Saturday, February 8, 2025

Spiritual Awareness

 Spiritual awakening is an individual experience and everyone's path is unique. Spiritual awareness is also an individual journey that should be personally experienced. Unfortunately, not too many people understand that, and they never make the distinction between what was taught to them and them actually experiencing it for themselves. They blindly believe the stories told to them or what they read in the Bible without questioning any of it. They re-live other people's experiences, i.e., Jesus, Moses, Peter, Paul etc. instead of living their own experience. 

My spiritual awakening  began in 2006 when I was exposed to the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. That little book answered so many questions I had about religion even though it was not outrightly based on religion. My subconscious being showed me things in that book and made it relative to the questions I had. Like what is faith, and how do you exercise it? Scripture says in Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." But scripture also says in James 2:14 "Faith without works is dead". And I was taught that if you try to make it happen, it's not faith. So as you can imagine I was confused. How do I exercise faith? What is the "work" needed to manifest it? How do I exercise "believing"? No one ever taught me how. That revelation started my quest to find out the truth about everything I was taught about faith and religion. The answers would eventually fuel my desire to seek the truth about EVERYTHING I was taught. 

I threw everything I was taught up in the air, and the only thing that stuck was that there was a Creator.  Everything else was up for scrutiny. As I did my research, I uncovered many deceptions in what was taught to me as truth. My inner being would lead me down a path to uncover the hidden truths that were mingled within the lies. One by one stuff was revealed, a lot of which came from within. The more I searched, the more I learned more truths, but the odd thing was everything kept directing me to look within myself. Everything pushed me to the desire to know who I was. That was the missing link. I had no clue who I was outside of what I was taught to believe who I was. I discovered I was not that person but someone miraculous and more exquisite than I could have ever imagined. I discovered that my false perception of myself was hindering me from seeing the truth of who I am. That I was God manifested in the flesh. That we are all the manifestation of God's spirit in the flesh and are connected in ways we could not phantom.  But because we are consciously asleep, we have forgotten who we are. We assimilate and conform to the teaching of this realm though our parents, teachers, elders, society's infrastructure and our experiences. We continuously perpetuate the lie and illusion that we are mere mortals with no power and thus become just that. We become pawns in this game called Life not knowing we can become masters. We allow others who have knowledge of how to manipulate this realm to control and guide us like sheeps lead astray. What we fail to realize is that we are spiritual beings with incredible powers and that we came here for the experience of having a body and to learn life's lessons. Once you become spiritually awake you become a goat firging forward to explore your own path. You get on the path to becoming a Master of your life instead of staying a mere Pawn. Over time, you begin to get the hang of things and you become the Master of your life.  

The good news is that the Creator installed a fail safe in all of us. This means that over time, as we repeat the cycle of death and rebirth, eventually we begin to remember who we are and work towards liberation from rebirth. I know I have lived many lives before. The memories are stored in my subconscious, which is revealed to me in increments as I meditate daily. There are skills I possess that I have no formal training for, but I execute flawlessly. There are things I know that were not taught to me, yet the knowledge flows freely. As I allow myself to surrender to my inner being and higher self, revelations are shown to me that I myself should never know but do. Like where to serve my ex-husband divorce papers 17 years ago. To this day he still believes I hired someone to follow him. Ehat he does not know is that my higher being showed me where he was in a vision.

Among other things, people's true nature is revealed to me. I can see through their facade and see the real them. I know when people are being genuine and when they are just pretending to like me so they can reap the benefit of my friendship. I can tell when the words they speak are from their heart or if they are just regurgitating what someone else's insecurities. I dont have to call them out on it. I can love and interact with them because i know the truth about who they are - the manifestation of God's spirit. 

I'm also an empath. That means I can feel people's spirit and they feel mines. My spirit agitate some people to the point that they don't like being around me but can't really say why not. And thats okay. I no longer take these things personally or try to adjust who i am to suit their insecurities because I know the truth about who I am. To My core, I am caring and wish only the best for everyone, even the ones who don't like me. Truth is I reflect something that is missing in them and that irritates them to no end. So I no longer waste time trying to figure out how to get them to like me. That woukd mean changing who zi am to fit in and that is something I will never do ever again.

I don't pretend to be anything or anybody else - I am authentically me. I speak my truth without hesitation and I live my life like it is mines - free from the hang ups of how people perceive me and could care less of their judgement. 

Over time, my circle of friends keep getting smaller and that's okay. If it gets to the point where I am the only person standing in the circle that's alright with me because in that circle I will still have everything I need to live a fullfilling life. I will have Me, Myself, and I, and that is a winning combination. 

I'm just saying. #igotissues. What about you? ☺️ 🦋 

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #consciousness 

#consciousnessshift #awakened #awareness #spirituality #spiritualjourney #nofear #faith #speakyourtruth #higherconsciousness #higherself #higherselfwisdom #universe #TheCreator

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Selfishness vs Self-centered

Hey this is Yaminah with another segment of I got issues.  Toddy I want to talk about selfishness and being self-centered. For a long time I was guilty of accusing people of being selfish. it was not until I got enlightened that I now know the difference. A person who is selfish tends to do or say whatever is necessary to secure whatever they want for themselves at the detriment of others. They don't care who they hurt in the process so long as they get what they want. I see that every day as people will cut you off in traffic in order to get over with no consideration as to whether they slam into you or you into them. 

On the other hand you have people who are self-centered. meaning the look out for themselves and put themselves first but they are not putting anyone else in danger as they focus on themselves. There is nothing wrong with that. Truth is you are no good to yourself or others if you are not taking care of yourself. Even on the airplane they admonish you to put on the oxygen mask first should the cabin lose pressure before attempting to help anyone else. 

We have become a society where self-centeredness is frowned upon and is being perceived as selfishness. That is an error in judgment. Just because some choose to put themselves first and focus on themselves does not make them selfish especially if their actions does not negatively affect anyone else. We all came here for the experience and we all have to learn to navigate this realm for yourself. Helping others is an option and should not be labeled as a requirement. The same opportunities afforded to one is available to all. So the next time you are tempted to accuse someone of being selfish, ask yourself who are they hurting? If the answer is no one then you should reconsider and think perhaps they are just self-centered. I'm just saying, I got issues. What about you,?)i(

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#igotissues #yahsdaughter,863

#yaminah89 #selfishness #selfcentered #knowledge #knowledgeispower 

Sunday, February 19, 2023


This is an open message to Google. I would like to be able to call the US Virgin Islands from my Google Home Mini and Google Voice app without having to pay for it. I have called your customer service many times asking them to address this issue and they keep telling me that it is my cellphone carrier that is blocking the call. That is not true! I have been a T-Mobile customer for about six years and I am able to call the US Virgin Islands (area code 340) without any issues. So can please do the research and realize that Although the US Virgin Islands is in the Caribbean among the British Virgin Islands and other independent islands, they are a US Territory. The same President to run the United States runs the US Virgin Islands. The same laws that apply to the United States also apply to the US Virgin Islands. Calling the US Virgin Islands is just like calling any of the 48 Continental States. So can you please fix this issue? I'm just saying. I got issues. what about you?)i(

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863

#google #googlehomemini #googlevoice #voice #tmobile 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Vitamix Blender - Not metal friendly


This morning I made my breakfast smoothie as usual using my Vitamix blender. To clean it I add a bleach tab and warm sudsy water in the dish pan and then pour it into the blender as I tend to use that water as my dishwashing water afterwards. As the blender was engaged I heard a clicking sound and became quite concerned. When I examined the water as I poured it out I discovered bits and pieces of metal. Knowing that the only solid thing I put in the blender was the bleach tablet I immediately accused that was the culprit. "But how can that be?" I thought to myself. The bleach tablet is made of power. It got more confusing as I washed the dishes only to discover more metal particles that clearly was more than the bleach tablet. Still confused I continued to rinse and dry the dishes. That's when I noticed the cap to the mason jar was missing a lid. As I inspected the metal fragments I pulled from the dishwater I realized that they were in fact from that missing lid. Somehow I missed it while pouring the dishwater into the blender.

I bought the Vitamix years ago as an alternative to the juice machine as I realized I was loosing a lot of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables by using a juicer. Since the Vitamix came highly recommend as a source to grind those fibers into water consistency I was sold. Now I have discovered, purely by accident, that it can also blend metal I had to share. I don't think I will ever need to blend up metal but it's good to know. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#igotissues #yaminah89 #yahsdaughter863 #vitamix #vitamixblender #smoothie #simplythebest #amazingfacts

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Life can be Great!!

Good morning FB family. It's a great day to be alive. Nothing remarkable going on in my world. I am just happy to see the sun. No doubt there are some who did not wake up today and even more will not see the new year. I don't ever take life for granted anymore. I am here for the experience. So while many are living to die, I choose to live period. Everyday I do what I can to extend my life span. Truth is once I discovered the key to living a stress-free life I am in no rush to leave this realm. Everyday is an adventure. I am no longer preoccupied with the mundane issues that used to de-rail my life. I have tapped into creation itself and it is such a beautiful thing. Life still presents its challenges and people still do their best to irritate me but the beauty of it is I no longer react to them. I choose what I want to focus on. 

For example, the other day I was driving with my granddaughter as my car is in the shop for over a month now (no worries) when she pointed out an accident in front of us at the corner of Covington hwy and Lithonia Industrial. I looked but did not see it. All I saw were cars waiting for the light to change. My granddaughter was dumbfounded that I could not see the car that had slammed into the side of a truck. As we banked the corner and she kept pointing out the accident eventually I saw it. I was amazed at how I am able to fine-tune my awareness to block out the things that do not serve me. My granddaughter was amazed as well. I did not want to miss this teachable moment so I shared with her that whatever you focus on becomes your reality. We are all creators in our own right but if you keep observing other people's manifested creations, you will no doubt make it your own and bring that experience to yourself. 

Case in point. A few weeks ago a friend of mine shared with me about the many accidents she saw while driving to work. Every time we spoke she made it a point to tell me about these various car accidents. I cautioned her to stop observing them or at best to not keep speaking about them or else she will draw it to herself. She did not listen to my admonishment. A few days after our last conversation she called to report that she totaled her car. I was not surprised.

The thing is, whether or not you subscribe to the belief that you draw the things you focus on to yourself or that you are a creator does not matter. Everyone does it either by default or on purpose. Being ignorant of the laws of the universe is no excuse. We all eventually manifest what we focus on. How quickly it manifests depends on how we feel about the thing we focus on. 

My suggestion to you is to try focusing on the good things but more importantly make feeling good your priority. Remember thoughts become things and you get what you expect. So always think good thoughts and always, always expect the best. I'm just saying. I got issues. What about you?)i(

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#igotissues  #consciousness  #awakening #awake ##yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 
#manifestation #master #life101
#life #nofear #speaklife #greater expectations #ilovebnme #iloveme #selfcare #justdoit 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

TSA/Homeland Security Travel Restrictions

It's been over 20 years since 9/11 and yet we are still experiencing the aftermath of that tragedy. Some might even go so far as to say we are being victimized yet again. Especially when it comes to traveling. We all know that Homeland security and was created after 9/11 to help curtail the threat of another attack or at least that is what they would like us to believe. And TSA increased their strictness on what you can and cannot bring on an airplane for seemingly that same reason. I am all for increasing safety but my biggest issue is after all this time we still cannot bring water through security. So you're trying to tell me that TSA and Homeland security cannot figure out a way how to test water to determine whether or not it is an agent that can be used to bring down a plane? They pull out their little gadget to swab your hands and swab your suitcase when they suspect that you might have been handling bomb making material so why they can't develop something to determine whether or not your water is a solution that can be used to bring down the plane? To me the easiest way to test that is to just have people take a drink of their water. But we all know water is not the issue.
The issue is that 911 created an opportunity for airport vendors to capitalize on the restrictions. 

After 9/11 a lot of things were just ruled out as inadmissible to take on a plane. A lot of people's stuff was thrown away because they did not meet the three ounce requirement even though the container may say more than 3 oz you can clearly see that the item in the container was less than 3 oz but they just had you throw it away anyway. It's almost like they could not think for themselves. What TSA reps failed to understand is that guidelines are something that you use as a gauge. You have to use your own judgment to determine what fits and what doesn't fit. But like so many people today, they cannot think for themselves and have to rely on a script so to speak in order to do their jobs. I can't tell you how many times people have echoed that they have to throw away their food because a TSA agent determined that it was not suitable to go on the plane. I myself had to throw away food that you obviously can look at it and tell it is food and nothing that you can use to bring down a plane. 

Bottomline is after 21 years TSA and Homeland security needs to develop a formula to help determine whether or not our water is safe for consumption. It's not fair for us to have to pay $5 or $10 for a bottle of water at the airport when we could get that same bottle of water at a convenience store for a buck and a half. I'm just saying. I got issues, what about you?)i(

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #tsa #homelandsecurity #water #911 #wakeup #consciousness
#TSA  #consciousthinking #demandmore #yaminah89 #consciousnessshift #nofear #expectmore #changeiscoming 

Elections 2022

Across the country,, today November 8th, is Midterm Elections. Many may not go out to vote because they have lost faith in the system. I encourage you to go make your voices heard

Here in Georgia the Governor race between Stacey Abrams and Brian Kemp is at the forefront. Governor Kemp has launched a few ads claiming that Stacey Abrams blindly follows President Biden and is solely responsible for throwing America into recession. In fact he goes so far as to caution voters not to let Stacey Abrams do to Georgia what she did to America.

First off last time I checked Georgia was in America so if she damaged America, she damaged Georgia but we know that is not the case. secondly how can one woman have that much power? Especially when there are checks and balances in place to safeguard against such tyranny? Clearly Governor Kemp think people are stupid and won't question his remarks.

Listen, recession does not happen overnight. As a country we have been inching towards it for years. It just so happened that it came to existence during the Biden Administration. There is no way one person can cause a recession.

Governor Kemp has made some crucial decisions which have negatively impacted the quality of life for Georgians. He made it easy for criminals to carry a concealed weapon, he signed a no condition abortion bill, and made a fiscal of a stimulus program to aide the states needy families. His disregard for the safety and well-being of the people of Georgia is a public record.

Everyone is entitled to their views and opinions. There is no need to complain about the state of affairs if you are not willing to do anything about it. Whatever your motivation let it propel you to go out and vote. I'm just saying - I got issues. What about you?)(

© Copyrights All Right Reserved
 The views and opinions shared here are by the Author and are the property of Todos Escribe. 

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