Thursday, January 31, 2019

Trying?? Just Do It!

I was just sitting here thinking about life when a conversation I had with a friend crossed my mind. She told me she was “trying to do better” about embracing her healing. I was confused of her choice of word - "trying". What does that look like, I thought. I mean either you believe you're healed or you don't. In an instant Nike's tagline "just do it!" came to mind. In that moment that slogan has never been more real to me. 

As I rehashed this leg of my journey in my friend's life, i.e. everything that she has been through, how she has evolved, the direction that her life is taking - the word “trying” seemed useless to me in this instance. Fact is trying serves no purpose when it comes to getting stuff done. Don't believe me, try walking. Either you walk or you just stand there. There is no trying to walk. Your brain can't compute trying. You may sway forward, but the minute you raise your foot to take a step you are walking.

Birds don't try to fly. Trees don't try to grow. They just do it. Whatever you want to do you just need to do it. This thing about saying “I'm trying” has no place when it comes to living. Well maybe it does. You try on clothes to see if it fits and if you like it. You try new foods for pretty much the latter reason. But when it comes to just about everything else in your life you need to just do it. Let's face it, trying is an excuse some people use for explaining why they are not operating at optimum levels. So whatever you want to do just do it. Don't let fear keep you hostage in the "trying" phase. Don't try to be happy. Just do it! Be happy!! I'm just saying - I got issues what about you?)i(

#higherconsciousness #consciousness #consciousthinking #yahsdaughter863
#powerfulmind #brainpower #realtalk #realtalk💯 #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualawakening #higherpower #igotissues #yaminah #behappy #ilovebnme #iloveme #goodwoman #queen #nike #doit #justdoit

Copyright © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Purge Your Mind and The Rest Will Follow

Sometimes you reflect on past events or people's actions that caused you pain and the memory of it can feel like it just happened. You need to purge your thoughts and the feelings associated with those memories in order to feel good again. Truth is that person or event did nothing to you. It's your interpretation of the event or action that made you feel some type of a way. Everyone is operating from their level of consciousness meaning their experiences. The trick is to learn not to let people's actions or an event affect you to the point that it disturbs your peace of mind. Instead of absorbing the behavior and making it personal, see it for what it really is - they are just being them. It has nothing to do with you. People can't make you feel bad. You chose to feel bad based off the behavior they exhibited.

As you move through your day make a conscious effort to pay attention to how you react to the things going on around you. How does it make you feel? If you're not feeling good about it then change your response. Tell yourself "this has nothing to do with me or about me" and move on. The more you pay attention to and evaluate your feelings the less the event will impact your mood and ultimately your health.

The body stores every emotion and trauma as a memory. Eventually when the sensory system gets overloaded those memories manifest itself as symptoms i.e. pain, ache, itching, etc. The symptoms is a signal that the body is trying to purge those emotions or memories. So when you feel a sensation or symptom acknowledge it but don't give it any energy. How do you do that? I'm glad you asked. Just act as if it's not happening to you. You just observe the sensation/symptom. As you ignore the symptoms/sensations something wonderful happens. The brain releases the memory and you will no longer have that sensation/symptom. However you've been in this world a long time so it stands to reason that you have stored tons of emotions and trauma in your body as memories. As a result you have to consistently repeat the process several times over to eradicate the memory and discomfort you've been carrying around all your life. The minute you give it energy or react to it you've reattached or reinforced the memory thus you reinforce your misery.

The other important factor is not to create or store any new undesirable memories. To do that you must refrain from giving energy to any external stimuli. As you encounter difficult people or situations stay neutral. Don't react. Ignore the behavior and move on. I know it's hard but with practice and persistence you will succeed.

We all have a responsibility to guard our emotions and protect our own mental health. If we all do our part to not inflict others needlessly with our own issues, by taking steps to purge our memory bank and come out of our misery, we improve the possibility of promoting a healthy environment for everyone to coexist. I'm Just saying - I got issues – what about you?)i(

#purge #brain #misery #life #healthyliving #healthythinking #igotissues #mindfullness #realtalk #consciousthinking #subconsciousmind #wakup

Copyright © Todos Escribe. All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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