Today I don't feel like doing anything at all. Interestingly enough I recently heard a Bruno Mars song that pretty much echoes my feelings. The lyrics goes like this:
"Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
I'm gonna kick my feet up, then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gon' tell me I can't, no!
I'll be lounging on the couch, just chilling in my Snuggie
Click to MTV, so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man
Oh Yes! I said it, I said it, I said it 'cause I can."
Lately I have become the queen of nothingness - meaning I no longer rush to do anything. I sleep until I wake up and if I feel like it I sleep some more. I don't look at my phone first thing as I use to do in past. I make no plans and do what the spirit directs me to do, if anything. Most days it is to do absolutely nothing and it feels great!! Sometimes I don't even leave my house for the whole week.
Yeah I no longer listen to people who tell me that I should be doing something. Why is it people always think they know what is best for me? Listen, this is my life and if I chose to sleep it away that is my choice. Your efforts would be best served to focus on your own life and let me do what the hell I please.
I spend my days in meditation where I connect to the Creator. Prayer is when you talk to the Creator. Meditation is when the Creator speaks to you. For the most part I prefer meditation because it is in those moments that I get downloads about things I never thought about or questioned before. I get revelations about this realm and how it has been manipulated by the 1% to control the 99%. I get revelations of things I've not read or heard anywhere before and then I get confirmation about it through a video or conversations with others who either read or heard it some place. Like how the pineal gland and pituitary gland are transmitters and receivers. When they are blocked or clogged, it prevents you from sending or receiving energy to guide your path and promote wellness. Blocked glands interferes with your ability to communicate with the Creator. It is why your prayers goes unanswered. Well its part of the reason. The other is that you don't truly believe you can have what you ask for. But that's a topic for another conversation.
During meditation it has been revealed to me that this world is an illusion with its political and religious agenda. We (spirits) came here into these human bodies to experience and explore this realm. To touch. To feel. To enjoy all the things we could not without a body. Somewhere along the line we forgot who we are and why we are here. We have allowed others to dictate how we should live and let them put restrictions on us that dumbed down our powers. They gave us rules, regulations, and laws (among other things) that crippled our freewill and suppressed our memories of the powers we have. The result is what we are living now.
I am on a quest to discover who I really am. I choose to explore and embrace the concept that I am a spiritual being having an earthly experience. I have powers that once cultivated, will unleash my full capabilities and propel my life into an upward spiral - the likes of which I have never seen.
The most resent revelation I received during meditation is this. You know how the Catholic church preaches/teaches that suicide is a sin right?. Well it was revealed to me that death is the passage way to the next world/life. In an attempt to keep people, especially the poor and slaves who are having a difficult time in this realm, from checking out and depleting the work force, they teach suicide is a sin. To further reinforce the belief they also created "haven" and "hell" as the destination after death. Death is regarded as a dreaded "thing" to be afraid of especially if you have not been living your life by religious standards. One more way to keep people here to fullfil their agenda. They teach that when you die, you are placed in a state of holding/sleep waiting for the judgement day when your place of eternity will be decided. It is no wonder so many are afraid to die. Who wants to spend any time at all trapped in a space of time where nothing is happening after experiencing life? The fear of the unknown is what causes so many to fight to stay alive at any cost. Who died and came back to tell you it is so? The only reference point we have is what the creators of religion has told us. I prefer to disagree based on the revelation I have received from the Creator of the universe.
I no longer fear death. I won't go looking for it but when it comes I will embrace it as a part of the journey to my new destination. I encourage you to stop living your life aimlessly or in fear of the unknown. Anything you want to know about everything is already in you. It is locked away in you spiritual being. The trick to accessing it is to unplug from the matrix (life as you know it) and plug into the Universe (life as it was meant to be). Allow the Creator to reintroduce you to who you are and the powers you have. Witches and warlocks are real but the negative connotations associated with them is false. Witches and warlocks are people who have not forgotten who they are and cultivate and use their powers freely. They were given the title of "witch" and "warlock" or even "wizard" to distinctly link them to black/bad magic, which is "bad". People were taught to fear them not realizing that they too posses the same abilities. Can you imagine a world where everyone had powers? There would be no upper or lower class. The playing field would be leveled. No more capitalism. No more 1%. Think about it then do something about it. I'm just saying, I got issues. What about you?)i(
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#igotissues #yahsdaughter863 #yaminah89 #religion #heaven #hell #church #Catholic #control #freewill #nothing #life #death #nofear #fearless #doingme #dowhatmakesyouhappy #meditation #innerbeing #consciousness #consciousthinking #wakeup #awaken #awoke #spirituality #spirit #spiritbeing #goat #sheep #ilovebnme #unity # #powers #onaquestfortruth #knowledgeisthekey #consciousness #consciousthinking #wakeup #awareness #awoke #third eye #pinealgland #pituitarygland #knowthyself #whoareyou #universe #creator #thealmighty #the creator #god #spirituality #peace #self-care #selflove