Wednesday, December 21, 2016

America is not a Democracy

If you still think America is a democracy, think again.  In what was no doubt the most comical presidential election I ever saw, Hillary Clinton failed to gain the necessary amount of Electoral College vote to secure the presidency despite winning the nationwide popular votes.  In spite of all the controversy and public denouncement of Trump, on Monday, December 19, 2016 it was confirmed that Donald Trump prevailed in receiving more than the 270 electoral votes required to win.  While the elections itself was apparently unprecedented, the outcome was not. This is the fifth time in America’s history that a candidate gained the presidency without winning the popular votes.

In 1824, John Quincy Adams was elected president despite not winning either the popular vote or the electoral vote. Andrew Jackson was the winner in both categories. Jackson received 38,000 more popular votes than Adams, and beat him in the electoral vote 99 to 84. Despite his victories, Jackson didn’t reach the majority 131 votes needed in the Electoral College to be declared president. In fact, neither candidate did. The decision went to the House of Representatives, which voted Adams into the White House.
In 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes won the election (by a margin of one electoral vote), but he lost the popular vote by more than 250,000 ballots to Samuel J. Tilden.
In 1888, Benjamin Harrison received 233 electoral votes to Grover Cleveland’s 168, winning the presidency. But Harrison lost the popular vote by more than 90,000 votes.
In 2000, George W. Bush was declared the winner of the general election and became the 43rd president, but he didn’t win the popular vote either. Al Gore holds that distinction, garnering about 540,000 more votes than Bush. However, Bush won the electoral vote, 271 to 266.

Let’s think about this for a minute. If this was truly a democracy, the people’s choice – Hillary Clinton – would be the one being sworn in come this January 20th.  For centuries America has perpetrated a false persona of being a democratic society, but the truth is it is a republic. Wikipedia defines Democracy as “… a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament.[1] Democracy is sometimes referred to as "rule of the majority." It went on further to state that “According to political scientist Larry Diamond, democracy consists of four key elements: (a) A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; (b) The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; (c) Protection of the human rights of all citizens, and (d) A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.[3]. ” Further researching of this subject took me to This Nation’s website where I saw this statement: “The United States is, indeed, a republic, not a democracy. Accurately defined, a democracy is a form of government in which the people decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. A republic, on the other hand, is a system in which the people choose representatives who, in turn, make policy decisions on their behalf.”  

So there you have it. If we were truly a democratic society, the president would be determined by whom ever received the most votes by the people and not by a secret panel (Electoral College.) America perpetrates democracy but the truth is we are far from it. To be a truly democratic society our president would be elected by the people – period! However that is not the case. So why is that? I read someplace that the founding fathers were afraid to have a true form of democracy because they were afraid that they would be over turned or overpowered by the majority who did not agree with their agenda.  

What I found interesting is that This Nation website sheds light on the fact that America is a Republic and it is hidden in plain sight - in the Pledge of Allegiance. How many times have you recited the Pledge of Allegiance? Did you notice that America is referred to as a “republic” not a democracy. More specifically This Nation shared “In the strictest sense of the word, the system of government established by the Constitution was never intended to be a "democracy." This is evident not only in the wording of the Pledge of Allegiance but in the Constitution itself which declares that "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" (Article IV, Section 4). Moreover, the scheme of representation and the various mechanisms for selecting representatives established by the Constitution were clearly intended to produce a republic, not a democracy.” So why then are we surprised when a handful of people get to decide who our next president should be instead of “we the people”? If we want change them we must become the change we want to see. We need to challenge the laws that support an electoral college, take back our power to influence our government, and truly elect our leaders. As it stands right now we have the power to effect change so that we can elect our president. I used to think it was important to not only go out and vote but to also encourage others to do the same. That was when I thought my vote mattered. Now, based on recent election, I know better. Who we voted for does not matter because the “the powers that be” has the last word. 

I was speaking with my mother today and she reminded me that this country was built by and run by masonic /freemason men who sought to hold and control the power of running this country. It is very likely that they still hold some influence over who is allowed to sit in the seat of the presidency.  If you still think it was the popular votes that got President Obama or any other president elected for that matter, think again. I remember an incident which happened on election night when President Obama ran for his second term. I downloaded an app which allowed me to track the progress of the election on my smart phone. However when the app opened for the first time it showed President Obama with 318 electoral votes. I found it odd as it was only 6pm and all the precinct had not yet reported. As quickly as I had that though the app corrected itself and showed him with 57 electoral votes which was what the news media were reporting at the time. Imagine my surprise when I awoke the next morning to discover he had won by more than 318 electoral votes - 332 to be exact. I was convinced then that the election was rigged.

Personally I believe that there is a secret society who is pulling the strings behind the political scene and they put who they need in place to promote their private agenda. What else can explain why Donald Trump got the job? There is something coming down the pipeline which involves Russia and the US and they need Donald Trump’s influence to ensure its success. Hillary could not get the job because besides being a woman – they still are not sold on having a woman in the white house, she does not have the relationship with Russia that they need to accomplish their agenda. Mark my words, one day soon you will wake up to here about some sort of US/Russia development/agenda.

Bottom-line is “we the people” have no say in who our elected president is.  Voting is all just a show to make us feel we have a voice but the truth is we have as much say in who is elected president as we do the next pope – none!! I don’t know about you but I am no longer going to participate in a system which is bent on deceiving us. I may be wrong but I won’t participate until the laws are changed to support a true democratic society.  I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?

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