Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Selfishness vs Self-centered

Hey this is Yaminah with another segment of I got issues.  Toddy I want to talk about selfishness and being self-centered. For a long time I was guilty of accusing people of being selfish. it was not until I got enlightened that I now know the difference. A person who is selfish tends to do or say whatever is necessary to secure whatever they want for themselves at the detriment of others. They don't care who they hurt in the process so long as they get what they want. I see that every day as people will cut you off in traffic in order to get over with no consideration as to whether they slam into you or you into them. 

On the other hand you have people who are self-centered. meaning the look out for themselves and put themselves first but they are not putting anyone else in danger as they focus on themselves. There is nothing wrong with that. Truth is you are no good to yourself or others if you are not taking care of yourself. Even on the airplane they admonish you to put on the oxygen mask first should the cabin lose pressure before attempting to help anyone else. 

We have become a society where self-centeredness is frowned upon and is being perceived as selfishness. That is an error in judgment. Just because some choose to put themselves first and focus on themselves does not make them selfish especially if their actions does not negatively affect anyone else. We all came here for the experience and we all have to learn to navigate this realm for yourself. Helping others is an option and should not be labeled as a requirement. The same opportunities afforded to one is available to all. So the next time you are tempted to accuse someone of being selfish, ask yourself who are they hurting? If the answer is no one then you should reconsider and think perhaps they are just self-centered. I'm just saying, I got issues. What about you,?)i(

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