Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Do not Conform/Assimilate

It is a beautiful day to be alive. This year alone I have lost over a half a dozen friends and acquaintances to death and it's only August.  Oddly enough they all passed due to some illness or just failed to wake up. And yet I am still  surrounded by more who are suffering from various illness. Attempts to share with them how to heal themselves is met with much resistance. So I will let them be and focus on me and reflect on how I can be a more healthier me.  

Reflecting makes me more determined to continue to take good care of myself so that I will not become a burden on my children. In fact I am more committed now more than ever to embracing my lifestyle more intensely. 

I have a fairly quiet lifestyle, although some days can be hectic and  exhausting at times, but it is one that serves me, not the other way around. I sleep until I wake up then I do what I am inspired to do, not motivated to do. Here's the difference. Inspiration comes from within and requires very little effort on my part but always succeeds while motivation comes from without, requires great effort, and may or may not succeed depending on my motivational levels.  

Since I lost my job in 2011 I have adapted to a more suitable way of life. In the beginning it was due to some health challenges and a couple of car accidents, but the past 5 years have been by design. People speak of imitating a certainty type of  lifestyle i.e. Rastafarianism, Christianity, Judaism, etc. but for me it is more than that. Demographics and cultural conditioning may cause one to adopt certain lifestyle habits, but consciousness/awakening will cause one to evolve into one's true nature/self. Free from the cumbersome things that can weigh heavy on the mind thus causing dis-ease in the body resulting in some form of illness. That is what happened to me. As I learned to embrace my true self, something wonderful happened. I became whole and my happiness and joy flowed from within. For me, this is who I am naturally and not what I was conditioned to be. Conditioning would have me staying up nights worrying about things I cannot control.  It would have me looking haggard and old. I denounce conditioning.  I do not imitate nor do I assimilate. I no longer conform to what society says I should or should not do.  I conform to what the Universe says I am. I live my life by the principles set forth by the Universe, not by man. Oddly enough man has adopted some of the Universe's principles and presented them in a way that restricts the benefits through something called religion. As such people have been misled to think they can only access these benefits if they follow the rules set forth in the Bible. Lots of restrictions come with that way of thinking.  A thinking which construes and limits one's ability to truly live one's life as the Creator intended. It is a kin to mental slavery. Bob Marley said it best "emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds". I have listened to Bob Marley's songs for years and can even sing the words by heart but it was not until my awakening did I truly understand what he was talking about. With that understanding came clarity. With clarity came a change and that change caused me to evolve into the true meaning of my name  - "Right and Proper". There is no other way for me to be.

People may not understand who I have evolved into. Some have said that I have strayed away from God and no longer believe. Some say I have an "unfamiliar spirit" on me and no longer want to associate with me because they have been conditioned to believe that an "unfamiliar spirit" is evil.  To them I say you are so wrong. Fact is I have gotten closer to God and that "unfamiliar spirit" they refer to is my true self emerging. Truth is I have tapped into God. Coming into knowing who I am and the power that comes from knowing who I am is worth the time I took to get here and the people I have lost. That glow you see on my face is the essence of pure happiness. 

They say the camera captures your spirit. Well take a good look at my image. Can you see happiness and joy? That my friends is that unfamiliar spirit. Unfamiliar because not too many people have it. 

I encourage you to seek happiness and joy that comes from within. It is life changing. I'm just saying - I got issues, what about you?)i(

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