Monday, April 15, 2013

Work out your own salvation/situations/issues

In life we are all bound to go through some challenging stuff that can either make or break us. It is inevitable that you will experience trials if you live long enough. However, how you choose to handle these trials will determine your success or failure. For many the challenge is the ability to develop good coping skills that will allow them to make good decisions. The thing is, your childhood environment, coupled with other life experiences, are the building blocks that influence your ability to cope. Unfortunately some people never develop a healthy coping mechanism and then are prone to blaming others when things go wrong in their lives.  For others, like me, who incorporate their faith in the equation, life can be a lot more bearable and at times very enjoyable. However, the degree to which their faith can sustain them is determined by the level of their spirituality.

Several years ago I was at a dip in my life’s road. Having just gotten out of an unhappy marriage I plunged myself into my career and worked relentlessly in an attempt to fill the void my divorce created. As a result of that, coupled with other things, I suffered a stroke. I pulled on my faith to sustain me and was subsequently able to pull myself together, however I found myself spiritually drained to the point that I felt my faith had become stunted. The place that I worshiped at the time failed to resuscitate my spirituality or reignite my faith. They also failed to give me the support I desperately needed to pull me out of the rut I found myself in to the point that I had stopped attending worship services for over a year. The sad thing was, no one seemed to notice which was a bit unsettling considering I was active in a couple of ministries, i.e., new member’s care advocate, sang in the choir. Then one Wednesday night while driving home from work I passed by the sanctuary and my spirit beaconed me to go in for mid-week service.  I obeyed and it is a decision I have not regretted. It turned out that the guest speaker of the night was Bishop Eddie L. Long from New Birth Missionary Church. While I had heard of Bishop Long before and had attended one of his services years ago at the Flat Shoal location, I didn't know enough about his teaching to form an opinion. 

The thing I remember most about that night, besides being at the edge of my seat the entire time he was preaching, is that as Bishop Long spoke about the Ark of the Covenant and that there was “an open door” for which the Lord was bidding me to “come up higher”, my spirit leaped inside me and for the first time in a long time I felt connected and alive again.  It was as if God sent me there to get answers to the spiritual rut I was in. The excitement that his words evoked in me would stay with me all week to the point that I visited New Birth that Sunday and joined the very next Tuesday night. This September will be four years since I have been a member of New Birth and I am happy to report that the excitement I felt that first night is still very much alive in me today, if not more so. It was just a month past my one year membership anniversary that the media scandal broke loose. The timing could not have been any worst as I was just finally getting a handle on my life and discovering my purpose. I remember questioning God as to the timing and the logic of bringing me someplace just to have me leave before my full spiritual recovery. Not that you ever truly arrive at being totally spiritually healed as it is an ongoing process, but you get what I mean. I remember praying and asking God for guidance as I often do when faced with life changing situations. My question was “should I leave or should I stay?” The answer seemed to come from Bishop Long’s own mouth. Every time he got behind the pulpit the words he released into the atmosphere was as if he had a front row seat to what was happening in my life. His words were like oxygen to by situation. I inhaled deeply the calming effect of the word of God and exhaled my stress and confusion. With each passing week the unfolding scandal had little or no effect on my spiritual growth as I continued to soak up every word that came across the pulpit like a sponge. I felt like a spiritually depraved woman who for the first time in a long time was able to make sense of my situation by using the teachings of the Bible as presented by Bishop Long. 

By implementing those Biblical principles in my life I developed healthy coping skills that allowed me to endure and overcome other life changing events that transpired in my life.   These were events that, had I not been exposed to the teachings at New Birth, I may not have been able to endure them as well as I did. These were events that gave me firsthand experience as to what it felt like to become homicidal, suicidal, and quite frankly at times brought me to the verge of losing my “cotton picking” mind. I have seen others who have, under these and similar type pressures, succumbed to one or more of those options. But for me, they were not an option because I learned how to truly trust God and for the first time in my life I completely understood the charge set forth in Proverbs 3:5-6 which says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

Sure there are those who question my decision to continue fellowshipping at New Birth. As I recently told a friend who voiced their opinion about the whole scandal thing, “I do not care whether or not what the media said is true.” Every one of us have to answer to a higher order, Bishop Long included. It is not my place to judge him or anyone else for that matter.  All I know is there is definitely an anointing on that man’s life. Everything he utters from behind that pulpit has been and is relevant to my situation. The way I see it, my personal relationship with God is my driving force. I do not wait for a word when I fellowship on Sundays. What I go to New Birth for is for confirmation of what God has already revealed to me during my quiet time with him.  When the time is right God will move me on to my next assignment. In the meantime I am staying put. When I think of everything that has transpired in my life these past four years, had I not been where I was I would have missed the teachings/word to help me get me through my situations. Too many people have missed out on their blessings because they were worshiping Bishop Long the man and not God the Father. As a result, when Bishop Long seemingly failed them, they no longer had the faith or convictions to see pass what they heard. As a result they abandoned their assignment and subsequently forfeited their blessings.

Trust me; I am not in any way condemning the members who left the fold. They did what they felt they needed to do. So why then are others quick to condemn me for staying? Last I checked this was still a free country and I am entitled to do what I think is best for me. I don’t owe anyone any explanations as to why I chose to stay but I’ll give you a couple reasons anyway. I stayed because my spirit is getting fed and my faith walk with God has gone to higher heights and deeper depths. The evidence of what I have been taught under the leadership of Bishop Long is manifested in my life ever day as I implement the principles I’m taught. I put my trust completely in God, not man.

The Bible says judge not that you be not judged. It’s easy to sit there and point a finger at someone when everyone else is doing it. It is much more difficult to let the Holy Spirit lead and direct you to keep an open mind to wither the storm. My convictions are based on my own values and moral and I refuse to let other people dictate to me what I should or should not believe. I have seen too many innocent people get tried and convicted by the media in their lead stories then when they are vindicated, there is only a one-liner stuck on page 33, if that. Truth is none of us are perfect and we have all got stuff going on in our lives that we don’t want exposed. The only difference is we are not significant enough for the media to put our stuff on blast. But if you ever decide to throw your hat in the ring for any sort of public office or become significant enough, you may want to think twice because that candy bar that you may or may not have snuck into your jeans at the local corner store when you were a teen may just end up on the evening news with the caption “Candidate involved in deadly diamond heist – store manager among the dead.

Bishop Long is a vessel that God is using to promote the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth. What other explanation can there be? Who in their right mind chooses to endure the public ridicule he has endured? What possible gain can come of this? It would be easy for him to denounce his spiritual calling and move to another country to get away from the hell he has no doubt been living in since the scandal broke, but he chose to stay and continue what God started. I can’t speak to why he still allows the Lord to use him but I am eternally grateful that he did not let “flesh” keep him from fulfilling his calling.  As a strong believer in the word of God I leave you with this. “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12

Say what you want about Bishop Long but I promise you one thing, he is working out his own salvation/issues. If people would spend more time concentrating on how they can make their life better and less on how others chose to live theirs, they might just learn some effective coping skills that will help them work out their own situations/issues.  I’m just saying - I got issues. What about you?)i( #IGotIssues #NewBirth #Salvation

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 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 


  1. Shirley-Ann GuideMay 4, 2013 at 1:00 PM

    As usual, your Blog is excellent I just cannot find another adjective to to express the greatness of your work. You are to be commended for your honesty. I too have lost touch with a church I attended here for more than 30 years. I still believe in the teachings of the church. The ministry here had no minister to help me through my grief but in hind sight I know that they should have sought help from the stateside organization. I agree with you that we must look to the spiritual words of the good book and not judge the "man". I have also experienced the emotional turmoil. The angels both seen and unseen have always come to assist me and I always remember to thank them. Keep going Yaminah. Your blog is a blessing to many. God bless you and yours always.

    1. Hi Shirley-Ann. I am so glad my writing helps you. I use to think I was having a unique life experience but I'm beginning to realize that there are others who share my pain and who don't know how to cope or what to make of what they are going through. I feel so blessed that God opened my spiritual eyes and inspired me to write these things. Sometimes when I read them over I am amazed at how the information flows. I know I am inspired while I am writing that's the only explanation I can come up with cause I can't believe I wrote that - lol. That's why my writings are spaced out. I can only write when I feel inspired. Keep tuning in as I have so much to share.)i(


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