Monday, August 15, 2016

I Ain’t Your Mamma – Really?

I was listening to the radio the other day when this song came on. For the life of me, At the time I had no clue who sang it or what the name of it was (I've since learned that it is a song by Jennifer Lopez called I Ain't Your Mama). While I loved the crazy dance beat, the lyrics left a lot to be desired. It went something like this; “Ain’t going to cook all day, I ain’t your mama. Ain’t going do your laundry, I ain’t your mama. Boy when you going to get your life together?...You lucky to have these curves…stop getting on my nerves.  I’m too good for that.” My first thought was “Really? That’s what’s wrong with relationships today. Some women refuse to hold up their end in the relationship but still expect the man to hold up his. I am fully aware that in today’s society the traditional roles of a relationship has diminished if not been reversed.  Gone are the days when a man can expect to come home after a long hard day of work to find a hot plate of food waiting for him. However he can still expect his significant other to make demands that he take care of her financial needs. How is that fair? 

As a woman and a mother of a grown son I think it is still important for a woman to care for her man.  I did not raise my son to be a provider, protector, and defender of a woman who won’t even cook him a hot meal. Don’t get me wrong my son knows how to take care of himself. I taught him the basics he needs to know to clean, cook, and do his laundry, but I’ll be dammed if he will do all that for himself and still care for a woman who won’t do the basics for him. Why does he need to spend his hard earn money on someone who won’t do for him or who don’t care about being a help mate to him?

Yeah, yeah I know we are living in a different time but the last time I checked this mamma didn’t raise no fool. I offer to you that it’s not so much that times have changed as it is that some women have changed their views on what they think their role in a relationship is (and/or they simply don't know how to do those things. Meghan Trainor admitted in her song "Dear Future Husband" that she won't cook cause she never learned. I suspect that's true for a vast amount of women today. No surprise I discovered that Meghan Trainor wrote "I Ain't Your Mama". Go figure.) But back to my original thought. For whatever reason some women now believe it is beneath them to cater to their man but they still expect him to jump through hoops to give them what they want. How selfish! Just like how they have needs and expectations, so does he. What if he was to tell her in response to that song: “I’m not going to pay your rent, not going to pay to fix your hair or get your nails done...not going to spend all day chauffeuring you around. I am not your daddy…girl you better recognize”.

If you really think about it, we have grown into a nation where the current generation’s primary factor is the “me” factor. Some women want everything but are prepared to do nothing in a relationship except lay on their backs. How is that different from prostitution? In all fairness a man deserve a woman who will not only support and edify him, but who will also love and take care of him. Her love for him will make her want to cook, clean, and do his laundry. After all he is out there making the money she wants and needs to satisfy her financial needs. It’s a two way street and as soon as those women realize that the act of cleaning, cooking, and doing his laundry is not just a “mother’s” job, but an essential part of showing support of her man, the sooner she will experience harmony in their relationship. If she provides these basic duties for her man he is free to concentrate on the business of providing for her.  After all, a happy man is a generous man. I’m Just Saying. I got issues – what about you?)i(

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