Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Clinton or Trump for President

The Donald’s Motives

With the last of the primaries wrapping up across the country, it is still anyone’s guess who will be the parties’ nominee for president. Well that was my thought before breaking news revealed that Ted Cruz dropped out of the race after Trump took Indiana in today’s primary elections.  So now it’s down to who will be the Democratic Party’s nominee. According to a recent CNN poll “84% of voters’ nationwide think Donald Trump will lead the Republican ticket in November, while 85% say the same about Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.” If this poll is to be believed then the question then becomes who will win the Presidency – Clinton or Trump? Better yet, was this all just a set up? Was Donald Trump’s motive for running for president just a ploy to weed out the tough candidates that Hillary Clinton could not stand up against on her own?

I must admit that plot was revealed to me by my mom. My mom is a pretty savvy woman who pays attention to things others may over look. I was speaking to her a few weeks ago when she brought the subject up. She reminded me of back in 1996 when Bill Clinton was running for President against President Bush. Remember Ross Perot? Henry Ross Perot, known as Ross Perot, is an American businessman who was best known for being the Reform Party’s presidential candidate in 1996 running against Bill Clinton.  Like Trump, Perot appealed to American who were fed up with the current administration and who wanted a change. Just like Trump, Perot’s campaign seemed to gather momentum as the political race heated up. He promoted himself as a reformer, building on his success with the Texas Public Education system in the 1980s. But, in July, he dropped out of the race.   According to The New York Times, Perot believed that the Bush campaign was going to start a rumor about his daughter's sexuality.  He would later return to the race in October, just weeks before the election. However, despite this setback, he managed to pull nearly 19 percent of the popular vote. Bill Clinton would win the elections. My mom suspects that Perot was a diversion to pull votes away from Bush.

If my mom’s prediction is true and history is set to repeat itself, Trump could very well be doing the same thing. If not, then we are in for the ride of our political lives as the whole world will be watching to see if Donald Trump becomes the next president of the United States.  Can Hillary Clinton hold her own against the Donald? Does she have what it takes to lead this country? More importantly does she have enough to garnish the necessary votes to beat Trump come this November? Only time will tell. For me, I can’t wait to see how this plays out. I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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