administer them to him themselves. Since I was not his primary caregiver, I can't speak to what steps were taken to curtail the disease, but in the end, he succumbed to the effects. While he was still pretty healthy physically, his mind deteriorated quickly making it difficult for him to remember to do simple things like eat, or drink. In the end he no longer ate, talked, or knew my name. Five months after my last visit with him, he died.

It is hard for me to comprehend how a vibrant man with his whole life ahead of him could be reduced to a vegetable state where he knew nothing of his existence let alone participate in sustaining his well-being.  I blamed myself for not doing more, but realistically I know I did all I could, considering my limited/non-existent involvement with his care. My take away from this experience is simply this, pay attention to the elders. Look for any signs they may be struggling with simple every day issues. Are they exhibiting signs of having difficulty recalling words when engaged in conversation and becomes easily frustrated trying to remember? While that by itself may be a sign of just growing older, it can also be a sign that something else is going on.  I may never know what my dad's last days were like as he was unable to verbally communicate his feelings, but I hope he did not suffer. Mostly I pray he had the presence of mind to make his heart right with the Creator before he took his last breath. I got issues - what about you?)i(


Hi Daddy,

I felt bad at first that I did not get a chance to say goodbye to you the morning you passed but Dahlia helped me see that there was no need to beat up on myself because you already knew I loved you.

The love I have for you grew stronger with time. I don’t have many memories of you from when I was growing up, but the few that I do have are cherished ones. From you coming to see me in your shiny red truck with the ladybug floor mats to that Mickey Mouse watch and mini piano you once gave me. Oh and those times I didn’t mind missing the school bus because it meant I got to walk pass your job at Continental. I would press my face up against the window to get a glimpse of you. Once I was with a friend and I remember pointing at you through the window as I proudly proclaimed, "that's my Dad." You were always GQ ready in your silk shirt, seamed pants, and polished boots. No one dressed better than you.

By far one of my fondest childhood memory is when you came to see me in the emergency room after I had a seizure at school. I was in the first grade. I was scared but you were so gentle and kind. Your voice was soothing and it relaxed me and made me feel I would be ok. It is that voice I will miss the most. Can't tell you how many times I came home from a frustrating day at work only to find your voice on my answering machine. It was always comforting to hear you say, "Laura, this is your father. I just called to let you know I love you." Sometimes you would break out in song. Never knew "Tell Laura I love her" was a real song. Always thought you made that up just for me.

As time went by, we developed an unbreakable bond as I learned to depend you for emotional support. You were the one I turned to for relationship advice. And when life became unbearable at times, you were the one I called. You were never too busy for me. Don't have to tell you how many times you bailed me out of a difficult situation but I was only too happy to return the favor whenever the opportunity presented itself.

It came a point that after an exhausting day at work I would rush home to see if you called. Most times than not you did not disappoint me as there would be a loving message from you waiting for me. At times it was just you letting me know that you were thinking about me and other times it was you reminding me that you were my father and you loved me. And yes there were a couple of times you sang. I tried to hold on to those messages but with power outages and dead batteries I lost them. However they are forever engraved in my heart.

Oddly enough, the more your illness manifested itself, the more frequent your calls. In fact about a year or two ago I would wake up on any given day to over a dozen missed calls from you and just as many messages. They all pretty much said the same thing, "This is Ed Gore. Please give me a call." But amongst them there was one which said. "Laura, this is your father. Just want you to know I love you." Then you would break out in song, "Tell Laura I love her. Tell Laura I need her. Tell Laura I miss her and my love for her will never die." I would play that one over and over again. Your soft voice and humble demeanor comforted my soul.

As your memory got frailer and you lost your phone privilege, I would call you often. Mostly because I knew the day would come when you would no longer be able to speak with me. In the beginning our conversations were engaging and a bit challenging as you would ask me the same questions repeatedly. But I didn't mind even when I reminded you that you asked me that already. I didn't fully grasp the fact that your memory was failing you. But in time I just answered your questions no matter how many times you asked. I kept calling long after you could no longer remember my name. Eventually our conversations became difficult as you struggled to coherently express yourself. Simple words were replaced with “the thing.” Talking was a task that became impossible for you and you would eventually stop trying. It didn't matter to me if you spoke or grunted. All that mattered was that you were on the other end of the line.

My last memory of you was when I drove to Florida to see you in March. Really glad I made that trip even if I only got to see you for a "little while." It was the best "little while" ever. I sang and you hummed. We watched music videos on my phone. All the while I held your hand. As I buckled you into the back seat for you to go to the airport, I remember kissing you all over your face and I asked you, "Who loves you?" You smiled and said, "You do!" I smiled then as I am doing now and as I do every time I think of that day. That memory is forever engraved in my mind's eye and has gotten me through difficult days, like today when I am unable to hear your voice.

So while I did not get to speak to you before you passed on that faithful day, I have no doubt that you knew I loved you. You were loving and supportive and gave me great advice. I will miss our lunch dates at Cheeseburger in Paradise, your smile, and our candid conversations. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for supporting me in my endeavors no matter how outlandish. But most importantly, thank you for being my Dad.

You were not perfect, but you were an awesome human being. You were a great man with a kind and gentle soul, but above all that you were and will always be my Dad. I will always remember you. Rest in eternal peace. 

Your loving daughter
Laura aka Yáminah

Copyright 2017 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Tax Center, LLC

No matter how careful you are, there is always the risk that you may over look something or make some sort of unintentional tax error whether or not you prepare your taxes yourself. Truth is your tax preparation is only as good as the person completing them. By that I mean, your refund is only as big as whatever deductions and/or credits the preparer applies. So if there are things the preparer is not aware of or if they only have limited knowledge about what deductions can be had, you might be leaving money on the table.

For the first few years of my tax filing tenure I trust a friend who worked in finance to prepare my taxes. When I relocated to the states I turned that responsibility over to the lady in HR at my job. Not sure what prompted me to start paying attention to the deductions she was allocating me but I know it lead me to inquire why she did not include my medical expenses as a deduction and her saying I did not qualify to do that because I did not own a home.  A call to the IRS helpline to confirm what I was told rendered a detailed explanation which had more to do with the possibility of deducting medical expenses if the limits were met and less to do with whether or not I owned a home. Of course owning a home offered its own benefits of increasing deductions.  Armed with that information I opted to do my own taxes going forward. For the most part it was a bit challenging at times but with tax preparing software, those challenges were eliminated, at least I hope I got the maximum refund owed me.   
Image credit:

However there was one time that I allowed someone to convince me that he could do a better job since he was a “professional” tax preparer. So $124 later I learned that he did not live up to “his” hype. Upon reviewing my taxes I realized that he had forgotten to include my son’s social security number, he did not apply a lot of the deductions I was entitled to including being a home owner, among other things. Of course he apologized but quickly added the he was not about to sit there and add up all my receipts. Needless-to-say, that was the last time I paid anyone to do my taxes. 

Image credit:
Over the years I have had much success completing my own taxes and while I feel I did a great job there is still the possibility that I have over looked somethings as the tax laws are always changing/evolving. As luck would have it I no longer have to contend with the headache of tax preparation as I am no longer in the workforce. However I recently became aware that my son had his own challenges with filing his taxes and was dealing with a tax issue.  The issue seemed innocent enough, so my first thought was to write the IRS on his behalf to see if I could help resolve it, but after speaking with a friend, she suggested that I seek professional advice because, as she put it, “you don’t want to do anything that could potentially make the situation worst.” I thought about it and it made sense. So I asked her if she knew someone I could consult.  Her recommendation was Mr. Eric L. Griffin at The Tax Center in Lithonia, Georgia. 

A quick phone call rendered an appointment to see Mr. Griffin but I am suspect that the ease came from the person making the referral. Since my son had to work I had to be his stand in. So armed with what little documentations my son gave me to plead his case, I made my way to the appointment. Not sure what the outcome would be I hoped for the best. When I arrived at the location I was greeted warmly by a friendly and polite receptionist who made me feel welcome.  The office was spacious and clean and the atmosphere relaxing. She offered me a drink/refreshment while I waited. My wait time was very minimal as Mr. Griffin was prompt to honor my appointment time.  Like his receptionist, Mr. Griffin was also warm and friendly and after exchanging pleasantries, we addressed the issue at hand. From our brief encounter I gathered that Mr. Griffin was very knowledgeable as he was able to assess my son’s situation and offered an immediate remedy which, if followed, could help reduce, if not eliminate some of the penalties/fees my son had accrued.   I am very happy I consulted with Mr. Griffin.

I don’t know what tax issues you might be facing or if you just need some tax advice, but whatever it is I highly recommend Mr. Griffin and his associates. In business since 2010, The Tax Center is not a fly by night operation. They are dedicated and committed to serving the community all year round. So no matter what your needs are, you can trust the staff at The Tax Center to handle it professionally, efficiently, and discreetly. I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Contact Information
Eric L. Griffin, President
The Tax Center, LLC
7245 Rockbridge Road
Suite 1900
Lithonia, GA 30058-8618

Tel: (770) 817-3910

Copyright 2017 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

Airline Mayhem

For the third time in as many weeks another incident of airline employee misconduct has been reported on mainstream media. You may recall just last month (April 10, 2017) a doctor was dragged off a United Airline flight when he refused to give up his seat for an airline employee. Then last week (April 27, 201) a Milwaukee man was kicked off a DeltaAir Lines flight after going to the restroom while the plane waited for takeoff.  Now today another report of a family beingbumped from a Delta Airline flight over a dispute of the use of a seat (May 4, 2017). Apparently the father was told he had to hold his toddler child for the duration of the flight even though there was an empty seat next to him. I fail to believe that these are isolated incidents but rather examples of what may very well be business as usual in the airline industry. The only difference is that now with smart phones and social media, people are more inclined to post these type incidents than in time past. 

The United Airline incident received so much negative media coverage that congress held a hearing this week with airline executives to get answers about the forcible removal of a passenger on an overbooked flight. Not sure why this is only now becoming an issue, especially when this has no doubt been going on forever.  Truth is this could happen to anyone of us anywhere. Why do airline employees think it is okay to mistreat their passengers? Having been bumped myself off flights before, I gave no thought to it because I was traveling on a buddy pass and accepted that as a part of the risk I took for a discounted fare. However, I would never expect or accept that type behavior as a full fare paying passenger. 
Not only that, the manner with which these passengers were treated was inhumane. In the case of the doctor, who said it was okay to put your hands on another human being regardless of the situation? Last time I checked that was an “assault” and punishable under the law. What ever happened to approaching and treating a person with dignity and respect? Surely there are protocols in place to facilitate “overbooking” etc. i.e., asking for volunteers to give up their seats with or without incentives. I have heard a lot of the comments from both sides and I still say the airline employees acted irrationally.

Now, because of the backlash, the airlines are jumping through hoops trying to do damage control, i.e. apologies, out of court settlements, etc. All this could have been prevented/avoided if they had taken a moment to do the right thing from the start. Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure. How about training your staff how to handle difficult passengers and what NOT to do if the passenger refuses to give up their seat? Or better yet, how about some training in conflict resolution? Airline employees need to learn compassion and sensitivity, period!  We have all been there at one point or another when we felt our rights were being threatened. No doubt we have all also had bad days when someone gets on our last nerve. The trick is to find a coping mechanism with which to manage those emotions when people push your buttons to the point where you want to come out of character.   A kind word or gesture can defuse any situation. The trouble is, for some people, having the power to enforce rules is a drug that they can not handle.

It has been my experience that most industry are task oriented/driven instead of people focus. The service industry is one of those occupations where they need to be people driven instead of task oriented. Instead of focusing on the task of getting a seat for whoever they think needs it, why not focus on the safety and well-being of the passengers? What purpose does it serve to force a passenger off the plane and creating a scene which will no doubt get massive media attention and possibly cost the airline a small fortune in damage control? It would be more advantageous to just try and find alternative resolutions to the problem without making everyone on the plane aware that there is an issue.  

I am not sure how successful Delta or United will be in recovering from these incidents but from what I can see they are not learning from their mistakes. How else would you explain the fact that they are still violating their customers and causing more mayhem by bumping passengers in a very unprofessional manner? I don’t think no amount of apologies is going to make a difference. Until airline executives are willing to face the fact that the way their employees treat their customers is an issue that need to be addressed at the source/core, nothing will change. People need to be held accountable for their actions and just saying “sorry” or firing the at-fault employee is not the answer. I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Copyright 2017 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday - Not Really Holy

I'm sitting here thinking about Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday and wondering about their true origin. I mean what does bunny rabbits and colored eggs have to do with the death, burial, and resurrection of the Messiah? So I decided to do some research. Surprisingly I found a lot of videos on YouTube on the subject. This one was very informative. It is in two parts. 

YouTube Video #1

YouTube Video #2

It is amazing to me how much I didn’t realize I didn’t know, especially when it comes to seemingly innocent religious or holy holidays, until I went searching. Like so many of you, most of what we believe/celebrate was passed down to us by our parents and other people we were exposed to while growing up. Even as an adult, a lot of what I practiced was done purely out of habit or because everyone else was doing it. Like celebrating Christmas, Thanksgiving, and yes Lent and Easter. But when you take the time to research their origin you become aware that these seemingly holy holidays had very little, if not nothing at all, to do with God as we know it, but more to do with sinister things. 

As the YouTube video documentaries shared, they are rooted in Paganism, but what is Paganism/pagan? While I felt I knew what it was (that a Pagan or gentile (as they are sometimes referred to) is anyone who practice a religion outside of Christianity. More specifically pagans are known for their belief in other god’s beside the God of Israel Yahuah) I looked it up on Wikipedia just to be sure.  

As Wikipedia put it, “Paganism is a term that derives from the Latin word pagan, which means "nonparticipant, one excluded from a more distinguished, professional group". The term was used in the 4th century, by early Christian community, in reference to populations of the Roman world who worshipped many deities. In and after the Middle Ages, paganism was a pejorative [derogatory term] that was applied to any non-Abrahamic or unfamiliar religion, and the term presumed a belief in false god(s).”

Anyway, the more I learned about the origin of these seemingly innocent holidays, the more I was shocked and appalled about the deceptiveness of those who dispensed information and fed us all those lies for centuries, more specifically my Sunday’s school teacher and pastors. Just about everything I was learning goes against what I was taught. So many things were revealed including the fact that we are out of Yahuah’s order. I even got answers to questions I didn’t even know I had. Yes, it was that deep. Like why we worshiped on Sunday and not Saturday. Why the New Year begins in January instead of March. Why they stopped using the Hebrew calendar and why so many scriptures were changed and books removed from the Bible. 

It was all done to confuse and misdirect us from the truth. Have you ever heard of Constantine the Great or the First Council of the Nicaea? Well Constantine was a Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 AD who enacted many administrative, financial, social, and military reforms to strengthen the empire.  It was Constantine who organized the First Council of the Nicaea. According to Wikipedia, “The First Council of Nicaea was the first ecumenical council of the Church. Most significantly, it resulted in the first uniform Christian doctrine, called the Nicene Creed. With the creation of the creed, a precedent was established for subsequent local and regional councils of Bishops (Synods) to create statements of belief and canons of doctrinal orthodoxy—the intent being to define unity of beliefs for the whole of Christendom.” In essence it was the beginning of the end. With Constantine’s influence, the Council of Nicaea was responsible for organized religion as we know it.

Interestingly enough, Constantine himself was not a Christian but rather practiced some of the very pagan rituals we celebrate today. Organizing religion under one umbrella was his way to control the people and eventually incorporate some of, if not all of his paganist beliefs and rituals.  It also allowed him to maintain control over the people he considered to be a threat.  Another result of the council was an agreement on when to celebrate Easter, the most important feast of the ecclesiastical calendar, decreed in an epistle to the Church of Alexandria in which is simply stated:  We also send you the good news of the settlement concerning the holy pasch [Easter or Passover], namely that in answer to your prayers this question also has been resolved. All the brethren in the East who have hitherto followed the Jewish practice will henceforth observe the custom of the Romans and of yourselves and of all of us who from ancient times have kept Easter together with you.” 

There really is way too much information for me to go into here and I am not trying to preach to you. Truth is, I don’t know enough to try to repeat it. This type information is best coming from the source. Don’t want to risk misrelating information. Hopefully I have piqued your interest/curiosity enough for you to want to research it for yourself. I am on a quest for truth. The path can be dark at times but I press on because this information is way too important to my desire to learn who I am and who my biblical ancestors were.  

But more importantly it is critical for me to get back in the will of Yahuah. As a people, as a nation, we will never truly escape slavery and be reconciled to Yahuah until we learn who we are, turn from our wicked ways, and get back to our roots of upholding all of Yahuah’s mandates including but not limited to observing the first commandment – “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” said Yahuah.  Have you not been deceived enough? If you are fed up with the lies or even have a desire to know the truth, do the research. Discover who you are. Do it for yourself. If not for you, then do it for your children, grandchildren, and those to come. It is time for an awakening. Mines has begun. What about you? I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

Copyright 2017 © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved

 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday - Not Really Holy

I'm sitting here thinking about Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday and wondering about their true origin. I mean what does bunny rabbits ...