Thursday, February 20, 2014

Let it Go

At times it seems like despite your best efforts bad things still happen to you and sometimes it's not even your fault. As humans we tend to look for someone to blame for our negative experiences and most times than not we blame someone close to us, be it a parent, a sibling, a friend, or a significant other. Other times we blame ourselves. Truth is, it is inevitable that bad things will occur at no fault of your own or anyone else's for that matter. The trick is not to become so boggled down by those negative experiences to the point that it keeps you from enjoying life or allowing it to cause a rift between you and the people in your life.  No one is perfect, although I like to think I come pretty close, and as long as you have life you will be faced with challenges.  Most of what happens to us is out of our control, i.e., job lost due to company downsizing, falling behind on some payments, getting molested as a child, getting raped as an adult, getting shot while waiting in line at the bank, recording deal falling through because they went with another artist, significant other cheated, significant other took you for everything you worked so hard to accumulate including the kitchen sink, got rear-ended by someone while driving, someone near and dear to you died unexpectedly, etc. The list is endless, however while you may not have chosen the circumstances you have experienced and will experience, you do get to choose how those challenges/circumstances will impact your life.
You can choose to be broken hearted and hold negative thoughts to the point it cripples your very existence, i.e., your health, your relationships, etc.; or you can choose to let it go and embrace life and all it has to offer and trust that it will all work out for the best eventually. Regardless of what has happened to you in the past you only have today, because tomorrow is not promised. I once read some place that there is no such thing as tomorrow because when it comes it's actually today. The only way you can visit tomorrow, or yesterday for that matter, is in your mind. Your mind is the bridge which keeps you trapped in your past or propels you into your future without actually being there. It is your mind that keeps you from enjoying today. 
Think about it for a minute. What thoughts are going through your mind that keeps you up at nights? It may be thoughts of your inability to pay a bill that is not yet due; thoughts of a spouse who may have cheated in the past and the possibility that they may do it again in the future; thoughts of how you can secure a nicer car or a bigger house base on your earning potential, thoughts of something that happened in the past or something that can possibly happen in the future. We are held hostage by our thoughts. I challenge you to shake up the monotony in your life by forgetting about the past and focusing on today. Live for today and don't waste time dwelling on yesterday or tomorrow because you can't do anything about either of them but you have total control over today. Nothing else matters except today, i.e., what you will eat today, what you will wear today, who you love today, who loves you today, etc. Do yourself a favor and let the past go.

Right now where you are, take a moment to reflect on your state of mind right now. What ill feelings are you holding on to? What negative experience has sucked the joy out of your life to the point you lost your zeal for life? What’s keeping you from embracing the people in your life completely? What negative experiences are you attributing as someone else's fault or even your own? 
Now take a deep breath – hold it – one, two, three, exhale slowly and with it let go of all the negative energy that you have been bottling up for so long. Make a conscious effort to release those negative thoughts and feelings. Release yourself and whoever else you might be blaming for those negative experiences as well. 

Give yourself permission to forgive yourself and whoever else you have been blaming for those negative experiences. Let go of those negative thoughts and think happy thoughts. Your thoughts shape your life and draws whatever you are thinking to you. If you want love and prosperity, then think those thoughts and leave the negative thoughts out the equation. I'm just saying - I got issues. What about you?)i( #IGotIssues #LetItGo #ForgiveOthers #ForgiveYourself

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 


  1. Wow. What incredibly moving writing. You are a very special lady. A treasure.

    1. Thanks Greg. How sweet of you to say. Keep reading. :-) )i(


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