Monday, May 23, 2022

Georgia's Primaries 2022

Last week while speaking to my daughter I was reminded that early voting for Georgia primaries was in progress. Actual Primaries Election day is May 24, 2022. I thought it was odd that I did not receive an absentee ballot in the mail even though I signed up to receive one for all future elections. I try to believe that there is always a rational explanation for everything even when that reason is not immediately clear. So when I did not receive an absentee voting ballot for the upcoming elections, I opted to go vote in person.

Truth is with all the hoopla and accusations about voter/vote suppression,  one could quickly jump to the assumption that my not receiving the ballot in the mail is apart of those efforts. I have no way of knowing for sure if I was the only one who did not get an absentee ballot in the mail. 

Trying to remember if I was required to request one every time there was an election but I am pretty sure that I checked the box requesting future absentee ballots be mailed to me at the time I filled out the form. Maybe it was just for the presidential election and primaries are not included. But that seems crazy to me. Anyone who has been approved to receive an absentee ballot for the presidential elections should also be approved to receive one for all elections.  I actually received 2 identical ballots in the mail for the presidential elections. Of course I only returned one.

Whether or not my not receiving an absentee ballot in the mail was on purpose or not, I am glad I had the presence of mind to go vote despite the hardship it entailed. I felt I needed to say something just in case there are others out there who are waiting on the ballot to come in the mail. While it took great effort on my part to actually go vote in person I am sure there are those who can not go physically and therefore will not cast a vote.

I don't readily know how to fix this issue but thought writing about it will shed some light on an issue that may not be obvious. Hopefully someone who can do something about this will see this post. If you know someone who is unable to physically go out and vote, take steps to see what you can do to aid them in casting their vote.  It would be a shame if everyone who is entitled to vote via an absentee ballot were to lose that opportunity due to an oversight or worst. I'm just saying. I got issues, what about you?)i(

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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