It is a great day to be alive. So many wonderful things to see and do. Unfortunately too many of us spend our days worrying about stuff we have no control over, ie who likes or don't like us, trying to find a good job, how to pay a past due bill etc. and miss the opportunity to really enjoy life.
If I can offer one piece of advice that can be applied to your whole Be-ing it is to know exactly what it is you truly want in this life, i.e. prefect job, perfect partner, being debt free etc. Once you have a clear picture of what that would look like, start feeling the way you would feel if that shit was true. I mean go to sleep at night as if he/she is right there with you. Feel the security of knowing your bills are all paid off and you owe nothing to no one but to love them. Feel as though you already have what you want and how that would make you feel. If it is a new job, Imagine working at the perfect job with everything you can imagine in place. Then fall asleep at night playing a typical day at work in your mind. Hear the things you want to hear. See things happening the way you want it to happen and feel good as you drift off to sleep. Do that every night and trust me it will become your reality.
It is not your job to make it happen. The details of how it will come about is not your business . Your only job/task is to feel good like the shit already happened/is in place. Then wait for it. You may get inspired to take a different route to work and happen upon the perfect person and or job opportunity. Or you may see or hear something that pushes you in the direction of your desire to be debt free or whatever it is you desire. The trick is to don't let yourself get hung up on the details of how or when it will happen. Just know that it will happen.
This is how I live my life. I know my perfect partner is making his way towards me so I no longer waste my time trying to make it happen nor do I waste any time on the seemingly lacks in my life. As I released the reins, something wonderful happened - I discovered how stressfree life can be. I have more brain energy to focus on what really matters - letting my happiness flow from within. My happiness is no longer tied to a person, place or thing. What I thought I needed to make me happy is really not necessary at all as I can be happy without them. So while I would still like them, it is more for the experience and not so much for my happiness because I am already happy. I'm just saying, I got issues. What about you?)i(
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