Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Life: Get Exactly What You Want

You know that saying, “be careful what you ask for because you just might get it”?  Well just the other day I was thinking about that saying and what I realize is that sometimes we get exactly what we ask for but we either don’t recognize it or we don’t know what to do with it or how to act when it shows up. It could be money, a new car, a significant other, etc. Too many times we pray, “God send me a man/woman” but when they show up we either don’t embrace them or if we do embrace them, it’s only for a brief moment then we discard them for whatever reason. The reality is if you don’t take the time to really think about the things that you want and be specific about the details, you won’t recognize it when it shows up.

Everybody is searching for something, some more diligent than others, but the fact still remains that we all want things (a new car, a new home, a spouse, to be loved, a better paying job, more money, better health, etc, etc, etc.). But unless you take the time to think about the details and really focus on what that will look like and the impact it will have on your life, you could very well miss the opportunity to get what you want or if you do get it, you risk misusing or abusing it. The Law of attraction says "like attracts like" and "what you think about you bring about" because you are on that frequency. So whatever you ask for you will get but unless you take the time to envision what you want, it will show up but just not in the form or magnitude you expected. Confused? Don’t be. Ok here is an example. Let’s say you want more money in your life and all you say is “Lord send me more money or make me rich”. Well “more money” and “rich” are so vague. More money could be $1 or $20. Rich could be having millions, but it could also be having more friends, being more popular, or just having enough to pay your bills. Or let’s say you ask for a spouse, “Lord send me a good man/woman”. Again a “good” man/woman is so vague. Good could be someone who is law abiding, has some sense of values and a pretty decent person over all, but they lack the ability to fulfill your desires and could be self-centered and have no clue how to please you.

The universe/God will use their interpretations of what you asked for based on your life – how you live, the experiences you have had thus far or your definition of “being rich” or with the men/women you have had in your life because that is what you think about. I once heard a story about a woman who grew up in a home where her mom was physically abused by the men in her life. Her mom kept going from one bad relationship to another.  When the woman grew up she told herself she would never be with an abuser, however she too found herself experiencing the same things with the men in her life that her mom experienced. Why is that? The answer is, it is because she focused on the negative experiences she saw her mom endure and she brought it to herself. Every guy she dated treated her the exact same way her mom was treated.  Believe it or not, most times than not people don’t think about what they want and if they do, they don’t do so in detail. Instead, they think about what they don’t want – which is what has already manifested in their lives. Unfortunately, because they think about what has already happened, they do so in detail which lays the foundation for all their future experiences. As a result they keep having the same experiences with money, their relationships, etc. over and over again.  

The universe/God will give you what you ask for. If you are vague, you will get what you’ve always gotten, but if you give specific details, then you will get that. The fact is the universe/God needs specific details in order for it to manifest in the form you want it to be. Yeah I know we all believe that God knows everything and therefore He can read between the lines and give you what you want. Well news flash, while He is all knowing, He also only operates out of the desires of your heart. So if you don’t even know what it is you want, how can you expect him to give it to you? Think about it. While God desires to give you good things, He is not going to push/force anything on you. He gave you free will, that means He gave you the ability to make choices. He allows you to decide whether or not you want to serve Him and to live a life pleasing to Him or if you want to do your thing which may not be so pleasing to Him.  He does not force His will on you so He won’t venture to push things on you if you are not clear on what you want.

So if you ask to be rich or for a good man/woman, then you need to be clear what it is you are asking for. Take some time to really think about what it is you are asking for. Be very specific on what that will look like. If it’s money you want, then how much money do you want and don’t just focus on the money but focus on the things you will buy with the money. If you are asking for a spouse, then be specific about what they will look like physically, their personality, their purpose in your life, etc. The more details you add the better chance you will have to recognize the things you ask for when they show up. What you want is very attainable, the answer is in the details. I’m just saying. I got issues – what about you?)i(

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