If you were not taking billionaire Donald Trump seriously
when he announced his candidacy for President, I dare you to ignore him now. In
what is being called the biggest “upset in the presidential race” so far, Trump
came in first in the New Hampshire Primary yesterday. I heard the news this
morning while I was watching the 700 Club with Pat Robinson. Robinson said that this is a “huge win for Donald”
who beat John Kasich 2 to 1. A longtime friend of “The Donald”, Robinson
said “it’s a phenomena [he] can’t explain.”
As Robinson continued with his candid conversation with news
correspondence David Brody, he all but sang praises to the Donald and added
that he “has never seen anything like this”. With Trump upsetting the polls, he
captured the “angry” votes that his opponents were hoping to capture for
themselves. It looks like Trump is appealing to the segment of the population who
are “sick and tired” of the way things are in the nation, as well as the ones
who are unhappy with the present administration and want a change from what
they are offering.

If Trump wins South Carolina then we need to really sit up
and pay attention. With lots of momentum behind him, Donald Trump is a force to
be reckoned with. While he claims he can not be bought, he has spent very little of his own money campaigning so far
because he has big supporters who are funding his campaign - people who wants to see
him get in office so he can undo what President Obama has done thus far. Interestingly
enough I had a similar conversation with a friend a few weeks ago when the
Republican’s nomination was announced. She seemed to think that it was over for
Trump because he did not win the party's nomination. As I told her then, and I still
stand behind my words, I will not be surprised if Donald Trump wins the presidency
because there are a lot of Republicans who want to repeal what President Obama has
done these past 8 years and they will use Trump to do it. Just about all the
current issues that are on the table right now will be dealt with in one swoop
should Trump become President, i.e., immigrants, healthcare reform, etc. I’m
telling you, it’s not just about the popular votes. We all know that it’s really
the electoral votes that determines the presidency. So with so many law makers “gunning”
for President Obama, I have no doubt they will use Trump to do their "dirty work" for them because they are not man/woman enough to do it themselves. Granted he may be a one-term president if elected as the powers that be will remove him from office after the deed is done by any means necessary. I’m just saying – I got issues. What about you?)i(
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